Ionic is a framework that allows us to use web development even for mobile applications. Before Ionic4, ionic was only available with Angular. Since Ionic4, ionic has been split into four versions: @ionic/ Core, @ionic/ Angular, @ionic/ React, and @ionic/vue. But @ionic/ Vue and @ionic/ React are still in beta. If you are familiar with Angular you can develop directly with @ionic/ Angular, but if you are familiar with React or Vue and want to use ionic, you can use the @ionic/ Core version. This article uses @ionic/ Core + vue to illustrate how the two can be combined. Ionic also introduces Cordova and Capacitor to package our code into Android or ios applications. ionicframework.com
Ionic was used to build our environment
Installing Ionic scaffolding
npm install -g ionic
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Install Androd Stuiod to compile Android code
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Install Xcode to compile ios code
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Initialize the project to test whether the environment has been installed successfully with the templates provided
ionic start myApp blank
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Launch on Android Studio
1, ionic cordova prepare android
2, ionic cordova run android -l
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Launch on Xcode
1, Ionic Cordova Prepare ios 2, Ionic Cordova Run ios-l
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Build your own environment
The code is https://github.com/gdutjiweijin/webappCopy the code
Adapt vuE-CLI scaffolding to build vUE base code
1, NPM install --global vue-cli 2, vue init webpack webapp 3,cd webapp
4, yarn install
5, yarn run dev
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The introduction of ionic @ the core
Add it to index.html
<link href="https://unpkg.com/@ionic/core@4.0.0-beta.13/css/ionic.bundle.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ionic/core@4.0.0-beta.13/dist/ionic.js"></script>
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In the main. Js to join
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [/^ion-/];
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Initialize the Cordova project
1,cordova create cordovawebapp
2,cordova platform add android
3,cordova platform add ios
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Put our code in the cordova directory
1) Package our project code NPM run build
2) Copy the dist directory code to the corresponding directory on Android
cp -r dist/ ./cordovawebapp/platforms/android/app/src/main/assets/www/
Copy the code
3) Copy the dist directory code to the corresponding ios directory
cp -r dist/ ./cordovawebapp/platforms/ios/www/
Copy the code