IOS martial arts esoteric article summary
Writing in the front
The class structure was covered in detail in the last article, but cache_t cache remains uncovered. This article will examine Cache_t from the source level.
A possible secret Demo for this section
1) cache_t structure
Here is the underlying structure of the class
Among themcache_t
The structure ofOne of the
_bucketsAndMaybeMask is a buckets_t pointer
, it isbucket_t
Structure pointer to type.From the above
You can see in the properties and methods it should be associated withimp
There is a connection — in factbucket_t
As a bucket, the inside is used to holdimp
Method implementation and itskey
So through the above two structure source known, and wecache
The cache insel-imp
The overall structure is shown in the figure below
Look for SEL-IMP in cache_t
There are two ways to find stored SEL-IMP in cache_t
- Find through source code – LLDB debugging
- Look for the source code in the project
The preparatory work
To define a
Class, and defineTwo attributes
andFive instance methods
And its implementation -
Defined in theTCJPerson
The object of the classperson
And call thethree
Instance method, inperson
Call the first method with a breakpoint
Find an LLDB debug through the source code
Run execution, break in
[person sayHello];
At this point, perform the followingLLDB
Debugging process -
To obtain the cache attribute, we need to translate the first address of the pclass by 16 bytes (the isa pointer is 8 bytes and the superclass pointer is 8 bytes)
From the source analysis, we know that SEL-IMP is in the _buckets attribute of cache_T (currently in macOS), and that cache_t provides a method to get the _buckets attribute buckets()
If you get the _buckets attribute, you can get SEL-IMP. The bucket_t structure also provides the corresponding sel() and IMP (UNUSED_WITHOUT_PTRAUTH bucket_t *base, Class CLS).
If a method is not called, the cache is not cached. If a method is called, the cache is cached once.
So now we know how to get it, rightcache
In thesel-imp
, how to verify printedsel
Is that what we call? Can be achieved bymachoView
Open thetarget
To view it in the method listimp
Is the value consistent as shown below, found to be consistent, so print thissel-imp
Instance method of
- Following the previous step, we call a method again, this time we want to get the second one
, its debuggingLLDB
The following
You can simply call the corresponding method from the first address of _buckets. How about the second one? In the previous iOS martial arts secrets ④ : P *($9+1); sel and IMP ($9+ I); p *($9+ I);
Separate source code by project search
Moving away from the source environment is what will be requiredSection of source code
Copy the complete code to the project as follows
One thing to notice here is that in the source code,objc_class
Attributes are inherited fromobjc_object
But when we copied it in, we removed itobjc_class
You need to make this property explicit, otherwise the printed result is problematic, as shown in the following figure
Property, add two method calls, and the correct print should look like this
Add two method calls, namely unpacksayMaster
The printed result is as follows
In view of the above printed results, there are several questions
- 1.
What is? - 2,
What is? - 3. Why does it print as method calls increase
Will change? - 4,
Why is the data lost? For example, when calling four methods, onlysayMaster
Methods have function Pointers.
Dive into cache_t
Finding an entry point
- First of all, from the
In the_mask
Attribute start analysis, findcache_t
The function that causes the change inincrementOccupied()
The concrete implementation of this function is
Source code, global search
Function, found only incache_t
Method has calls -
Cache_t (sel-IMP); sel-IMP (SEL-IMP)
- Global search
, found that before writing, there is one more operation, namelycache
Read, that is, look upsel-imp
, as shown below
Insert method analysis
Method, the source code implementation is as followsIt is mainly divided into the following parts
- Step 1: Calculate the current
Cache usage
- [Step 2] According to
Cache usage
Determine the operation to be performed - [Step 3] For the need to store
An internalImp and SEL assignments
[Step 1] Calculate the current cache usage
According to theoccupied
Calculates the current cache usage whenProperty is not assigned and no method calls are made
At this timeoccupied()
And thenewOccupied
, as shown belowRegarding the calculation of cache usage, there are the following notes:
When applying for space, the object has already been created, if called againinit
Will also be+ 1
- when
There are property assignments
Is called implicitlyset
It’s also going to increase, which isThere are several attribute assignments
itWe'll add a few more
- when
There are method calls
It’s also going to increase, which isA few times
The call,occupied
itWe'll add a few more
[Step 2] Determine the operation to be performed based on the cache usage
- If it is created for the first time, it is enabled by default
a - If the cache is occupied
Less than or equal to 3/4
, no processing is done - If the cache is occupied
More than three-quarters
, you need to performDouble the capacity and respace
Reallocate method: Open up space
The method, inFirst Creation
As well asTwice the capacity
, will be used, its source code implementation as shown in the figureThere are mainly the following steps
Method: To the systemAllocating memory
That open upbucket
For the time of,bucket
It’s just a temporary variable
The setBucketsAndMask method stores the temporary bucket in the cache in one of two cases:
- If it is
, according to thebucket
The location is stored and willoccupied
Occupation set to0
- if
Not a real machine
, normal storagebucket
And willoccupied
Occupation set to0
- If there’s an old one
, you need toClear the previous cache
That callcollect_free
Method, the source code implementation is as follows
The implementation of this method mainly includes the following steps:
Method: Create a garbage collection space- If it is
For the first time,
, you need toAllocating reclaimed space
- if
Not the first time
,Enlarge the memory segment
, i.e.,Original memory *2
- If it is
- The record is stored this time
How to: Recycle and clean up the oldbucket
[Step 3] Perform internal IMP and SEL assignments for the buckets to be stored
The cache_hash method, or hash algorithm, is used to calculate the hash subscripts stored in SEL-IMP in the following three cases
- If I hash the position of the subscript
Not stored sel
Is the subscript positionGet sel is equal to 0
At this time willsel-imp
Store it in, and put it inoccupied
Take up the sizeAdd 1
- If the current hash subscript is stored
Is equal to the
About to be insertedsel
, directly returns - If the current hash subscript is stored
Is not equal to
About to be insertedsel
, then go through againcache_next
Methods theHash collision algorithm
, re-hash calculation, get a new subscript, and then compare for storage
The source code of the two hash algorithms involved is as follows
: Hash algorithm -
: Hash collision algorithm
Cache_t query point
① What is _mask?
_mask indicates the mask data, which is used to calculate the hash subscript in the hash algorithm or hash conflict algorithm. Mask is equal to capacity – 1
② What are _occupied?
_occupied; selIMP occupied; _occupied; selIMP occupied; _occupied;
Can lead tooccupied
changeAttribute assignment
, will also be called implicitlyset
Method, result inoccupied
changeThe method call
, which may lead tooccupied
③ Why does the printed version of occupied and mask change as method calls increase?
As the number of method calls increases, the number of sel-ImPs stored in the cache exceeds three-quarters of the total capacity (newOccupied + CACHE_END_MARKER; occupied = 2). You need to double the size of the cache.
(4) Why is the expansion performed at 3/4
In data structures such as hashes, there is a concept used to indicate how many empty Spaces there are called the load factor – the larger the load factor, the fewer free Spaces there are, the more conflicts there are, and the performance of the hash table deteriorates
When the load factor is 3/4, the space utilization is relatively high, and considerable Hash conflicts are avoided, which improves the space efficiency
Why is the default load factor for reading HashMap 0.75?
④ Why is bucket data lost?
The reason is that during capacity expansion, the original memory is cleared, and then the memory is applied for again
⑤ Is the method cache in order?
Because the storage of SEL-IMP is calculated by hash algorithm subscript, its calculated subscript may have stored SEL, so it needs to recalculate the hash subscript through hash collision algorithm, so the subscript is random, and not fixed
⑥ The relationship between bucket and mask, capacity, SEL and IMP
- class
Have attributescache_t
In thebuckets
There are multiplebucket
— Stores method implementationsimp
And method numbersel
Equivalent to thekey
Is mainly used in the cache lookup of the hash algorithmcapacity
You can getcache_t
In thebucket
The number of
The main purpose of caching is to allow the compiler to execute the logic of sending messages faster through a series of policies
Write in the back
Study harmoniously without being impatient. I’m still me, a different color of fireworks.