UIPageControl crash

Today, I checked the Bugly Crash log and found a new bug, which occurred for more than 10 times, indicating the difference. After checking the log, I found that all the bugs occurred on iOS 14 system, it seems that there are still many users chasing new users. The error log is as follows:

UIPageControl assigns a value to a property using KVC.

Using KVC to UIPageControl_pageImage andThe _currentPageImage attribute is assigned to implementThe UIPageControl image setting method has no problems on iOS14, but crash happened on iOS14. The situation is urgent, and the simple modification is as follows:

In order to verify the problem, the test machine was upgraded to iOS14 Bate version, and it was found that Xcode11.5 could not be debugged on the real machine, so the ios14.0-beta1 real machine debugging package was downloaded, and the test confirmed that it was running properly on iOS14.0.

Attached link: Baidu cloud disk address extraction code: ETWQ

How to import real machine debug package

  1. Locate the Xcode application, view the package contents, and step by step find the path where DeviceSupport is located: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
  2. Decompress the debugging package to the DeviceSupport folder
  3. Exit Xcode completely, restart, the real machine debugging package takes effect, and iOS 14 can run debugging normally

Xcode support for different system version (~ / Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport)

Every time a new debugging package is added, the real machine debugging will have to wait a long time to install the system version of the debugging file, and the file will take up a lot of storage space, about 2G, usually we will delete some uncommon debugging files to save space, because even if deleted debugging files, as long as the real machine debugging package is still there, Xcode will automatically download the debug files again the next time it runs.