This article was analyzed based on UIDevice’s API. Finally, the usage method of UIDevice is given, including access to device name, system version, UUID, monitoring power change, battery power status, monitoring screen direction change, and monitoring whether the iPhone is close to the user’s body.


UIDevice is a class in the device environment of Core App under the UIKit framework. To represent the current device, what can you do with the UIDevice instance? The details are summarized as follows: 1. Use the UIDevice object to obtain device information, such as the name, device model, and operating system name and version. 2. You can use the UIDevice instance to detect changes in device features, such as physical orientation. 3. You can use the orientation attribute to get the current orientation and use notifications to handle changes in device orientation. 4. You can use the UIDevice instance to get information and notifications about battery charging status and charging level changes. 5. Access to proximity sensor status is also provided. Proximity sensors detect whether the user is holding the device close to their face. Enable battery monitoring or proximity sensing only when needed. 6. You can also use the example methods to play keyboard input clicks in custom input and keyboard attachment views.

Source code analysis

Import Foundation import UIKit // Device direction. Public enum UIDeviceOrientation: Int {case unknown   

    casePortrait // Vertical screen, home button belowcasePortraitUpsideDown // Vertical screen with Home button on topcaseLandscapeLeft // Home on the rightcaseLandscapeRight // The home is on the leftcaseFaceUp // flat, faceUpcaseFaceDown // flat, faceDown} // device oriented extension. Extension UIDeviceOrientation {// Public var isLandscape: Bool {get} // whether portrait public var isPortrait: Bool {get} // whether portrait public var isFlat: Bool {get} // whether portrait public var isFlat: Bool {get} // whether portrait Bool {get} / / effective public var isValidInterfaceOrientation interface direction: Bool {get}} enumeration of battery status Public enum UIDeviceBatteryState: Int {case unknown

    caseUnplugged / / dischargecaseCharging // Charging, less than 100%caseFull // full} // availableinIPhone 3.0 // Enumeration of interface types public enum UIUserInterfaceIdiom: Int {caseUnspecified // Unknown. @available(iOS 3.2, *)caseIPhone and iPod Touch style UI @available(iOS 3.2, *)caseIPad UI @available(iOS 9.0, *)caseTV // Apple TV style UI @available(iOS 9.0, *)caseCarPlay // carPlay style UI, car screen} // method. If equipment is vertical screen, return a Bool value public func UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait (_ orientation: UIDeviceOrientation) - > Bool / / equipment is landscape, return a Bool value public func UIDeviceOrientationIsLandscape (_ orientation: UIDeviceOrientation) -> Bool UIDevice class @available(iOS 2.0, *) Open Class UIDevice: NSObject {// class attribute, obtain the current device instance open class var current: UIDevice {get} // instance attribute, device name open var name: String {get} // LLDB."My iPhone"// instance attributes, device model open var model: String {get} // e.g. @"iPhone"The @"iPod touch"Open var localizedModel: String {get} // Get // Item of model // String { get } // e.g. @"iOS"Open var systemVersion: String {get} // e.g. @"4.0"// Open var orientation: UIDeviceOrientation {get} // Instance attributes, device UUID @available(iOS 6.0, *) open var identifierForVendor: UUID? {get} // Instance property, a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver generates a directional notification (true) or not specify (false) the open var isGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications: Bool {get} / / direction change notification generation equipment. The open func beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications () / / nestable/direction change notification generated/end equipment. The open func endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications () / / indicates whether to enable the battery monitor (true) or (nofalse) @ the available open var isBatteryMonitoringEnabled (iOS 3.0. *) : Bool // Default is NO // Battery status @available(iOS 3.0, *) open var batteryState: UIDeviceBatteryState { get } // UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknownif@available(iOS 3.0, *) open var batteryLevel: Float {get} // 0.. 1.0. If the battery status is unknown, -1 // indicates whether proximity monitoring is enabled (true) or not (false). @ the available (iOS 3.0. *) open var isProximityMonitoringEnabled: Bool / / default is NO / / said proximity sensor is close to the user (true) or not (false) @available(iOS 3.0, *) open var proximityState: Bool {get} // Always returns NOif@available(iOS 4.0, *) open var isMultitaskingSupported: Bool {get} @available(iOS 3.2, *) open var userInterfaceIdiom: UIUserInterfaceIdiom {get} // play available keyboard input clicks, @available(iOS 4.2, *) Open func playInputClick() // Plays a click onlyifAn enabling input view is on-screen and user has enabled input clicks.} Public Protocol UIInputViewAudioFeedback public Protocol UIInputViewAudioFeedback NSObjectProtocol {// Get whether the device enables keyboard input sound. If YES, the sound will be played optional public varenableInputClicksWhenVisible: Bool { get } // If YES, an input view will enablePlayInputClick.} // Some states that can be used to listen on. Used for sending notifications and listening for device status changes. Public func UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() -> UIUserInterfaceIdiom extension nsnotification. Name {// Device direction change public staticletUIDeviceOrientationDidChange: NSNotification. Name / / battery status change @ the available (iOS 3.0. *) public staticletUIDeviceBatteryStateDidChange: NSNotification. Name / / power change @ the available (iOS 3.0. *) public staticletUIDeviceBatteryLevelDidChange: NSNotification. Name / / close status change @ the available equipment (iOS 3.0. *) public staticlet UIDeviceProximityStateDidChange: NSNotification.Name

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================ gorgeous splitter line, here comes the code ===============

Swift // DeviceOrientation // Created by YHY on 2017/3/22. // Copyright © 2017年 sun Online. All rights reserved. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var deviceInfo: [String]! @IBOutlet weak var name: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var model: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var localizedModel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var systemName: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var systemVersion: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var orientation: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var batteryState: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var batteryLevel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var proximityState: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var userInterfaceIdiom: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var multitaskingSupported: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var identifierForVendor: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var proximity: UILabel! var i = 0,j = 0 override funcviewDidLoad() {

		letDevice = UIDevice. Current / / enable battery monitoring, monitoring about the battery after the enabled device can be used. The isBatteryMonitoringEnabled =true/ / to enable users to close to the device. IsProximityMonitoringEnabled =true
		print((2) Device name: +
		print("Equipment Model:" + device.model)
		print((2) Equipment positioning model: + device.localizedModel)
		print("Equipment system:" + device.systemName)
		print("System Version:" + device.systemVersion)
		print("UUID:" + String(describing: device.identifierForVendor) )
		print("Battery: \ (UIDevice. Current. BatteryLevel * 100) %")
		print("Whether proximity monitoring is supported:" + String(device.isMultitaskingSupported))
                name.text = (2) Device name: +
                model.text = "Equipment Model:" + device.model
                localizedModel.text = (2) Equipment positioning model: + device.localizedModel
                systemName.text = "Equipment system:" + device.systemName
                systemVersion.text = "System Version:" + device.systemVersion
                identifierForVendor.text = "UUID:" + String(describing: device.identifierForVendor!)
                batteryLevel.text = "Power." + String(device.batteryLevel)
                multitaskingSupported.text = "Whether proximity monitoring is supported:" + String(device.isMultitaskingSupported)
		switch device.userInterfaceIdiom {
			case .carPlay:
				print("User Interface Style: On-board Screen")
			    userInterfaceIdiom.text = "User Interface Style: On-board Screen"
			case .pad:
				print("UI Style: iPad")
			    userInterfaceIdiom.text = "UI Style: iPad"
			case .phone:
				print("User Interface Style: iPhone")
			    userInterfaceIdiom.text = "User Interface Style: iPhone"
				print("User Interface Style: TV")
				userInterfaceIdiom.text = "User Interface Style: TV"
				print("User interface Style: Unknown")
			    userInterfaceIdiom.text = "User interface Style: Unknown"} } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {super. ViewWillAppear (animated) / / listening devices NotificationCenter direction change. The default. The addObserver (self, the selector:#selector(change), name: .UIDeviceOrientationDidChange, object: nil)/ / to monitor battery status NotificationCenter. Default. AddObserver (self, the selector:#selector(battery), name: .UIDeviceBatteryStateDidChange, object: nil)/ / to monitor power NotificationCenter. Default. AddObserver (self, the selector:#selector(batteryLevels), name: .UIDeviceBatteryLevelDidChange, object: nil)/ / monitoring equipment is close to the user NotificationCenter. Default. The addObserver (self, the selector:#selector(proximityStates), name: .UIDeviceProximityStateDidChange, object: nil)
	func change() {
		let orienta = UIDevice.current.orientation
		switch orienta {
			case .faceDown:
			    orientation.text = "Device orientation: Face to the ground"
			case .faceUp:
			    orientation.text = "Device orientation: Face up"
			case .landscapeLeft:
			    orientation.text = "Device orientation: head to left"
			case .landscapeRight:
			    orientation.text = "Device direction: head to the right"
			case .portrait:
			    orientation.text = "Equipment direction: Upright"
			case .portraitUpsideDown:
			    orientation.text = "Equipment direction: upside down"
			    orientation.text = "Device Direction: Still confused."
	func battery() {
		let batteryStatu = UIDevice.current.batteryState
		switch batteryStatu {
			case .charging:
				 batteryState.text = "Battery status: Charging"
			case .full:
				print("Full charge")
				batteryState.text = "Battery status: Full charge"
			case .unplugged:
				batteryState.text = "Battery status: Discharging"
				print("I don't know what I'm doing.")
				batteryState.text = "Battery status: I don't know what I'm doing."
	func batteryLevels() {
		batteryLevel.text = "Notice of power into: \ (UIDevice. Current. BatteryLevel * 100) %"

	func proximityStates() {
		print("Proximity to users :",UIDevice.current.proximityState)
		if UIDevice.current.proximityState {
			i += 1
			proximity.text = "Close to user \(I) times"
		}else {
			j += 1
			proximityState.text = "Left \(j) times"
	override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {


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