In this section, we’ll continue with the use of some animations in UIView, having covered the basics and the use of Spring animations, and in this section, we’ll look at Transitions, another animation we use a lot

First of all, let’s open up the last project. Those of you who haven’t read an article, please move on…

Add, remove, and hide view animations

We know that Transitions mean a transition animation, but we still don’t know the specific effect. Next, let’s first take a look at what kind of effect this animation is.

So first we’re going to create an animationContainerView, and this is the view that we’re going to animate, why is it ContainerView, because we’re going to put some other controls in it to animate

Let’s hide the other controls and add the view to the animation to see what it looks like

animationContainerView = UIView(frame: view.bounds) animationContainerView? .frame = view.bounds view.addSubview(animationContainerView!)Copy the code

And then in the viewDidAppear method, do a transition animation

let newView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "banner")) = animationContainerView! .center UIView.transition(with: animationContainerView! Duration: 0.83, the options: [. CurveEaseOut,. TransitionFlipFromTop], animations: {self. AnimationContainerView? .addSubview(newView) }, completion: nil)Copy the code

So let’s see what happens

I made the animation deliberately slow so that the effects would be more obvious. There are a number of options here, I won’t show them all, but I’ll mention two that are different


This is an effect that gradually shows up

Just change the option parameter and see what happens

Maybe the animation effect of the simulator is not so obvious, you can experiment with it manually

TransitionCurlUp This is the effect of the entire view

I’m using addSubView to animate all of the above, so if YOU want to animate a view, or a hidden animation, you just change the method, and I’m not going to do that

Rollover effect

Let’s create a new vC-anotherView Controller

Uiview. transition(from: view, to: anothervc. view, duration: 1.0, options: [.curveEaseInOut,.transitionFlipFromLeft]) { (true) in }Copy the code

This one line of code will do the flip

This effect is also common to us

Log in animation

Next we’ll add some Transitions animations to the login page we did earlier

To describe what I want to achieve, when we click on the login button, an animation appears showing the current login progress, which is such a simple implementation

Step by step, first, make the label appear when the button is clicked

// Animated view let status = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "Banner")) let label = UILabel () let the message = [" connection... ", "authorization of...", "certified messages sent...", "authentication failed..."]  var statusPosition = CGPoint.zeroCopy the code

Hide status when the page loads

Status.ishidden = true = view.addSubview(status) label.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: status.frame.size.width, height: status.frame.size.height) label.textAlignment = .center label.font = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: 18) label.textColor = status.addSubview(label) statusPosition = status.centerCopy the code

Then we call the method showMeesage when we click

Func showMessage(index: Int) {label.text = message[index] uiView. transition(with: status, duration: 0.5, options: [.curveEaseIn,.transitionFlipFromBottom], animations: { self.status.isHidden = false }) { (true) in } }Copy the code

Let’s see what happens

Combined with dynamic effect

Now the state of the connection is present, but then it doesn’t move. We want this state to be constantly updated. To do this, we define a function that looks like this, passing in an interval of time to repeat the operation, and passing in the method that needs to be operated on, which is a closure

// A delay function
func delay(seconds: Double, completion:@escaping ()->()) {
  let popTime = + Double(Int64( Double(NSEC_PER_SEC) * seconds )) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)
  DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: popTime) {
}Copy the code

The above method means that a completion is performed every few seconds, and since we need to update the UI, that completion must be performed in the main thread

We also need a way to remove the state

Func removeMessage(index: Int) {uiView.animate (withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0.0, options: [], animations: { += self.view.bounds.size.width }) { _ in self.status.isHidden = true = self.statusPosition self .showMessage(index: index+1) } }Copy the code
Func showMessage(index: Int) {label.text = message[index] uiView. transition(with: status, duration: 0.5, options: [.curveEaseIn,.transitionFlipFromBottom], animations: { self.status.isHidden = false }) { _ in delay(seconds: Self.removemessage (index: index)}else{}})}} 2, completion: {if index < self.message.count-1}Copy the code

Let’s see what happens

Good today stop here, soon to have a holiday, clean up, go home for the New Year

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