Write a function that reverses the input string. The input string is given as a character array s.

Instead of allocating extra space to another array, you must modify the input array in place, using O(1) extra space to solve the problem.

This is a relatively simple character string inversion problem, can directly use JS API, cyclic exchange, double pointer method to solve

  • JS API
var reverseString = function(s) {
         return s.reverse()
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  • Circulation exchange

Swap the i-th and (array length -i) elements by iterating through the array. The traversal length is math.floor (array length / 2).

var reverseString = function(s) {
     for (let index = 0 ; index < Math.floor(s.length / 2); index++) {
         let left = index
         let right = s.length - 1 - index
         let temp = s[left]
         s[left] = s[right]
         s[right] = temp
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  • Double pointer

Set the left and right Pointers of the array to be swapped. After the exchange, the left pointer moves, the right pointer moves left, until the two Pointers intersect, then the exchange ends

var reverseString = function(s) { let left = 0 let right = s.length - 1 while (left < right) { if (s[left] ! == s[right]) { let temp = s[left] s[left] = s[right] s[right] = temp } left++ right-- } }Copy the code

All three methods can reverse arrays.