Summary of ios low-level articles

Storage space is divided into RAM and ROM.

Random Access Memory (RAM) : A running memory that can be directly accessed by a CPU. The READ/write speed is fast, but the memory cannot be stored during power-off. It is divided into:

  • dynamicDRAM, the speed is slower, the need for regular refresh (charging), often said memory bar refers to it, the price will be a little lower, the mobile phone running memory is also refers to it.
  • staticSRAMIt’s faster. What we call level 1 cache, level 2 cache is that. It’s a little bit more expensive.

ROM(Read only Memory) : memory that can be stored by power failure, such as SD card and Flash(mechanical disk can also be simply understood as ROM). Lots of use: NandFlash(big space, cheap), and NorFlash(running applications directly, fast reads).

As THE RAM type does not have the power failure storage capacity (that is, once the power supply is stopped, all the data will be garbled after being powered on again, so it needs to be initialized), app programs are generally stored in ROM. RAM access is much faster and more expensive than ROM.

Since RAM cannot be powered down for storage, our APP programs, flash packages, downloaded files and so on are stored in ROM.

The ROM used in the phone is basically NandFlash, which is not directly accessible by the CPU, but requires the file system/driver (embedded EMC) to read it into the RAM CPU to access it.

Memory (RAM) partition area

Stack area


  • The stack isScale to a lower address,
  • Is a piece of the stackContiguous memory areas, follow theFirst in last Out (FILO)The principle of
  • Of the stackAddress spaceIn iOS it is0 x7 beginning
  • The stack area is generally inRuntime allocation


The stack area is automatically allocated and freed by the compiler for storage

  • A local variable
  • Parameters of a function, eg: Function’s hidden argument (id self, SEL _cmd)

The characteristics of

  • Advantages: Because the stack is automatically allocated and freed by the compiler, there is no memory fragmentation, so it is fast and efficient

  • Disadvantages: limited stack memory size, inflexible data

    • The iOS main thread stack size is 1MB
    • The other threads are512KB
    • MAConly8M

The above instructions for memory size are provided in the Threading Programming Guide

Heap area


  • The heap isExtend to higher addresses
  • The heap isA discontinuous memory region, similar to theChain table structure(easy to add and delete, not easy to query), followFirst in first out(FIFO) principle
  • The heapAddress spaceIn iOS it is0x6At first, the allocation of space is always dynamic
  • The allocation of heap areas is generally inRuntime allocation


The heap area is allocated and released dynamically by the programmer. If the programmer does not release it, it may be reclaimed by the operating system after the program is finished, mainly for storage

  • OCThe use ofallocOr usenewOpen up space to create objects
  • CLanguage useMalloc, Calloc, ReallocAllocated space, neededfreeThe release of

The characteristics of

  • Advantages: flexible and convenient, wide range of data adaptation
  • Weakness: the need toManual management.Slow speedAnd easy toGenerate memory fragmentation

When accessing memory in the heap, it is generally necessary to read the pointer address of the stack through the object, and then access the heap through the pointer address

Global zone (static zone, i.e..bss &.data)

The global area is the memory space allocated at compile time, which generally starts with 0x1 in iOS. During the program running, the data in this memory is always stored and released by the system after the program ends

  • uninitializedtheThe global variableandA static variable, that is, BSS region (.bSS)
  • initializedtheThe global variableandA static variableData area (.data)

A global variable is a variable whose value can be dynamically modified at run time, while a static variable is a static modified variable, including a static local variable and a static global variable

Constant area (.rodata)

The constant area is the memory space allocated at compile time and released by the system at the end of the program

  • Already used and not directed toString constant

Because string constants can be used multiple times in a program, memory is allocated ahead of time before the program runs

Code area (.text)

Code areas are allocated at compile time to store code that is compiled into binary and stored in memory while the program is running

The address starts with 0x1, which means it’s in the constant area and the address starts with 0x6, which means it’s in the heap area and the address starts with 0x7, which means it’s in the stack

The function of stack

  • The function of stackAlso known as theThe stack areaTo allocate memory from the highest address to the lowest address, as opposed to the heap. See the illustration at the beginning of this article
  • The stack frameRefers to theA separate contiguous area of memory occupied by a function (running and incomplete)
  • Newly created in the applicationEach thread has its own stack spaceThe stack can be used freely during the thread. And there are tens of thousands of function calls in the thread, these functionsSharedThis of the processStack space. The stack space used by each function is oneThe stack frameAll stack frames make up the thread’s complete stack
  • The function call takes place inThe stackEvery one of themInformation about the function(for example, local variables, call records, etc.)Store in a stack frameRun the command onceA function call, generates a stack frame associated with it, and then converts itThe stack frame is pushed onto the function stackAnd when the delta functionPerform the end, then the corresponding of this functionThe stack frame goes off the stack and is released

As shown in the figure below, it is the stack frame layout of classic Graph-ARM

ARM stack frame layout

  • Among themmain stack frameforCall the stack frame of the function
  • func1 stack frameforThe stack frame of the current function (called)
  • The bottom of the stackinhighAddress, stack goes down.
  • FPisThe stack baseIt points to the delta functionStart address of stack frame
  • SPIt’s a functionThe stack pointer, it points toTo the top of the stackThe location of the.
  • ARM pressure stacktheThe orderVery regular (and relatively easy to hack), in orderCurrent function pointer PC,Return pointer LR,The stack pointer SP,The stack base FP,Number of arguments and Pointers passed in,The local variableandTemporary variable. If a function is about to call another function, the temporary variable area should hold the other function’s arguments before jumping.
  • The ARM can alsoUse the stack base address and the stack pointer to indicate the position of the stack frame, the stack pointer SP keeps moving, ARM’sThe characteristics ofIs that,The address in both stack Spaces (SP+FP) must be preceded by two code addresses (PC+LR) that explicitly identify an address within the location of the calling function.

Stack overflow

In general, applications do not need to consider the size of the heap and stack, but the reality is that the heap and stack are not unlimited. Too much recursion can cause stack overflows, and too many alloc variables can cause heap overflows.

So ways to prevent stack overflow: (1) avoid deep recursive calls;

(2) Do not use too many local variables to control the size of local variables;

(3) Avoid allocating objects that occupy too much space and release them in time;

(4) If it is not possible, call system API to modify the stack size of thread in appropriate situation;