The iPhone’s Face ID has been called the most secure way to unlock a phone, but Apple has failed to do the math, losing out to a Face mask. Due to the epidemic, people now have to wear masks when going out, so Face ID has been completely abolished. Password unlocking occurs after multiple previous identification failures, greatly reducing the speed and experience of locking. This point was also mocked by many netizens. In order to solve this problem, Apple also managed to solve this problem in the latest system.

A little over a month after the release of IOS 13.4.1, Apple has released IOS 1.5. The most important upgrade is the ease with which masks can be unlocked. After the IOS 13.5 upgrade, the system can automatically detect the presence of masks and switch to the password unlock screen. Face ID is still semi-disabled, but it takes much less time to unlock than previous versions, which is a nice gesture from Apple.

There have also been some tweaks to group FaceTime chats so that the screen doesn’t get bigger when video participants are talking. Other areas are some BUG fixes. In a surprise move, Apple also released an update to IOS 12.4.7 for six older devices, including the iPhone 5S. It seems that when it comes to software updates, there really aren’t many that can beat Apple’s conscience.

Overall, IOS 13.5, while not a blockbuster upgrade, brings two features that are useful and thoughtful, and is well worth upgrading to.