>>>> 😜😜😜 Making: 👉 github.com/black-ant
A. The preface
Seata: Session initialization for server-side transactions. Seata: Session initialization for server-side transactions
The entire Session will be processed for two operations, one for global_table and the other for branch_table.
Pro 1: Function of global_table Global_table is used to persist global transactions and can be configured using store.db.global.table
CREATE TABLE `global_table` (
`xid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`transaction_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`application_id` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`transaction_service_group` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`transaction_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`timeout` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`begin_time` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`application_data` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
`gmt_create` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`gmt_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`xid`),
KEY `idx_gmt_modified_status` (`gmt_modified`,`status`),
KEY `idx_transaction_id` (`transaction_id`)
Copy the code
Pro 2: Branch_table function Branch_table is used to identify branch transactions and can be configured using store.db.branch
CREATE TABLE `branch_table` (
`branch_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`xid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`transaction_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`resource_group_id` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`resource_id` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
`branch_type` varchar(8) DEFAULT NULL,
`status` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`client_id` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`application_data` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
`gmt_create` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`gmt_modified` datetime(6) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`branch_id`),
KEY `idx_xid` (`xid`)
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Global_table and branch_TABLE are related to primary and branch transactions. When a service is running, a piece of data is created in global_table, and each database operation unit (RM transaction), a piece of branch_TABLE data is created.
2. Session data trend
To look at the data flow of the entire process, first look at the overall processing logic
C1-netty Request Send a Request c2-AbstracttCinboundHandler process the Request A Handler C4 C3 - GlobalSession open affairs - AbstractSessionManager abstract level management Session C5 - DataBaseTransactionStoreManager actually Session management C6- LogStoreDataBaseDAO persistence processingCopy the code
2.1 Session data entry
In the previous document, have learned through DataBaseTransactionStoreManager # writeSession opens the Session handling
Each if has a specific operation type, which is divided into two parts: Global and Branch
public boolean writeSession(LogOperation logOperation, SessionStorable session) {
if (LogOperation.GLOBAL_ADD.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.insertGlobalTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertGlobalTransactionDO(session));
} else if (LogOperation.GLOBAL_UPDATE.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.updateGlobalTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertGlobalTransactionDO(session));
} else if (LogOperation.GLOBAL_REMOVE.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.deleteGlobalTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertGlobalTransactionDO(session));
// Handle BRANCH operations
} else if (LogOperation.BRANCH_ADD.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.insertBranchTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertBranchTransactionDO(session));
} else if (LogOperation.BRANCH_UPDATE.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.updateBranchTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertBranchTransactionDO(session));
} else if (LogOperation.BRANCH_REMOVE.equals(logOperation)) {
return logStore.deleteBranchTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertBranchTransactionDO(session));
} else {
throw new StoreException("Unknown LogOperation:"+ logOperation.name()); }}// You can see that there are multiple types of judgment by if, and look at the overall call logic
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2.2 Session Data Management
Session management is implemented through abstractssession Manager and its corresponding classes. The abstractssession Manager provides the following interfaces to process sessions
public interface SessionManager extends SessionLifecycleListener.Disposable {
/ / Global section
void addGlobalSession(GlobalSession session) throws TransactionException;
GlobalSession findGlobalSession(String xid) ;
GlobalSession findGlobalSession(String xid, boolean withBranchSessions);
void updateGlobalSessionStatus(GlobalSession session, GlobalStatus status) throws TransactionException;
void removeGlobalSession(GlobalSession session) throws TransactionException;
/ / Branch
void addBranchSession(GlobalSession globalSession, BranchSession session) throws TransactionException;
void updateBranchSessionStatus(BranchSession session, BranchStatus status) throws TransactionException;
void removeBranchSession(GlobalSession globalSession, BranchSession session) throws TransactionException;
Collection<GlobalSession> allSessions(a);
// Timed processing
List<GlobalSession> findGlobalSessions(SessionCondition condition);
// Execute after locking
<T> T lockAndExecute(GlobalSession globalSession, GlobalSession.LockCallable<T> lockCallable)
throws TransactionException;
/ / time lock
default boolean scheduledLock(String key) {
return true;
default boolean unScheduledLock(String key) {
return true; }}In contrast, Seata provides multiple implementation classes for SessionManger
@LoadLevel(name = "db", scope = Scope.PROTOTYPE)
public class DataBaseSessionManager extends AbstractSessionManager implements Initialize
@LoadLevel(name = "file", scope = Scope.PROTOTYPE)
public class FileSessionManager extends AbstractSessionManager implements Reloadable
@LoadLevel(name = "redis", scope = Scope.PROTOTYPE)
public class RedisSessionManager extends AbstractSessionManager implements Initialize
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2.3 Session Creation
When the first service is executed, the logical process of addGlobalSession is initiated. The Session is created using the SessionManager
- C- AbstractTCInboundHandler # handle
- C- DefaultCoordinator # doGlobalBegin
- C- DefaultCore # begin
- C- GlobalSession # begin
- C- AbstractSessionManager # onBegin
- C- DataBaseSessionManager # addGlobalSession
// Step temporary: onRequest
AbstractResultMessage onRequest(AbstractMessage request, RpcContext context)
// Step 1: Enable global transactions -> business-service-seata-service-group
C- DefaultCoordinator
protected void doGlobalBegin(GlobalBeginRequest request, GlobalBeginResponse response, RpcContext rpcContext)
throws TransactionException {
response.setXid(core.begin(rpcContext.getApplicationId(), rpcContext.getTransactionServiceGroup(),
request.getTransactionName(), request.getTimeout()));
// Step 2 : DefaultCore
public String begin(String applicationId, String transactionServiceGroup, String name, int timeout)
throws TransactionException {
/ / open GlobalSession
GlobalSession session = GlobalSession.createGlobalSession(applicationId, transactionServiceGroup, name,
MDC.put(RootContext.MDC_KEY_XID, session.getXid());
// Publish the transaction GlobalTransactionEvent
eventBus.post(new GlobalTransactionEvent(session.getTransactionId(), GlobalTransactionEvent.ROLE_TC,
session.getTransactionName(), applicationId, transactionServiceGroup, session.getBeginTime(), null, session.getStatus()));
return session.getXid();
// Step 3: Add the GlobalSession C-DatabasesessionManager
public void addGlobalSession(GlobalSession session) throws TransactionException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(taskName)) {
boolean ret = transactionStoreManager.writeSession(LogOperation.GLOBAL_ADD, session);
if(! ret) {throw new StoreException("addGlobalSession failed."); }}else {
boolean ret = transactionStoreManager.writeSession(LogOperation.GLOBAL_UPDATE, session);
if(! ret) {throw new StoreException("addGlobalSession failed."); }}}/ / Step 4: build convertGlobalTransactionDO
return logStore.insertGlobalTransactionDO(SessionConverter.convertGlobalTransactionDO(session));
"applicationId": "business-seata-example"."beginTime": 1626253527508."status": 1."timeout": 300000."transactionId": 4386660905323928286."transactionName": "dubbo-gts-seata-example"."transactionServiceGroup": "business-service-seata-service-group"."xid": ""
// Step 5: Insert into SQL with the following parameters
public boolean insertGlobalTransactionDO(GlobalTransactionDO globalTransactionDO) {
String sql = LogStoreSqlsFactory.getLogStoreSqls(dbType).getInsertGlobalTransactionSQL(globalTable);
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
conn = logStoreDataSource.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
String transactionName = globalTransactionDO.getTransactionName();
transactionName = transactionName.length() > transactionNameColumnSize ? transactionName.substring(0,
transactionNameColumnSize) : transactionName;
return ps.executeUpdate() > 0;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new StoreException(e);
} finally{ IOUtil.close(ps, conn); }}Copy the code
2.4 Usage of Session data
After looking at the management, look at the whole process process, how to implement the Session read and use processAbstractssession Manager: abstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager: AbstractsSession Manager
// Path 1: RetryRollback Rollback
1. DefaultCoordinator # init
2.DefaultCoordinator # handleRetryRollbacking: Processes the Rollback logic for retry3.DataBaseSessionManager # allSessions: Process sessionHolder. RETRY_ROLLBACKING_SESSION_MANAGER_NAME4. DataBaseSessionManager # findGlobalSessions
// The same process is used for the following:
1. retryCommitting
2. timeoutCheck
3. asyncCommitting
// Approach 2: Session business processWhat happens in normal logic, and we'll see later, in the business logic as a whole, how does the Session functionCopy the code
2.4.1 Obtaining the Session
(DataBaseSessionManager # readSession); (DataBaseSessionManager # readSession)
- GlobalSession findGlobalSession(String xid)
- GlobalSession findGlobalSession(String xid, boolean withBranchSessions)
- List findGlobalSessions(SessionCondition Condition) : Based on scheduled tasks
// Step 1: findSession logic
public GlobalSession findGlobalSession(String xid, boolean withBranchSessions) {
// This is primarily a call to ReadSession
return transactionStoreManager.readSession(xid, withBranchSessions);
// transactionStoreManager.readSession(condition)
// Step 2: readSession operation
public GlobalSession readSession(String xid, boolean withBranchSessions) {
/ / query GlobalTransactionDO
GlobalTransactionDO globalTransactionDO = logStore.queryGlobalTransactionDO(xid);
if (globalTransactionDO == null) {
return null;
//branch transactions
List<BranchTransactionDO> branchTransactionDOs = null;
//reduce rpc with db when branchRegister and getGlobalStatus
if (withBranchSessions) {
branchTransactionDOs = logStore.queryBranchTransactionDO(globalTransactionDO.getXid());
return getGlobalSession(globalTransactionDO, branchTransactionDOs);
// Step 2-1: Call the specific queryBranchTransactionDO
// The LogStore implementation class LogStoreDataBaseDAO is used here
public List<GlobalTransactionDO> queryGlobalTransactionDO(int[] statuses, int limit) {
conn = logStoreDataSource.getConnection();
// Automatically commit transactions
String paramsPlaceHolder = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.repeat("?".",", statuses.length);
// select xid, transaction_id, status, application_id, transaction_service_group,
// transaction_name, timeout, begin_time, application_data, gmt_create, gmt_modified
// from global_table where status in (? ,? ,? ,?) order by gmt_modified limit ?
String sql = LogStoreSqlsFactory.getLogStoreSqls(dbType).getQueryGlobalTransactionSQLByStatus(globalTable, paramsPlaceHolder);
// Initiate SQL processing
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
// Step 2-2: Convert GlobalTransactionDO to GlobalSession
private GlobalSession getGlobalSession(GlobalTransactionDO globalTransactionDO, List
GlobalSession globalSession = SessionConverter.convertGlobalSession(globalTransactionDO);
//branch transactions
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(branchTransactionDOs)) {
// Join branch transaction BranchTransactionDO
for(BranchTransactionDO branchTransactionDO : branchTransactionDOs) { globalSession.add(SessionConverter.convertBranchSession(branchTransactionDO)); }}return globalSession;
// A simple Session query process is finished, and the corresponding SessionCondition and statuses query
public List<GlobalSession> readSession(GlobalStatus[] statuses) {
int[] states = new int[statuses.length];
for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) {
states[i] = statuses[i].getCode();
// Query all globalTransactionDos corresponding to status
List<GlobalTransactionDO> globalTransactionDOs = logStore.queryGlobalTransactionDO(states, logQueryLimit);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(globalTransactionDOs)) {
return null;
List<String> xids = globalTransactionDOs.stream().map(GlobalTransactionDO::getXid).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Get all branch transactions
List<BranchTransactionDO> branchTransactionDOs = logStore.queryBranchTransactionDO(xids);
Map<String, List<BranchTransactionDO>> branchTransactionDOsMap = branchTransactionDOs.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(BranchTransactionDO::getXid, LinkedHashMap::new, Collectors.toList()));
// Return the Gloabl collection
return globalTransactionDOs.stream().map(globalTransactionDO ->
getGlobalSession(globalTransactionDO, branchTransactionDOsMap.get(globalTransactionDO.getXid())))
public List<GlobalSession> readSession(SessionCondition sessionCondition) {
// The Xid or TransactionId is provided for the timing case
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sessionCondition.getXid())) {
GlobalSession globalSession = readSession(sessionCondition.getXid());
if(globalSession ! =null) {
List<GlobalSession> globalSessions = new ArrayList<>();
returnglobalSessions; }}else if(sessionCondition.getTransactionId() ! =null) {
GlobalSession globalSession = readSession(sessionCondition.getTransactionId());
if(globalSession ! =null) {
List<GlobalSession> globalSessions = new ArrayList<>();
returnglobalSessions; }}else if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sessionCondition.getStatuses())) {
return readSession(sessionCondition.getStatuses());
return null;
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2.4.2 Adding a Session
// After the Session is created, the subsequent BranchSession will join the GlobalSession -> see 3.1.3 Registering the master logic
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2.5 Session Data Destruction
The main process is as follows:
- C- SessionHelper # endRollbacked
- C- GlobalSession # end()
- C- GlobalSession # onEnd()
- C- DataBaseSessionManager # removeGlobalSession
// DataBaseSessionManager
// Step 1: Destroy the entry DefaultCore # doGlobalCommit
public boolean doGlobalCommit(GlobalSession globalSession, boolean retrying) throws TransactionException {
boolean success = true;
// start committing event
eventBus.post(new GlobalTransactionEvent(globalSession.getTransactionId(), GlobalTransactionEvent.ROLE_TC,
globalSession.getTransactionName(), globalSession.getApplicationId(), globalSession.getTransactionServiceGroup(),
globalSession.getBeginTime(), null, globalSession.getStatus()));
/ /... Omit the COMMIT logic
//If success and there is no branch, end the global transaction.
if (success && globalSession.getBranchSessions().isEmpty()) {
// committed event
eventBus.post(new GlobalTransactionEvent(globalSession.getTransactionId(), GlobalTransactionEvent.ROLE_TC,
globalSession.getTransactionName(), globalSession.getApplicationId(), globalSession.getTransactionServiceGroup(),
globalSession.getBeginTime(), System.currentTimeMillis(), globalSession.getStatus()));
return success;
// Step 2: Commit
public static void endCommitted(GlobalSession globalSession) throws TransactionException {
// Step 3: Close the lifecycle
public void end(a) throws TransactionException {
// Clean locks first
for (SessionLifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) {
lifecycleListener.onEnd(this); }}// Step 4: Remove global transactions
public void removeGlobalSession(GlobalSession session) throws TransactionException {
boolean ret = transactionStoreManager.writeSession(LogOperation.GLOBAL_REMOVE, session);
if(! ret) {throw new StoreException("removeGlobalSession failed."); }}Copy the code
3. Branch_table process
3.1 Branch_TABLE Creation Process
3.1.1 Registration entry
AbstractTCInboundHandler is an important class that processes all Branch logic. This class has an implementation class: DefaultCoordinator
C- AbstractTCInboundHandler # handle
public BranchRegisterResponse handle(BranchRegisterRequest request, final RpcContext rpcContext) {
BranchRegisterResponse response = new BranchRegisterResponse();
// Note that an AbstractCallback is created
exceptionHandleTemplate(new AbstractCallback<BranchRegisterRequest, BranchRegisterResponse>() {
public void execute(BranchRegisterRequest request, BranchRegisterResponse response)
throws TransactionException {
try {
// Register Branch
doBranchRegister(request, response, rpcContext);
} catch (StoreException e) {
throw new TransactionException(TransactionExceptionCode.FailedStore, String
.format("branch register request failed. xid=%s, msg=%s", request.getXid(), e.getMessage()), e);
}, request, response);
return response;
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3.1.2 doBranchRegister Main registration process
Each transaction unit registers a Branch,
C- DefaultCoordinator # doBranchRegister
protected void doBranchRegister(BranchRegisterRequest request, BranchRegisterResponse response, RpcContext rpcContext) throws TransactionException {
MDC.put(RootContext.MDC_KEY_XID, request.getXid());
core.branchRegister(request.getBranchType(), request.getResourceId(), rpcContext.getClientId(),
request.getXid(), request.getApplicationData(), request.getLockKey()));
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3.1.3 Registering the master logic
public Long branchRegister(BranchType branchType, String resourceId, String clientId, String xid, String applicationData, String lockKeys) throws TransactionException {
GlobalSession globalSession = assertGlobalSessionNotNull(xid, false);
return SessionHolder.lockAndExecute(globalSession, () -> {
// Build the Branch business
BranchSession branchSession = SessionHelper.newBranchByGlobal(globalSession, branchType, resourceId,
applicationData, lockKeys, clientId);
MDC.put(RootContext.MDC_KEY_BRANCH_ID, String.valueOf(branchSession.getBranchId()));
branchSessionLock(globalSession, branchSession);
try {
// Add the Branch service
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw newBranchTransactionException(........) ; }return branchSession.getBranchId();
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3.1.4 add Branch
public void addBranch(BranchSession branchSession) throws TransactionException {
for (SessionLifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) {
lifecycleListener.onAddBranch(this, branchSession);
public void addBranchSession(GlobalSession globalSession, BranchSession session) throws TransactionException {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(taskName)) {
// At the core node again, call writeSession
boolean ret = transactionStoreManager.writeSession(LogOperation.BRANCH_ADD, session);
if(! ret) {throw new StoreException("addBranchSession failed."); }}// Omit the writeSession logic, but that's all
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Take a look at the saved data structure
C- LogStoreDataBaseDAO
public boolean insertBranchTransactionDO(BranchTransactionDO branchTransactionDO) {
String sql = LogStoreSqlsFactory.getLogStoreSqls(dbType).getInsertBranchTransactionSQL(branchTable);
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
conn = logStoreDataSource.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(5."JDBC: mysql: / / / seata." ");
ps.setString(8."The account - seata - example:");
return ps.executeUpdate() > 0;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new StoreException(e);
} finally{ IOUtil.close(ps, conn); }}Copy the code
5. Supplement for other links
5.1 Deleting a BranchSession
BranchSession will be deleted in asyncCommit logic. The main process is as follows:
// Step 1: asyncCommit commit globalCommit
protected void handleAsyncCommitting(a) {
SessionHelper.forEach(asyncCommittingSessions, asyncCommittingSession -> {
core.doGlobalCommit(asyncCommittingSession, true);
// Commit the Global Commit transaction
public boolean doGlobalCommit(GlobalSession globalSession, boolean retrying) throws TransactionException {
boolean success = true;
// start committing event
eventBus.post(new GlobalTransactionEvent(globalSession.getTransactionId(), GlobalTransactionEvent.ROLE_TC,
globalSession.getTransactionName(), globalSession.getApplicationId(), globalSession.getTransactionServiceGroup(),
globalSession.getBeginTime(), null, globalSession.getStatus()));
if (globalSession.isSaga()) {
success = getCore(BranchType.SAGA).doGlobalCommit(globalSession, retrying);
} else {
/ / to omit...
BranchStatus branchStatus = getCore(branchSession.getBranchType()).branchCommit(globalSession, branchSession);
switch (branchStatus) {
case PhaseTwo_Committed:
return CONTINUE;
case PhaseTwo_CommitFailed_Unretryable:
if (globalSession.canBeCommittedAsync()) {
return CONTINUE;
} else {
return false;
if(! retrying) { globalSession.queueToRetryCommit();return false;
if (globalSession.canBeCommittedAsync()) {
return CONTINUE;
} else {
return false; }}}catch (Exception ex) {
return CONTINUE;
//If success and there is no branch, end the global transaction.
if (success && globalSession.getBranchSessions().isEmpty()) {
// committed event
eventBus.post(new GlobalTransactionEvent(globalSession.getTransactionId(), GlobalTransactionEvent.ROLE_TC,
globalSession.getTransactionName(), globalSession.getApplicationId(), globalSession.getTransactionServiceGroup(),
globalSession.getBeginTime(), System.currentTimeMillis(), globalSession.getStatus()));
return success;
// Step 3: Remove the Session
public void removeBranch(BranchSession branchSession) throws TransactionException {
// do not unlock if global status in (Committing, CommitRetrying, AsyncCommitting),
// because it's already unlocked in 'DefaultCore.commit()'
if(status ! = Committing && status ! = CommitRetrying && status ! = AsyncCommitting) {if(! branchSession.unlock()) {throw new TransactionException("Unlock branch lock failed, xid = " + this.xid + ", branchId = "+ branchSession.getBranchId()); }}for (SessionLifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) {
lifecycleListener.onRemoveBranch(this, branchSession);
/ / Step 4: delete DataBaseTransactionStoreManager # writeSession processing Branch
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5.2 Comparing Rollback Processes
As with Global, the asynchronous approach is different
TODO: Follow-up improvementsCopy the code
5.3 Description of DefaultCoordinator
So let’s see what the DefaultCoordinator class has. Okay?
// Internal objects
C- DefaultCoordinator
F- int TIMED_TASK_SHUTDOWN_MAX_WAIT_MILLS = 5000; // The maximum waiting time for the scheduled task to be closed
F- long COMMITTING_RETRY_PERIOD // Commit retry time, default 1000L
F- long ASYNC_COMMITTING_RETRY_PERIOD // Asynchronous commit retry time
F- long ROLLBACKING_RETRY_PERIOD // Rollback retry time
F- long TIMEOUT_RETRY_PERIOD // Retry after timeout
F- long UNDO_LOG_DELETE_PERIOD // UNDO_LOG Delete period
F- long UNDO_LOG_DELAY_DELETE_PERIOD = 3 * 60 * 1000 // Undo_log Delay deletion period
F- int ALWAYS_RETRY_BOUNDARY = 0 // Always retry
F- Duration MAX_COMMIT_RETRY_TIMEOUT // Maximum commit retry timeout
F- Duration MAX_ROLLBACK_RETRY_TIMEOUT // Maximum rollback retry timeout
F- boolean ROLLBACK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_UNLOCK_ENABLE // Enable timeout unlock
F- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor retryRollbacking
F- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor retryCommitting
F- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor asyncCommitting
F- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timeoutCheck
F- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor undoLogDelete
F- RemotingServer remotingServer
F- DefaultCore core
F-EventBus eventBus
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5.4 What is GlobalSession
When a global transaction is created, a global Session is created to implement the SessionLifecycle interface and provide begin, changeStatus, changeBranchStatus, addBranch, Methods such as removeBranch to operate on session and branchSession
- GlobalSessionLock: This object holds the ReentrantLock object internally, using the Lock and unlock mechanisms of ReentrantLock
- BranchSession: BranchSession, which manages branch data. It is managed by globalSession. Its lock and unlock methods are implemented by lockManger
- DefaultLockManager: DefaultLockManager is the default implementation of LockManager, which gets the lockKey of the branchSession
Talk about what lifecycleListeners do
private Set lifecycleListeners = new HashSet<>()
In each method, the logic is called through the loop Listeners
- begin() -> lifecycleListener.onBegin(this)
- changeStatus(GlobalStatus status) -> lifecycleListener.onStatusChange(this, status)
- changeBranchStatus(BranchSession branchSession, BranchStatus status) -> lifecycleListener.onBranchStatusChange(this, branchSession, status)
- close() -> lifecycleListener.onClose(this)
- end() -> lifecycleListener.onEnd(this)
SessionLifecycleListener module
As you can see, there are three main implementations, DataBaseSessionMananger, FileSessionManager, and RedisSessionManager
Each will correspond to its own Store manager: FileSessionManager -> FileTransactionStoreManager RedisSessionManager -> RedisTransactionStoreManager DataBaseSessionManager -> DataBaseTransactionStoreManager
5.5 Main Logic flowchart
The content of this article is relatively simple, mainly to complete the map of Seata, which is a sort of comb
Then the undo-log is sorted out and the whole process is almost finished
Seata complete pure source analysis can also come to an end, the follow-up slowly to open the application, wait and see