We know that the keyof keyword is provided in TS so that we can get all the keys of an interface
interface Stu {
name: string;
age: number;
type keys = keyof Stu; // type keys = 'name' | 'age'
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It does not provide the ability to recursively obtain the key of an interface like the following
interface Stu {
name: string;
age: number;
nest: {
a: {
b: number; }}}// expected
type deepKeys = deepkeyof Stu; // type deepKeys = 'name' | 'age' | 'nest' | 'nest.a' | 'nest.a.b'
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In fact, this capability can be very useful, for example in scenarios like lodash.get, if we have a capability like deepKeyof, we can directly pre-qualify the possible parameters of path, rather than simply setting it to string.
let obj = {
a: {
b: {
c: '2333'
_.get(obj, 'a.b.c'); / / '2333'
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Implementation approach
1. What is type gymnastics
The word type gymnastics first appeared in Haskell documentation, I think it can be simply understood as type programming, and we usually use JavaScript, C++ and other languages to deal with various values of programming, but in type programming, the values are types.
In JS, we are dealing with values that the language provides (including basic and complex types), as well as a series of operators, such as + and * below, and built-in apis like split.
let a = 1;
let b = a + 2;
let c = b * 5;
let s = 'typescript';
let t = s.split('s');
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In TypeScript type programming, the values we deal with become the type thing, as shown in the following code
type Temp = {
name: string;
age: number;
type keys = keyof Temp; // type keys = 'name' | 'age'
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The values present here are Temp, and the operators are keyof. Keyof is used to extract the key from Temp.
You may see that you still don’t have a specific concept of type programming, but let’s do the following comparison to feel the difference between type programming and what we usually think of as programming.
- Define variables
In type programming, the “variables” we define are immutable; we can only generate new variables, not modify existing ones, just like in functional programming languages.
// in JavaScript
let a = 1;
const b = 10;
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// in type gymnastics
type a = 1;
a = 2;
type b = 2;
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- conditions
There are only expressions in type programming. There is no such thing as a statement. : expressions can help us achieve similar goals.
// in JavaScript
let max;
let a = 10, b = 20;
if (a > b) {
max = a;
} else {
max = b;
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// in type gymnastics
type temp = 10;
type isNumber<T> = T extends number ? true : false;
type res = isNumber<temp>; // type res = true;
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- cycle
There are no loops in type programming, but you can simulate recursively.
// in JavaScript
let index = 1;
let n = 10;
while(n--) {
index *= 10;
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// in type gymnastics
type path = 'a.b.c';
type Split<T extends string> = T extends `${infer A}.${infer B}` ? A | Split<B> : T;
type test = Split<path>; // type test = a | b | c
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- function
In ts type programming, generics are like functions, except that they themselves cannot be passed to them as arguments
function temp(arg: string) {
return arg + '123';
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type Temp<T extends string> = `${T}123 `;
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2. Partial operations provided by TS
- Index type Retrieves the type of a field on an interface
interface Stu {
name: string;
age: number;
nest: {
a: {
b: number;
type temp = Stu['nest']; // type temp = { a: { b: number; }; }
type temp1 = Stu['next' | 'name'] // type temp1 = string | { a: { b: number; }; }
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- Template strings construct various strings
type key1 = 'nest';
type key2 = 'a';
type key3 = `${key1}.${key2}`; // type key3 = nest.a
type key4 = 'name' | 'nest'; // union for template strings also yields a union
type key5 = `get${key4}`; // type key5 = 'getname' | 'getnest'
// If never appears in the input of the template string, the entire string will become never
type key6 = `get${never}`; // type key6 = never
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extends + infer
Deconstruct the components of a type
type UnpackPromise<T extends Promise<any>> = T extends Promise<infer A> ? A : never;
type test = UnpackPromise<Promise<number>> // type test = number
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Generics + recursion
The basics of TS type programming
type path = 'a.b.c';
type Split<T extends string> = T extends `${infer A}.${infer B}` ? A | Split<B> : T;
type test = Split<path>; // type test = a | b | c
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mapped type
Construct a new interface based on an existing interface
interface Temp {
name: string;
age: number;
type ToFunc = {
[k in keyof Temp]: (arg: Temp[k]) = > void;
// type ToFunc = {
// name: (arg: string) => void;
// age: (arg: number) => void;
// }
// You can even change the key in the interface
type ToGetFunc = {
[k in keyof Temp as `get${k}`] :(arg: Temp[k]) = > void;
// type ToGetFunc = {
// getname: (arg: string) => void;
// getage: (arg: number) => void;
// }
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3. Sequential implementation of the programme
Going back to our original problem, implementing DeepKeyOf, we can first try implementing it sequentially
- Use keyof to get the key for the first level
interface Stu {
name: string;
age: number;
nest: {
a: {
b: number;
type keys1 = keyof Stu; // type keys1 = 'name' | 'age' | 'nest';
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- Once you get the key of the first layer, use it to get the type of the second layer
type types2 = Stu[keys1]; // type types2 = string | number | { a: { b: number; }}
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- Filter out types that still have multiple layers in the second layer
type OnlyObject<T extends any> = T extends Record<string, any> ? T : never;
type types2_needed = OnlyObject<types2>; // type types2_needed = { a: { b: number; }}
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- Take the key out of the second layer
type keys2 = keyof types2_needed; // type keys2 = a
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- Repeat Step 2 using the key obtained in Step 4
- Finally, we can get the key for each level
type keys1 = 'name' | 'age' | 'nest';
type keys2 = 'a';
type keys3 = 'b';
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- After trying this sequential execution, it seems impossible to connect keys between different layers correctly. For example, ‘A’ in keys2 does not know that it is fetched from the type corresponding to the key in keys1.
4. Recursive schemes
- Although sequential execution does not solve the problem, it can provide an idea for our recursive solution. Our input is an arbitrary interface, and our output is a union after its keys are joined at all levels.
// input
interface Stu {
name: string;
nest: {
a: {
b: number;
tt: {
c: boolean;
info: {
score: number;
grade: string;
// output
'name' | 'nest' | 'nest.a' | 'nest.a.b' | '' | '' | 'info' |'info.score' | 'info.grade'
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In step 5 of the sequential execution steps, we need to repeat step 2, so we can guess that the problem we need to solve now can be decomposed into similar sub-problems.
On closer inspection, we can see that our problem can be expressed this way
- Suppose we have a generic DeepKeyOf that gets the key we need
type DeepKeyOf<T> = xxx;
type test = DeepKeyOf<Stu> // type test = 'name' | 'nest' | 'nest.a' | 'nest.a.b' | '' | '' | 'info' |'info.score' | 'info.grade'
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- The internal implementation would look something like this
type DeepKeyOf<T> = {
[k in keyof T]: k;
}[keyof T];
type DeepKeyOf<T> = {
[k in keyof T]: k | ` ${k} . ${DeepKeyOf<T[k]>} ` ;
}[keyof T]
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This might be a little bit of a leap, but let’s explain it a little bit.
- The pink part is the one we talked about earlier
mapped type
It is based on incomingDeepKeyOf
To construct a new interface, whose key is the same as T, whose value becomes Tk
The union of
- The yellow part is the one mentioned above
index access type
, it fetches the types of all fields of the interface corresponding to the pink part
- We will again
Type in, expand the generic manually
interface Stu {
name: string;
nest: {
a: {
b: number;
tt: {
c: boolean;
info: {
score: number;
grade: string;
type res = DeepKeyOf<Stu>;
type res = {
name: 'name' | `The ${'name'}.${DeepKeyOf<string>}`;
nest: 'nest' | `The ${'nest'}.${DeppKeyOf<{a: {b: number; } tt: {c: boolean; >}}}`;
info: 'info' | `The ${'info'}.${DeepKeyOf<{score: number; grade: string; } >}`; } ['name' | 'nest' | 'info'];
type res = 'name' | `The ${'name'}.${DeepKeyOf<string>}` | 'nest' | `The ${'nest'}.${DeppKeyOf<{a: {b: number; } tt: {c: boolean; >}}}` | 'info' | `The ${'info'}.${DeepKeyOf<{score: number; grade: string; } >}`;
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If our DeepKeyOf implementation is correct, DeepKeyOf
should return never, DeppKeyOf<{a: {b: number; } “tt“: {c: boolean; }} > should return the ‘a’ | ‘a.’ DeepKeyOf < {score: number; grade: string; } > should return ‘score’ | ‘grade’
Never is the union “|” the operation of MAO yuan, any type and never do the union operation for itself
Such as: ‘name’ | ‘nest’ | never = = = ‘name’ | ‘nest’
- Fill in the details
- For non-primitive types, we should simply return never, as in
Should returnnever
, we modifyDeepKeyOf
To achieve the following
type DeepKeyOf<T> = T extends Record<string, any> ? {
[k in keyof T]: k | ` ${k} . ${DeepKeyOf<T[k]>} ` ;
}[keyof T] : never;
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- The above code is actually in the IDE and will prompt us with such an error
This is because the keyof T in the absence of T type restrictions to the type of would be string | number | symbol, The template string can receive is of type string | number | bigint | Boolean | null | undefined, between these two type is not compatible, we need to do further restrictions on the k type
type DeepKeyOf<T> = T extends Record<string, any> ? {
[k in keyof T]: k extends string ? k | ` ${k} . ${DeepKeyOf<T[k]>} ` : never ;
}[keyof T] : never;
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- Finally, we have the DeepKeyOf generics we need
type DeepKeyOf<T> = T extends Record<string.any>? { [kin keyof T]: k extends string ? k | `${k}.${DeepKeyOf<T[k]>}` : never;
}[keyof T] : never;
interface Stu {
name: string;
nest: {
a: {
b: number;
tt: {
c: boolean;
info: {
score: number;
grade: string;
type res = DeepKeyOf<Stu>; // name | nest | info | nest.a | | nest.a.b | | info.score | info.grade
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Above, we understand the concept of type programming by implementing a simple DeepKeyOf, which is not fundamentally different from what we usually think of as programming, except that the values of operations in programming are different, and the operators used are different. In the actual business development process, the use of type programming knowledge, we can narrow some types to the scope of our actual needs, such as the need for an integer string, we can use ‘${bigint}’, instead of simply using a string. Narrowing down to what is actually needed not only improves the development experience (when the type is narrowed, the IDE can provide intelligent hints accordingly and avoid large amounts of type template code), but also improves the readability of the code (for example, the input and output of a function can be more explicit).
Ps: If you are interested in type programming, you can try this gymnastic library. There are more useful gymnastic problems in this repo, and the difficulty rating is provided. At the same time, you can check other people’s solutions to help us learn type gymnastic quickly.