Bluetooth print the receipt of the entire process of Bluetooth connection and print the receipt of the entire process.

CoreBluetooth encapsulation

Because there are so many agents in CoreBluetooth, and because each operation is dependent on the results of the previous operation, and the methods are fragmented, I made a rough encapsulation of the agents and changed them to block callbacks.

1. Obtain the Bluetooth management singleton

HLBLEManager *manager = [HLBLEManager sharedInstance];
    __weak HLBLEManager *weakManager = manager;
    manager.stateUpdateBlock = ^(CBCentralManager *central) {
        NSString *info = nil;
        switch (central.state) {
            case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn:
                info = @"Bluetooth enabled and available."; Three ways / / / / way 1 [weakManager scanForPeripheralsWithServiceUUIDs: nil options: nil]; / / way 2 [central scanForPeripheralsWithServices: nil options: nil]; / / way 3 [weakManager scanForPeripheralsWithServiceUUIDs: nil options: nil didDiscoverPeripheral: ^ (CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) { }];break;
            case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOff:
                info = @"Bluetooth enabled, not enabled.";
            case CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported:
                info = @"SDK not supported";
            case CBCentralManagerStateUnauthorized:
                info = @"Program not authorized";
            case CBCentralManagerStateResetting:
                info = @"CBCentralManagerStateResetting";
            case CBCentralManagerStateUnknown:
                info = @"CBCentralManagerStateUnknown";
        [SVProgressHUD setDefaultStyle:SVProgressHUDStyleDark];
        [SVProgressHUD showInfoWithStatus:info ];
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Because CBCentralManager returns the status of the Bluetooth module in the agent as soon as it is created, set the callback to the status return in time to search for available Bluetooth peripherals nearby.

2. Search for available Bluetooth peripherals

/ / way 1 [weakManager scanForPeripheralsWithServiceUUIDs: nil options: nil]; / / way 2 [central scanForPeripheralsWithServices: nil options: nil]; / / way 3 [weakManager scanForPeripheralsWithServiceUUIDs: nil options: nil didDiscoverPeripheral: ^ (CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) { }];Copy the code

Three methods are given here. The first two need to set the callback after finding bluetooth peripherals, namely:

    manager.discoverPeripheralBlcok = ^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
        if ( <= 0) {
            return ;
        if (self.deviceArray.count == 0) {
            NSDictionary *dict = @{@"peripheral":peripheral, @"RSSI":RSSI};
            [self.deviceArray addObject:dict];
        } else {
            BOOL isExist = NO;
            for (int i = 0; i < self.deviceArray.count; i++) {
                NSDictionary *dict = [self.deviceArray objectAtIndex:i];
                CBPeripheral *per = dict[@"peripheral"];
                if ([per.identifier.UUIDString isEqualToString:peripheral.identifier.UUIDString]) {
                    isExist = YES;
                    NSDictionary *dict = @{@"peripheral":peripheral, @"RSSI":RSSI}; [_deviceArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:dict]; }}if(! isExist) { NSDictionary *dict = @{@"peripheral":peripheral, @"RSSI":RSSI};
                [self.deviceArray addObject:dict];
        [self.tableView reloadData];
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In the third way, a block is attached to facilitate direct processing.

3. Connect bluetooth peripherals

HLBLEManager *manager = [HLBLEManager sharedInstance];
    [manager connectPeripheral:_perpheral
                 completeBlock:^(HLOptionStage stage, CBPeripheral *peripheral, CBService *service, CBCharacteristic *character, NSError *error) {
                     switch (stage) {
                         case HLOptionStageConnection:
                             if (error) {
                                 [SVProgressHUD showErrorWithStatus:@"Connection failed"];
                             } else {
                                 [SVProgressHUD showSuccessWithStatus:@"Connection successful"];
                         case HLOptionStageSeekServices:
                             if (error) {
                                 [SVProgressHUD showSuccessWithStatus:@"Failed to find service"];
                             } else {
                                 [SVProgressHUD showSuccessWithStatus:@"Service found successfully"];
                                 [_tableView reloadData];
                         caseHLOptionStageSeekCharacteristics: {/ / the block will return many times, every service returns at a timeif (error) {
                                 NSLog(@"Failed to find feature");
                             } else {
                                 NSLog(@"Feature found successfully");
                                 [_tableView reloadData];
                         caseHLOptionStageSeekdescriptors: {/ / the block will return many times, every feature back againif (error) {
                                 NSLog(@"Failed to find description of feature");
                             } else {
                                 NSLog(@"Finding description of feature succeeded");
                             break; }}];Copy the code

Because connect bluetooth peripherals –> Scan Bluetooth peripherals service –> Scan Bluetooth peripherals service features –> Scan features description

These operations are staged and depend on the results of the previous step.

Here I also give two ways:

Method 1 (recommended) : Set the last parameter block, as in the above code, and determine which phase of the callback is currently in block.

Method 2: Set the block for each stage in advance, and set the block for the last argument in the method to nil.

/ / @property (copy, nonatomic) HLConnectCompletionBlock connectCompleteBlock; / * * find service callback * / @ property (copy, nonatomic) HLDiscoveredServicesBlock discoverServicesBlock; / * * found in the service characteristics of callback * / @ property (copy, nonatomic) HLDiscoverCharacteristicsBlock discoverCharacteristicsBlock; / * * found the description of the characteristics of the callback * / @ property (copy, nonatomic) HLDiscoverDescriptorsBlock discoverDescriptorsBlock;Copy the code

4. Record the writable features of bluetooth peripherals

Record the writable service in the feature to write data to this Bluetooth peripheral.

CBCharacteristic *character = [service.characteristics objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    CBCharacteristicProperties properties =;
    if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse) {
        self.chatacter = character;
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5. Assemble data to be written to Bluetooth

        NSString *title = @"Test e-commerce";
        NSString *str1 = @"Test E-commerce Service Centre (Sales Order)";
        HLPrinter *printer = [[HLPrinter alloc] init];
        [printer appendText:title alignment:HLTextAlignmentCenter fontSize:HLFontSizeTitleBig];
        [printer appendText:str1 alignment:HLTextAlignmentCenter];
        [printer appendBarCodeWithInfo:@"RN3456789012"];
        [printer appendSeperatorLine];
        [printer appendTitle:@"Time." value:@"The 2016-04-27 10:01:50" valueOffset:150];
        [printer appendTitle:@"Order." value:@"4000020160427100150" valueOffset:150];
        [printer appendText:@Address: Dongshenda Store, Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City alignment:HLTextAlignmentLeft];
        [printer appendSeperatorLine];
        [printer appendLeftText:@"Goods" middleText:@"The number" rightText:@"The price" isTitle:YES];
        CGFloat total = 0.0;
        for (NSDictionary *dict in goodsArray) {
            [printer appendLeftText:dict[@"name"] middleText:dict[@"amount"] rightText:dict[@"price"] isTitle:NO];
            total += [dict[@"price"] floatValue] * [dict[@"amount"] intValue];
        [printer appendSeperatorLine];
        NSString *totalStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",total];
        [printer appendTitle:@"Total." value:totalStr];
        [printer appendTitle:@"Paid in." value:@"100.00"];
        NSString *leftStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f"100.00 the total]; [printer appendTitle:@"Change." value:leftStr];
        [printer appendFooter:nil];
        [printer appendImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"ico180"] alignment:HLTextAlignmentCenter maxWidth:300];
        NSData *mainData = [printer getFinalData];
Copy the code

6. Write data

HLBLEManager *bleManager = [HLBLEManager sharedInstance];
        [bleManager writeValue:mainData forCharacteristic:self.chatacter type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse];
Copy the code

After the data is written, the Bluetooth printer starts printing receipts.

Bluetooth printer operation package

1. Create a print operation object

HLPrinter *printer = [[HLPrinter alloc] init];
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When creating this printer action object, a lot of pre-setting is done internally:

- (instancetype)init
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        [self defaultSetting];
    returnself; } - (void)defaultSetting { _printerData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; Byte initBytes[] = {0x1B,0x40}; // 1. [_printerData appendBytes:initBytes length:sizeof(initBytes)]; @link{-setlinespace :} Byte lineSpace[] = {0x1B,0x32}; [_printerData appendBytes:lineSpace length:sizeof(lineSpace)]; // 3. Set font: standard 0x00, compressed 0x01; Byte fontBytes[] = {0x1B,0x4D,0x00}; [_printerData appendBytes:fontBytes length:sizeof(fontBytes)]; }Copy the code

2. Set the content to be printed

The contents that can be printed include text, TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, bar code and picture. The processing of this content is already wrapped and requires a simple call to some API.

2.1 Print a single line

/** * add a single line title with the default font size being small ** @param title title name * @param alignment title alignment */ - (void)appendText:(NSString *)text alignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment; /** * add a single line title ** @param title title name * @param alignment title alignment * @param fontSize title number */ - (void)appendText:(NSString) *)text alignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment fontSize:(HLFontSize)fontSize;Copy the code

2.2 Print the left title and the right text

/** * Adds a single line of information with the name on the left (aligned to the left) and the actual value on the right (aligned to the right). * @param title name * @param value Actual value * @param fontSize Size * Warning: Because the size and font are inconsistent with the font in iOS, */ - (void)appendTitle:(NSString *)title value:(NSString *)value fontSize:(HLFontSize)fontSize; /** * set a single line of information, left header, Right actual value * * @param title * @param value actual value * @param offset actual value offset */ - (void)appendTitle:(NSString *)title value:(NSString *)value valueOffset:(NSInteger)offset; /** * set a single line of information, left header, Right actual value * * @param title * @param value actual value * @param offset actual value offset * @param fontSize size */ - (void)appendTitle:(NSString)  *)title value:(NSString *)value valueOffset:(NSInteger)offset fontSize:(HLFontSize)fontSize;Copy the code

3. Three-column data style

/** * add product information title, usually three columns, Name, quantity, unit price * * @param LeftText left title * @param middleText middle title * @param rightText right title */ - (void)appendLeftText:(NSString *)left middleText:(NSString *)middle rightText:(NSString *)right isTitle:(BOOL)isTitle;Copy the code

4. Print bar codes

** @param info Specifies the information contained in the bar code, which is centered by default and has a maximum width of 300. If it's greater than 300, it scales equally. */ - (void)appendBarCodeWithInfo:(NSString *)info; /** ** Add barcode image ** @param info Barcode information * @param alignment Image alignment * @param maxWidth Maximum image width */ - (void)appendBarCodeWithInfo:(NSString *)info alignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment maxWidth:(CGFloat)maxWidth;Copy the code

5. Print the QR code

*/ - (void)appendQRCodeWithInfo:(NSString *)info; /** ** Add a qr code image ** @param info Information about the QR code * @param centerImage Image in the middle of the QR code * @param alignment * @param maxWidth Maximum width of the QR code */ - (void)appendQRCodeWithInfo:(NSString *)info centerImage:(UIImage *)centerImage alignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment  maxWidth:(CGFloat )maxWidth;Copy the code

6. Print pictures

/** * @param image * @param alignment * @param maxWidth Specifies the maximum image width. If the image is too large, */ - (void)appendImage:(UIImage *)image alignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment maxWidth:(CGFloat)maxWidth;Copy the code

7. Print divider lines

Add a line / * * *, like this: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- * / (void) appendSeperatorLine;Copy the code

8. Print a footer

/** * add info ** @param footerInfo default: Thank you for your visit, welcome to visit next time! */ - (void)appendFooter:(NSString *)footerInfo;Copy the code

9. Get the final data

/** * get the final data ** @returnFinal data */ - (NSData *)getFinalData;Copy the code

/** * newline */ - (void)appendNewLine {Byte nextRowBytes[] = {0x0A}; [_printerData appendBytes:nextRowBytes length:sizeof(nextRowBytes)]; } /** * return */ - (void)appendReturn {BytereturnBytes[] = {0x0D};
    [_printerData appendBytes:returnBytes length:sizeof(returnBytes)]; } /** * set alignment ** @param alignment */ - (void)setAlignment:(HLTextAlignment)alignment { Byte alignBytes[] = {0x1B,0x61,alignment}; [_printerData appendBytes:alignBytes length:sizeof(alignBytes)]; } /** * set fontSize ** @param fontSize size */ - (void)setFontSize:(HLFontSize)fontSize
    Byte fontSizeBytes[] = {0x1D,0x21,fontSize};
    [_printerData appendBytes:fontSizeBytes length:sizeof(fontSizeBytes)];
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In UIImage+Bitmap, there are mainly two categories for image operation. One is to create two-dimensional code and bar code images.

The other is to convert the image into bitmap data.


It may be that the style of the receipt is not only limited to several packages. Someone mentioned the layout of the two-dimensional code picture on the left and some text displayed in the center on the right, which is difficult to achieve with the original command set combination.

For some difficult layout styles, we can save the country by curving, here are some new scenarios and solutions:

  1. You can first implement in the container view, and then intercept the container view, the intercepted image printed out can be 😃.
  2. Make the order layout with HTML, and then load it with UIWebView, and then capture the entire WebView and print it out.

Using UIWebView to print, you can also modify the style and layout of the order online, but it is a waste of ink, and it is not clear to print in the way of instruction set combination. The following is a printout using UIWebView and then getting the WebView snapshot:

Get a screenshot of the full contents of UIWebView:

/** * Get a screenshot of the current web page ** get the current WebView size, and then screen by screen after the screenshot, and then splicetogether into a complete picture ** @return*/ - (UIImage *)imageForWebView { // 1. CGSize boundsSize = self.boundssize; CGFloat boundsWidth = boundsSize.width; CGFloat boundsHeight = boundsSize.height; / / 2. Obtain contentSize CGSize contentSize = self. The scrollView. ContentSize; CGFloat contentHeight = contentSize.height; / / 3. Save the original offset, facilitate capture after reset CGPoint offset = self. The scrollView. ContentOffset; // 4. Set the initial offset to (0,0); [self.scrollViewsetContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
    NSMutableArray *images = [NSMutableArray array];
    while(contentHeight > 0) {// 5. Get CGContext UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (boundsSize, NO, 0.0); CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // 6. Render the area to intercept [self.layer renderInContext: CTX]; UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); // 7. Save the captured image [images addObject:image]; CGFloat offsetY = self.scrollView.contentOffset.y; [self.scrollViewsetContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, offsetY + boundsHeight)]; contentHeight -= boundsHeight; } // 8 webView reverts to its previous display area [self.scrollView]setContentOffset:offset]; CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale; CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(contentSize.width * scale, contentSize.height * scale); / / 9. According to the resolution of the equipment redrawn, joining together into a complete and clear images UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (imageSize); [images enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UIImage *image, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, scale * boundsHeight * idx, scale * boundsWidth, scale * boundsHeight)]; }]; UIImage *fullImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext();return fullImage;
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To experience this, change the comment on the right navigation button in the BLEDetailViewController’s viewDidLoad method:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    self.title = @"Bluetooth Details";
//    UIBarButtonItem *rightItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Goods" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(goToShopping)];
    UIBarButtonItem *rightItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Online Order"style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(goToOrder)]; self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightItem; _infos = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _tableView.rowHeight = 60; // Connect bluetooth and display details [self loadBLEInfo]; }Copy the code

Add some parameters: According to one of the technical staff of Gabor:

  • Chinese characters are 24 x 24 dots and characters are 12 x 24.
  • 58mm printer has 384 points of horizontal width. (I did use text to set the relative position test to 368.)
  • The 80mm printer has 576 points in transverse width.
  • One mm is about eight points.

Full library and Demo address: Github address

If you only focus on the iOS print receipts section and don’t want to do much with Bluetooth connection and processing, see here: Bluetooth Print receipts

Print no response?

First, make sure you use a label printer or a regular receipt printer.

The Demo I wrote does not support label printers, you can copy my example and package the instructions yourself (we did not purchase label printers, and we cannot test them, sorry).

If the printer doesn’t respond to your request, it’s probably because your printer is sending less than 146 data at one time. Try changing 146 to a smaller size.

Of the two Gabor printers I tested, one has no length limit and the other can only send 146 bytes at most each time. Otherwise, there will be no printing response and the printer needs to be restarted.

Different printers may have different length limits, but some printers can only send 20 bytes at a time, so you need to change the 146 in the macro to be smaller.