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- Painted painted iOS development
- IOS program ape, wechat small program brief book topic ★★
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Part I iOS development
- Json
- The cache
- The chart
- Core Data
- The database
- encryption
- layout
- The log
- The map
- The text
- notice
- network
- URL Scheme
- UI
- tool
- The deployment of
- Photo selection, photo preview
- The keyboard processing
- Pop-up view
- Prompt, loading
- Permission Request Management
- The sidebar
- video
- audio
- Optimization, efficiency
1.1 json
- YYModel: JSON tool performance is good (recommended and the author has several excellent frameworks). website
- JSONKit: Objective-C JSON tool. website
- TouchJSON: An Objective-C JSON framework. website
- Json-framework: This Framework implements a strict JSON interpreter and generator in Objective-C. website
- Mantle: Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch website
- Groot: Implements transformations between JSON dictionaries or arrays and Core Data interface objects. website
- KZPropertyMapper: Data mapping and validation with minimal code. website
- JSONModel: Fantastic JSON-based data modeling framework. Created a series of agile, convenient, automatic, and intelligent model classes. website
- SwiftyJSON: A good way to handle JSON data using Swift. Taken the website
- FastEasyMapping: Fast serialization and deserialization of JSON data. website
- OCMapper: Fast JSON model transformation framework for Objective-C & Swift. Taken the website
- ObjectMapper: Swift framework for converting model objects (including classes and structs) to JSON. Taken the website
- JASON: Excellent performance and easy to use JSON parsing. Taken the website
- Gloss: A JSON parsing library written by Swift. Taken the website
- Cereal: Swift object serialization ★官网
- SwiftyJSONAccelerator: Use SwiftyJSON or ObjectMapper to generate Swift models based on JSON. NSCoding is supported and a way to represent models using JSON is provided. Taken the website
1.2 the cache
- SDURLCache: a subclass of URLCache that provides local disk caching for iPhone/iPad applications. website
- Awesome Cache: Awesome Cache
- Mattress: Offline caching of iOS Web content
- Carlos: Simple but flexible caching
Chart 1.3
- Ios-charts: A powerful chart framework, MPAndroidChart on ios port. Taken the website
- JTChartView: JTChartView is a fully customizable lightweight charting solution. website
- PNChart: A simple and beautiful chart library that Pinner and CoinsMan use in their iOS clients. website
- BEMSimpleLineGraph: Elegant line graph framework. website
- JBChartView: iOS based chart library, including line charts and histograms. website
- XYPieChart: An animated pie chart framework. website
- TEAChart: Easy-to-use graphics library for iOS. Includes contribution diagram, clock diagram, histogram. website
- EChart: iOS/iPhone/iPad chart. Event handling and animation support are provided. website
- FSLineChart: an iOS line gallery. website
- Chartee: A chart library designed for mobile platforms. website
- ANDLineChartView: Use ANDLineChartView to easily display animated line charts in view classes. website
- TWRCharts: an iOS package of ChartJS. Easily build animated charts with obJ-C native code. website
1.4 the Core Data,
- CWCoreData: Extensions and utilities to facilitate CoreData framework development in concurrent environments. website
- ObjectiveRecord: Objective-C version of ActiveRecord. website
- SSDataKit: Eliminates boilerplate code generated using CoreData. website
- Ios-queryable: ios-Queryable is an IQueryable/IEnumerable implementation that is based on CoreData. website
- ReactiveCoreData: ReactiveCoreData (RCD) is an attempt to bring CoreData into the world of ReactiveCocoa. website
- Ensembles: a CoreData synchronization framework. website
- SLRESTfulCoreData: Automatically generates accessors, URL replacements, and smart property maps at run time according to Objc naming conventions. website
- Mogenerator: Automatically generates CoreData code. website
- HardCoreData: CoreData stacks and controllers that do not block UI threads. website
- Encrypted-core-data: Encrypts CoreData’s SQLite storage using SQLClipher. website
- MagicalRecord: an excellent framework for easy access to CoreData. website
- QueryKit is a concise, type-safe CoreData query language
- CoreStore: A powerful CoreData framework that addresses incremental migration, retrieval, observation, and more. Taken the website
1.5 database
- Realm: An alternative to CoreData and SQLite. Simple, modern and fast. website
- YapDatabase: YapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS and Mac. website
- Couchbase Mobile: Couchbase, document storage on Mobile platforms with cloud synchronization support. website
- FMDB: Cocoa/Objective-C encapsulation of SQLite. website
- Akaibu-nsuserdefaults: Swift key/value store that archives NSObject objects with a single line of code. Class attributes are automatically mapped and archived. website
- FCModel: An alternative to CoreData for those who prefer to use SQL directly for database operations. website
- Zephyr: Easily synchronize NSUserDefaults via iCloud
- Prephirences: Prephirences is a Swift library that provides a useful protocol and a convenient way to manage application preferences, configurations, and application status. Taken the website
1.6 the encryption
- Aescrypt-objc: A simple, stubborn AES encryption/decryption class, but it just works fine. website
1.7 the layout
- Ios-flexboxkit: A simple UIKit extension that encapsulates Flexbox layout. website
- Navigation: Leverages the power of automatic layout NSLayoutConstraints with simple, chained syntax. website
- FLKAutoLayout: UIView class that makes it easier to use code for constraints. website
- Facade: Programmable view layout, an alternative to Autolayout. website
- PureLayout: The ultimate Autolayout API for iOS and OS X, extremely simple and incredibly powerful. This works for both Objective-C and Swift. website
- SnapKit: A Swift Autolayout domain specific language (DSL) for iOS and OS X. Taken the website
- Cartography: A declarative Auto Layout domain-specific language (DSL) written by Swift. Taken the website
- AutoLayoutPlus: A small addition to AutoLayout, powered by Swift. Taken the website
1.8 log
- CleanroomLogger: A Swift-based configurable and extensible logging API that is simple, lightweight, and efficient. Taken the website
- CocoaLumberjack: A fast, powerful and flexible logging framework for iOS & Mac. website
- NSLogger: a high-performance logging tool that shows the trail of client applications running on OS X, iOS, and Android. website
- Aardvark: A high-performance logging framework that makes it easy to create actionable bug reports. website
- BlockTypeDescription: Displays type signatures when logging blocks. website
- QorumLogs: Swift logging tool for Xcode and Google Docs. Taken the website
1.9 map
- Route-me: iOS open-source map framework official website
- NAMapKit: Allows you to use custom maps in iPhone apps and try to mimic some of the behavior of the Mapkit framework. website
- Mapbox GL: a framework for rendering Mapbox vector map blocks using OpenGL on iOS. website
- CMMapLauncher: A handy framework for displaying directions in various mapping applications on iOS. website
- Baidu Map iOS SDK: a set of feature-rich map development kit. website
- Baidu Hawk-Eye track iOS SDK: a track development kit that can correct deviation of tied paths. website
1.10 the text
- Twitter Text Obj: Objective-C implementation of Twitter’s Text processing library. website
- Nimbus: Nimbus is a build kit for advanced iOS software designers. website
- NSStringEmojize: An NSString class that converts Emoji to Unicode equivalents. website
- MMMarkdown: Objective-C static library for converting Markdown to HTML. website
- DTCoreText: A way to use HTML code with CoreText. website
- DTRichTextEditor: a rich text editor for iOS. website
- NBEmojiSearchView: A searchable emoji drop-down list view that can be integrated into text controls. website
- Ios – Fontawesome: NSString + Fontawesome. website
- Pluralize. Swift: Powerful swift String singular to plural extension. Taken the website
- RichEditorView: RichEditorView is a simple, modular, rich text editor view. Taken the website
- Money: Swift value type for working with Money and cash. Taken the website
- PhoneNumberKit: Swift framework for parsing, formatting, and authenticating international phone numbers, supported by Google’s libphonenumber library. Taken the website
- YYText: A powerful text framework for displaying and editing rich text on iOS. website
1.11 notice
- Orbiter: Register push notifications in iOS. website
- PEM: Automatically generates profiles for the push server. website
- Parse Push: Completely free background Push notifications that provide the ability to create staging, schedule and even A/B tests. website
- Urban Airship: A paid push notification backend. website
- Growth Push: Paid Push notifications. It is one of the most popular tools for developers in Japan. website
- Apns-pusher: Debugger for Apple’s push notification service. website
1.12 the network
- AFNetworking: a handy network request framework for iOS and OSX. website
- RestKit: RestKit is an iOS Objective-C framework designed to make interacting with RESTful Web services easy, fast, and fun. website
- FSNetworking: Solid iOS networking library. website
- ASIHTTPRequest: an HTTP network request library written in Objective-C. It is an easy-to-use wrapper to CFNetwork. Supports Mac OS X and iPhone. website
- Mr. Li: Small but powerful library, making creating a REST client simpler and more fun. website
- ROADFramework: attribute-oriented web services interaction. The framework has built-in JSON and XML request response serialization methods that are easy to extend. website
- MBNetworkMonitor: apple
A modern alternative to class, used inCoreTelephony
To convey moreInformation about the health of a user’s network - MBNetworkIndicator: Provides an easy way to coordinate device network indicators across multiple requests. website
- Alamofire: Alamofire is an HTTP networking library written by Swift and written by the authors of AFNetworking. Taken the website
- Transporter: Small code base that makes uploading and downloading easier. Taken the website
- CDZPinger: easy to use ICMP Ping framework. website
- NSRails: Maps client-side objects/classes to remote REST API objects/ORMs. website
- NKMultipeer: a testable abstraction built on multiple links. Taken the website
- CocoaAsyncSocket: Asynchronous socket network library for Mac and iOS. website
- Siesta: Elegant RESTful resource abstraction that unlocks state. Is an alternative to callback – or proxy – based network libraries. Taken the website
- Reachablility: Reimplements Apple’s Reachablility framework with Swift and closures. Taken the website
- NetworkEye: an iOS network debugging library that displays HTTP requests and request information in your App. website
1.13 the routing
- WAAppRouting: Routing implementation for iOS. At the same time, URL recognition and controller display parsed parameters are processed. All of this is done in one line of code, and the controller stack is automatically preserved! website
- DeepLinkKit: An excellent routing matching framework that uses a block-based API to handle your deep links. website
- IntentKit: a convenient way to handle third-party URL schemes in the iOS app. website
- JLRoutes: iOS URL routing framework using the Block API. website
1.14 the UI
- Chameleon: a lightweight flat color framework with strong iOS performance, available for Objective-C and Swift. Taken the website
- ActionSheetPicker-3.0: Quickly create a dropdown UIPickerView/ActionSheet feature for iOS apps. website
- FlatUIKit: A collection of flat UI components for iOS. website
- JVFloatLabeledTextField: a UITextField subclass with a floating label. website
- SSBouncyButton: flexible ios7-style button UI component. website
- BetweenKit: A robust iOS drag-and-drop framework. website
- JSQMessagesViewController: an elegant iOS chat message UI library. website
- AMSmoothAlert: a cool AlertView. website
- TSMessages: Displays notification (such as success, error, warning, or message) views at the top of the screen. website
- NZAlertView: Simple and intuitive AlertView. It’s like a push notification. website
- MGSwipeTableCell: a subclass of UITableViewCell that displays sliding buttons and supports various transition animations. website
- ARAutocompleteTextView: Subclass of UITextView that displays text prompts in real time. Perfect support for E-mail format. website
- TGCameraViewController: Custom camera based on AVFoundation. It’s beautiful, lightweight, and easily integrated into iOS projects. website
- ENSwiftSideMenu: a Swift written concise ios 7/8 sideslip menu. Taken the website
- MDCSwipeToChoose: Swipe a card to decide on a “like” or “dislike” control, similar to the Tinder App. It can be used to create a literacy app, image browser or other similar applications in minutes rather than hours. website
- ParallaxTableViewHeader: ParallaxTableViewHeader website
- JLToast: The Toast component of iOS that provides a simple interface. Taken the website
- SweetAlert: AlertView, written by Swift, provides real-time animation effects for iOS applications. Taken the website
- Form: JSON-driven list control. website
- BLKFlexibleHeightBar: Create a NavigationBar that automatically adjusts its height, similar to those in Facebook, Square Cash, and Safari. website
- NMPopUpView: A simple iOS class for displaying a floating window. Support for Swift and Objective-C. Taken the website
- SDevIconFonts: Fontawesome, Iconic, Ionicons, Octicon for Swift. Taken the website
- SDevBootstrapButton: Swift version of the Twitter Bootstrap button. Taken the website
- SDevCircleButton: A circular button implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- SDevFlatColors: Flat colors implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- ColorArt: Pull the main color from the image, similar to iTunes 11. website
- WCFastCell: Smoothly scrolling Tables/Collections Cell (no animation). website
- Motif: A jSON-based framework for customizable lightweight style sheets. website
- VBFPopFlatButton: A flat button based on Facebook POP with 9 different state animations. website
- HTPressableButton: Flat button that can be pressed. website
- Cool-ios-camera: A fully customizable modern Camera implemented using the AVFoundation framework. website
- AsyncDisplayKit: AsyncDisplayKit is an iOS framework that keeps a complex user interface smooth and responsive. website
- AMTagListView: A UIScrollView subclass that can add a series of highly customizable tags. website
- MotionBlur: MotionBlur lets you add blur effects to iOS animations. website
- PBJVision: iOS camera engine that supports point-and-shoot, slow-motion video and image capture. website
- DynamicColor: Another Swift extension for manipulating colors. Taken the website
- GaugeKit: Customizable meter components that easily mimic Apple-style dashboards. Taken the website
- SVWebViewController: a non-invasive built-in browser. website
- SwiftWebVC: A Swift implementation of SVWebViewController. Taken the website
- MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField: a similar Google Places, Uber position such as search the noninvasive automatic control. website
- MVMaterialView: subclasses of UI controls and UIButton that mimic the Ripple effect of the Material Design concept. website
- Atlas: Native iOS messaging app UI component for Layer. website
- Swift-prompts: A Swift library used to design custom Prompts. There is a wide range of Prompts to choose from. Taken the website
- IQDropDownTextField: UITextField that provides drop-down UIPickerView support. website
- PJAlertView: We lost a lot of customization when Apple dropped the good warning view, and this library brings it back. website
- CZPicker: iOS Popup style UIPickerView. website
- TisprCardStack: Card UI library. Taken the website
- YXTPageView: a PageView that supports scrolling between UIView and UITableView. website
- DatePickerDialog: Displays the Swift library of UIDatePicker on UIAlertView. Taken the website
- Gifu: Swift framework for iOS that supports dynamic GIFs. Taken the website
- SAHistoryNavigationViewController: SAHistoryNavigationViewController implemented a similar task manager UI on iOS, UINavigationContoller compatibility, 3 d Touch. Taken the website
- DOFavoriteButton: a cute animated button. Taken the website
- Lnrsimplenotifcommunications: Simple Swift app built-in notifications. LNRSimpleNotifications is a simplified version of Swift TSMessages. Taken the website
- SAInboxViewController: SUBclass of UIViewController inspired by the “Inbox by Google “animation transition effect. Taken the website
- TLYShyNavBar: Not as arrogant as those Uinavigationbars. This Bar is very modest! You can easily create navigation bars that automatically scroll. website
- BRYXBanner: Swift iOS7+ style drop-down notification. Taken the website
- NYAlertViewController: iOS AlertView for customizing content views, highly customizable. website
- HDNotificationView: Issue any warnings using a notification banner UI that mimics the native. website
- MZFormSheetPresentationController: MZFormSheetPresentationController provides a native iOS UIModalPresentationFormSheet alternatives to add the support for the iPhone, You can also customize the size of the Controller and the appearance of the form. website
- AnimatedTransitionGallery: use UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol implements a custom iOS 7 transition animations. website
- ICarousel: Simple, highly customizable data-driven 3D running lights for iOS and Mac OS. website
- RESideMenu: iOS 7/8-style parallax sideslip menu inspired by the design on Dribble. website
- FontAwesomeKit: An icon Font library for iOS that now supports Font-awesome, Foundation ICONS, Zocial and ionicons. website
- Cocoa Controls: Open source UI components for iOS and OS X. website
- Activelabel. swift: Non-intrusive UILabel alternative that supports Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and urls (http://). Taken the website
- XLForm: XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library for creating dynamic TableView forms, fully compatible with Swift and OBJ-C. website
- RAReorderableLayout: UICollectionView elements that can be dragged and dropped. website
- ESTabBarController: A Tabbar controller that allows you to highlight buttons and customize button actions. website
- STPopup: STPopup provides a Popup-style UINavigationController for iPhone and iPad. website
- HoneycombView: HoneycombView is used to display iOS UIView similar to Honyecomb layout, implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- Tapkulibrary: Tap + Haiku = Tapku, a well-designed open source framework for iOS. website
- NVActivityIndicatorView: A good collection of loading animations. Taken the website
- KCJogDial: UIView that provides control functions, similar to a wheel controller. Taken the website
- PagingMenuController: A paging view controller with customizable menus, implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- RadialMenu: RadialMenu is a custom control that provides a touch context menu (similar to iMessage’s record button in iOS8). Build using Swift and POP frameworks. Taken the website
- VLDContextSheet: Similar to the menu in Pinterest iOS app. website
- Cariocamenu: Fastest clickless menu. Taken the website
- DAExpandAnimation: A library that displays controllers from cells with custom modal transition effects. Taken the website
- ScrollPager: Flipboard-like page scrolling. Taken the website
- ComponentKit is A React-inspired View Framework for iOS, created by Facebook. website
- Eureka: Build elegant iOS forms using pure Swift. Taken the website
- PMTween: elegant and flexible iOS tweening library. website
- MZTimerLabel: A handy class that turns UILabel into a countdown timer or stopwatch, similar to Apple’s clock app. website
- WobbleView: WobbleView is a view that implements the popular wobble effect. You can easily add dynamic user interactions and transitions to your application. Taken the website
- CBZSplashView: Twitter-style Splash Screen view, zoomed to show the main view. website
- RKNotificationHub: Makes any UIView a perfect notification center. website
- EatFit: EatFit is a Google Fit-inspired component for beautifully presenting data. website
- CollapsableTable: a collapsible TableView section that can customize the Section header. Taken the website
- LiquidFloatingActionButton: the state of the fluid Material Design of floating button. website
- LiquidLoader: The loader component for the liquid animation. Taken the website
- PickerView: a custom alternative to UIPickerView implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- InteractivePlayerView: custom iOS music player view. Taken the website
- Phone-number-picker: An easy-to-use view controller implemented by Swift that lets you enter a phone number with a country code, similar to WhatsApp. Taken the website
- DLWBouncyView: BouncyView is a framework that implements the recently popular elastic effects for all views. website
- MMPopupView: A popup-based view (for example, AlertSheet) that can be easily customized. website
- EXTView: Provides a UIView extension for Interface Builder using IB_DESIGNABLE and IBInspectable. website
- JTMaterialSwitch: A customizable switch UI inspired by Google’s Material Design, with ripple effects and elastic animations. website
- PickerView: customizable UIPickerView replacement written by Swift. website
- KCSelectionDialog: A simple selection dialog. Taken the website
- SFFocusViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout that supports content focusing. website
- Uitextfield-shake: UITextField category with wobble animation added. Also have Swift version ★ official website
- JTFadingInfoView: A UIButton-based view that supports the fade-in animation feature. website
- KCFloatingActionButton: simple iOS float button. Taken the website
- TTGSnackbar: Displays simple messages and action buttons at the bottom of the screen, supporting a variety of animation effects. Taken the website
- TTGEmojiRate: iOS emoji-like rating view. Taken the website
- CardAnimation: card turning animation. Taken the website
- BEMCheckBox: Elegant iOS checkbox. (Check box) website
- CVCalendar: Support iOS 8+ custom visual calendar, Swift (2.0) implementation. Taken the website
- JTAppleCalendar is the best Swift calendar library for iOS
- Sclalertview-swift: A beautiful animated AlertView implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- Atlas-ios: Atlas is a native iOS dialog UI Layer component. website
- TKRubberIndicator: Swift PageControl indicator. Painted tbxark. Making. IO’s official website
- HorizontalProgress: simple animation HorizontalProgress bar. website
- TKSwitcherCollection: a set of animated switches. Painted tbxark. Making. IO’s official website
- JDSwiftAvatarProgress: easy to customize the asynchronous loading booth map progress bar animation. Taken the website
- Ios-circleprogressview: This space allows the user to initialize or create and render a circular progress bar view using code or Interface Builder. Taken the website
- Hamburger menu-button: a highly customizable Hamburger Menu Button. Taken the website
- DGElasticPullToRefresh: iOS elastic drop-down refresh control implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- HTYTextField: a UITextField with flexible station text. Taken the website
- JDStatusBarNotification: Notification displayed in the top status bar. Simple to use and customizable. website
- GuillotineMenu: a drop – down menu for guillotine – style transition animation. Taken the website
- MediumMenu: A menu based on the Medium iOS app. Taken the website
- YALField: Make it easier to create form UIs using Interface Builder. Contains custom fields with validity validation. website
- StarryStars: iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings. website
- JRSplitVC: Adaptive layout UISplitViewController. website
- SevenSwitch: Non-invasive ios7-style switch alternative. Taken the website
- RadialLayer: Animation of clickable elements. Taken the website
- MPParallaxView: Apple TV parallax effect by Swift. Taken the website
- RPLoadingAnimation: Calayer-based loading animation implemented by Swift. Taken the website
- Splitflap: A split-screen display frame for the Swift application. Taken the website
- UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll: UIScrollView category that supports unlimited scrolling. Taken the website
- PullToBounce: a drop-down refresh control for UIScrollView. Taken the website
- TVButton: Re-create a really cool Apple TV disparity icon for iOS UIButton (Swift implementation). Taken the website
- SlackTextViewController: a non-invasive subclass of UIViewcontroller that provides a text box that can vary in size with the length of the text and some other useful message features. website
- EZAlertController: quick Swift UIAlertController. Taken the website
- EZSwipeController: UIPageViewController similar to Snapchat/Tinder/iOS home page. Taken the website
- SWRevealViewController: A subclass of UIViewController inspired by the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, used to show a sideship view controller. website
1.15 tools
- Underscore. M: A DSL for manipulating data. website
- SBConstants: Generate a constant file containing all the identifiers in the storyboard. website
- XExtensionItem: Easy to share data in iOS apps and sharing extension. website
- ReflectableEnum: Reflection of the Objective-C enumeration. website
- VWWPermissionKit: visual iOS permission manager. website
- ClusterPrePermissions: Reusable pre-authorization tool that allows developers to ask users before obtaining system permissions in conversations. website
- DateTools: A handy Objective-C date and time tool. website
- EKAlgorithms: Objective-C implementations of some well-known computer science algorithms and data structures. website
- Tactile: a safe and more customary way of responding to a Tactile event. Taken the website
- Colours: This is a set of Colours and colour methods with definitions to make your iOS/OS X development easier. website
- ObjectiveSugar: The ObjectiveC attachment in Ruby style. website
- GroundControl: iOS remote configuration. website
- OpinionatedC: Let Objective-C inherit more Smalltalk features. website
- GCDKit: Swift lite version of GCD. Taken the website
- SwiftRandom: Random data generator. Taken the website
- RandomKit: Swift random data generator. Taken the website
- Async: Swift’S GCD asynchronously dispatches syntax candy. Taken the website
- YOLOKit: Let the cube pass through the round hole. website
- EZSwiftExtensions:
How standard types and classes work. uwebsite
- ChineseIDCardOCR: OCR recognition of ID card information using feedforward neural network. Taken the website
1.16 the deployment
- Fastlane integrates all iOS deployment tools into one workflow.
- Deliver Deployment screenshots, app metadata, and AppStore App updates, all with a single command.
- Snapshot automatically creates screenshots of all languages and all devices.
1.17 Photo selection, photo preview
- ZLPhotoBrowser: convenient and easy to use photo album photo selection framework, support photo taking, preview quick selection; Album mix selection; Original image function, etc. website
- CorePhotoBroswerVC: a preview library of local and web images. website
- MISImagePicker: A photo selection library with cropping capabilities. website
- IDMPhotoBrowser drawer type display image browsing library. website
- JTSImageViewController: Has a deep image browser. website
- YLGIFImage: high performance GIF image processing library. website
1.18 Keyboard processing
- IQKeyboardManager: IQKeyboardManager is a very useful tool for iOS to solve the problem of blocking UITextField/UITextView. No need to enter any code, no need for additional Settings, boutique recommended. U u u u u’s official website
- TPKeyboardAvoiding: Another great solution to avoiding the keyboard. website
- NgKeyboardTracker: iOS keyboard tracking objective-C library. website
1.19 Popup View
- CNPPopupController displays the official website of the view at the bottom
- ZFDragableModalTransition pop-up depth of field at the bottom of the layer, like taobao shopping popup choose layer’s official website
- BubbleTransition round Model view: official website
1.20 Prompting and Loading
- MBProgressHUD: Powerful Hud display, multiple Hud states, easy and flexible customization website
- SVProgressHUD: Compact and elegant, lightweight HUD for indicating progress. website
- NVActivityIndicatorView: a very comprehensive loading HUD collection, there is always something to suit your mind. website
- RKNotificationHub: button edge small red dot encapsulation, has a good dynamic effect. website
- JDStatusBarNotification: indicates hud status of the battery bar. website
- M13ProgressSuite: contains a package of many iOS tools for displaying progress information. website
- NJKWebViewProgress: the webview progress bar encapsulation. website
1.21 Permission Request Management
- PermissionScope: Smart iOS authorization UI and unified API (support for Location, notifications, photos, Contacts, calendar, photos, microphone, BT, progress indicator, HealthKit and CloudKit). website
- Permission: Easily requests user permissions (camera, photos, microphone, contacts, location). website
1.22 the sidebar
- MMDrawerController: contains left and right sidebar, elastic dynamic effect, simple implementation. High-quality goods. website
- AMSlideMenu: Left and right depth of field sidebar, similar to the previous QQ depth of field sidebar display. website
- PKRevealController: Views lean against the sidebar, and some effects require this implementation. website
1.23 video
- MobilePlayer: a powerful and fully customizable iOS media player. website
- VideoBeautify: a variety of video beautification processing, using the theme form of classification, including a variety of filters, animation effects and sound effects. website
1.24 audio
- AudioBus: Next-generation app-to-app real-time audio routing. website
- AudioKit: A powerful audio synthesis, processing and analysis tool set. website
- EZAudio: An iOS/OSX Audio visualization framework based on Core Audio. Development of real-time, low-latency audio processing and visualization capabilities. website
- TheAmazingAudioEngine: iOS audio processing framework, easy to use, can process audio. website
- Novocaine: High-performance audio framework for OSX and iOS. website
- QHSpeechSynthesizerQueueA:
(iOS text pronunciation) queue management - StreamingKit: one for OSX and iOS
Fast and seamless - sound-fader-ios: By a Swift
Sound controllerwebsiteu - ESTMusicPlayer is an elegant and simple music player language based on DOUAudioStreamer
1.25 Optimization and efficiency
- Aspects: A simple implementation library for section-oriented programming. High-quality goods. website
- PINCache is a fast, deadlock-free parallel object cache developed by Pinterest for iOS and OS X. It is an improved version of TMCache. website
- YYKit: A set of large, feature-rich iOS components. website
- AsyncDisplayKit: Facebook’s open source UI framework that improves UI fluency and response times. website
- JsPatch: Fix online bugs in real time, quickly and safely, using a powerful hotfix library. website
- GYDataCenter is a high-performance SQLite database framework that provides an easy-to-use object-oriented data manipulation interface. website
- GYHttpMock: Used for iOS App network layer development. It intercepts a specified HTTP request and completely replaces or partially modifies the actual network returned data based on rules. website
- AAMockData: meaningful test data simulation to facilitate the generation of test data. website
- MLeaksFinder: Simply introducing MLeaksFinder will automatically detect memory leaky objects while the App is running and alert them immediately, without opening additional tools. website
- Object-c to JsPatch code. website
- Lkdbhelper-sqlite-orm: SQLite encapsulation and ORM implementation. website
- UIView – FDCollapsibleConstraints: elegant way to solve the automatic layout neutron dynamic display of the View and hidden problems. website
- Apiary. IO: Create a document API that can be quickly called by APP first and developed in parallel. website
- FBRetainCycleDetector: facebook developed a check circular reference library. website
- AsyncDisplayKit: Another facebook open source goody that improves UI smoothness and response times. website
- TransitionKit: ios state machine, official website
Part 2 iOS app ape (this topic creator handsome force!) , wechat small program brief book special topic
- Welcome to join Jane’s iOS app ape
- Welcome to join the brief book micro program topic
Part 3 Books, Blogs (iOS)
1.1 List of finished books (personal interest)
- Relief grocery store
- Rich dad poor dad
- One man’s pilgrimage
- I dare to be alone in your arms
- Kite runner
- Micro channel small program guide
- Don’t get angry over small things. Small things are always small things
1.2 Blog (iOS) directory
- multithreading
- runtime
- Certificate of relevant
- Automated integration
- OpenGL
- Hexo structures,
- Personal blog
- block
1.2.1 multithreading
- iCocos
- Five examples to help you understand the GCD deadlock
- The GCD learning
- IOS multithreading implementation scheme – GCD
1.2.2 the runtime
- The runtime,
- objective- C Runtime
- One of the Objective-C Runtime runtimes: classes and objects
- Objective-C Method Swizzling
1.2.3 Certificate related
- IOS adds test devices and debugging
1.2.4 Automated integrated development
- Jenkins Gitlab built continuous integration packaging platform
- Jenkins+Github+Testflight build continuous integration environment under Mac (may need to climb wall)
- How to use Jenkins continuous integration for iOS projects
- IOS Automation Integration
- Walk you through Jenkins building the iOS project
1.2.5 OpenGL learning
- Is the white clouds
- Ljfdestiny blog
- OpenGLES
- Son longshan man
- ForrestWoo
1.2.6 Hexo blog construction
- Do not count garlic subsites
- Insert music/video into Hexo blog
- DPlayer ontology test
- Jimxu
- Play Hexo blog next
- Hexo website
- hexo api
- Build a free blog using Jekyll and Hexo
- Mac build Hexo blog and NexT theme configuration optimization
- hexo-theme-next
- iOS-Learning
1.2.7 Personal blog
- Glow technology team blog
- Cocoa in-depth learning :NSOperationQueue, NSRunLoop and Thread safety
- IOS dreamworks
- Full stack development plan
- Yu Ling tianxia’s blog
- IOS application architecture: Componentization solutions
- Tang Qiao’s blog
- MobileProject
- Zhiyi
- My name is LastDays and I have a favorite cabbage.
- sunnyxx
- skyseraph
- Wang Refeng
- 30 mobile APP UI dynamic effect appreciation
- ppsheep
- I have a blog about embroidering spring knives
- Your own blog
1.2.8 block
- How Do I Declare A Block in Objective-C?
Part 4 Acknowledgments
1.1 Thanks to Open Source
Thanks open source, thanks open source, thanks open source. Thanks open source, thanks open source, thanks open source. Thanks open source, thanks open source, thanks open source.
Copy the code
1.2 Warehouse Resource liability disclaimer
The above resources are from awesome-ios, Shiyuan17 and my daily summary, learning, etc. If there is infringement or offense, please contact me through the following ways, I will deal with immediately.
Part FIVE Contact information
- qq : 1370778978
- Weibo: briliantDeng