The paper

In the recent development of OSX application, some places need to mix text and text, and clickable text, then I miss the YYText used in iOS, and then thought, anyway, I have more time to build a Swift wheel, so I wrote MK_Text

At present, I have completed most of the functions of YYLabel, but it is basically enough. Later, I will also enrich the functions inside, you can also mention any ideas, if I think it is more practical, I will try to achieve it. Next, I will introduce MK_Text ~


Making links: MK_Text


Support text and text mix, support rich text and View mix

Support asynchronous layout rendering

Support for highlighting text Settings

Supports OSX and iOS

Support for automatic layout


Graphic mixed

You can customize the image display size. By default, the original image size is ~

You can set the image to its child line. The default is to be consistent with the middle line ~

        let imStr = NSMutableAttributedString.mk_image(im: MK_Image.init(named: NSImage.Name.init("face"))! , size: CGSize. Init (width: 30, height: 30), alignType: NSMutableAttributedString. AlignType. Top) / / control the usage and images are basically identicallet v = UISwitch.init()
        let viewStr = NSMutableAttributedString.mk_view(view: v, superView: ml, size: v.bounds.size)
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Highlighted words

To use the highlight attribute, create the MK_TapResponse structure first. Optionally return two closures: 1, rich text attribute ~ 2 for highlight, and closure ~ for click callback

Here to determine whether the click is complete logic is the same as Button ~

        let tap = NSMutableAttributedString.init(string: "Clickable character")
        let response = MK_TapResponse.init(highlitedBlock: { (str) -> [NSAttributedStringKey : Any]? in
            return [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor :]
        }) { (str, range) in
            print("Click on string ~")
        tap.addTapAttr(response: response, range: nil)
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throughMK_LabelThe alignment property is set (left-aligned by default), as shown in the center here

Line breaks in advance

For better reading, sometimes we need to wrap the word in advance, otherwise a full word will be displayed on two lines, just like UILable. I provide the following properties to achieve this effect

// The Label is the rich text to draw. // The Label is the rich text to draw. Our character to the end of the subscript var makeNewLineEarlyConditionBlock: ((NSAttributedString, Int) - > (Bool)) = {(STR, index) - > Boolin
        return falseVar wordSeparatorArr:[String] = [""]
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The wordSeparatorArr array stores word separators. The default array has only one element: “(space). Just like UILabel, different words are separated by Spaces

MakeNewLineEarlyConditionBlock at the bank line, if there will be a word is divided into two lines show, will be back the closure, to determine whether or not to break in advance, because for the Chinese, then there is no such a word in two line shows the problems, here the user can according to own actual situation to deal with ~


1. Prewrap is not used

2, use prewrap (delimiter “”, closure returns true)

Asynchronous rendering

Determine ~ by setting the isAsync property of Label to false by default

The effect

At present, only the above functions are realized, and other functions will be enriched in the future


As for the performance, I simply tested it, compared to YY_Text, and here is a simple comparison of the drawing time ~

This is where testing takes time



The result is that MK_Text is faster, probably because my function is relatively simple and I use Swift

Use attention

Modify rich text properties halfway through

If you need to refresh the UI while modifying rich text properties, use the following method

public func mk_setAttrtbute(dic:[NSAttributedStringKey : Any], range: NSRange)->Void
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Automatic layout

MK_Text is reference for automatic constraint support UILabel to do, when the View translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is true, then according to the View to render the frame.

If it is false, it will judge whether the constraint is bound to the width and height, if so, it will render according to the width and height of the constraint, if not, it will supplement the width and height constraint according to the render content ~

The installation


Add pod ‘MK_Text’ to Podfile

System requirements

OSX 10.10 or iOS 8.0


There aren’t many cameo files (I have one), so have a cameo appearance if you have any bugs or ideas from the cameo file, you may have a Star cameo file (ᴗ• Jun)