Jubilant, used by amway iOS12, booming, updated the latest version.

Someone on the web has already encountered a Bug related to the iOS array that seems to be causing an entire Internet storm.

Array state will be cached in iOS 12 Safari, is bug or feature? — stackoverflow

Are there any changes to Safari in iOS 12? A javascript issue was discovered today – V2EX

Let’s get started with IOS 12:

This is the original page

This is the restoration

Click Refresh at the top of the page, and you can see that after the page is refreshed, the order of the array in the original page changes to reverse order on the second visit to the page, even if the page is closed and re-entered. If you refresh it several times, the array will go backwards and forwards. It looks like the Webview caches this array.

Other Array apis, including manually changing the order of the elements in the Array, do not have this problem. So far only reverse has been found to have this problem.

When we use reverse to change the order of the array, the order of the array must be very important to us. If we use reverse to change the order of the array the second time, it will have a big impact on our application!

I have urgently written a file to deal with this problem. If necessary, you can use it. If you have any questions, you are welcome to PR. array-reverse-ios12

I wonder if Apple can fix this issue with HotPatch, if not, it may have to be updated in the next version. At apple’s level, this version could affect many users.