An overview of the

Tekton is a powerful and flexible open source framework for building CI/CD pipeline systems, allowing developers to build, test, and publish applications. Tekton is cloud native and allows users to quickly and flexibly define pipelines by defining CRD.

Benefits of using Tekton

  • Customizable: Tekton entities are fully customizable, resulting in a high degree of flexibility. Platform engineers can define very detailed build base directories that developers can use in a variety of situations
  • Reusable: Tekton entities are fully portable, so once defined, anyone within an organization can use a given pipe and reuse its building blocks. This allows developers to quickly build complex pipes without having to “reinvent the wheel.”
  • Extensible: The Tekton Catalog is a Tekton community-driven repository. You can quickly create new and expand existing pipes using prefabricated components in the Tekton directory.
  • Standardization: Tekton is installed and running as an extension on your Kubernetes cluster and uses the well-established Kubernetes resource model. The Tekton workload executes in a Kubernetes container.
  • Scaling: To increase workload capacity, you can simply add nodes to the cluster. Tekton scales with your cluster without redefining your resource allocation or any other modifications to the pipeline

Components in Tekton

  • Tekton Pipelines: The foundation of Tekton, defines a set of CRDS, used to define Pipelines
  • Tekton Triggers: Allows pipeline instantiation based on events. For example, git pr requests
  • Tekton Cli: provides command line tools to interact with Tekton
  • Tekton Dashboard: Graphical interface to display pipeline information
  • Tekton Catalog: A high-quality, community-contributed pipeline repository
  • Tekton Hub: Graphical interface to access Tekton Catalog
  • Tekton Operator: A project to install, remove, and update Tekton components on K8S

Tekton refers exclusively to Tekton Pipeline components unless otherwise noted

The basic concept

The five most important concepts of Tekton are Task, TaskRun, Pipeline, PipelineRun, PipelineResources

  • Task: The smallest unit in Tekton that represents a Task template and consists of multiple steps. Each operation is defined as a step in the Task
  • Pipeline: Directed acyclic graph composed of multiple tasks, defining the template of the Pipeline
  • PipelineRun: When a Pipeline is actually executed, a PipelineRun is defined as an instance of the pipelining that generates a pipelining record
  • TaskRun: indicates the actual execution instance of a Task, which records the Task status. A TaskRun creates a corresponding Pod, with each step corresponding to a Container within the Pod
  • PipelineResource: Resource information required during pipelining execution

The installation

The image on GCR. IO will be used during installation, and the Docker agent needs to be configured. Centos7, for example

mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] [Service] The Environment = "HTTP_PROXY =" Environment = "HTTPS_PROXY =" Environment = "NO_PROXY = localhost,, localaddress," EOF
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker

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  • K8s cluster version >= 1.15
  • Start the cluster RBAC
  • Grant the cluster-admin role to the current user

Installing the Controller

kubectl apply --filename
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The configuration

kubectl create configmap config-artifact-pvc \
                         --from-literal=size=10Gi \
                         --from-literal=storageClassName=rook-ceph-block \
                         -o yaml -n tekton-pipelines \
                         --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -
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Install the dashboard

kubectl apply --filename
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Configuration ingress

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: tekton-dashboard
  namespace: tekton-pipelines
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: 	tekton-dashboard
          servicePort: 9097
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kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml -n tekton-pipelines
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kubectl get pods --namespace tekton-pipelines
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Dashboard page


This example executes a command line output Hello World

Define the Task

kind: Task
  name: hello
    - name: hello
      image: ubuntu
        - echo
        - "Hello World!"
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To perform a task

# to perform
➜  helloworld sudo kubectl apply -f task.yaml 
Password: created
# check
➜  helloworld sudo kubectl get task
NAME                       AGE
hello                      65s
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Define TaskRun

To run the previous Task in Tekton, you need to define a TaskRun

kind: TaskRun
  generateName: hello-run-
    name: hello
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The TaskRun metadata defines generateName, which means that a name prefixed with generateName is automatically generated each time a task is created.

This execution must use Kubectl create. Using Kubectl apply will cause an error

Use kubectl apply to get an error
➜  sudo kubectl apply -f taskrun.yaml
error: from hello-run-: cannot use generate name with apply
Execute using kubectl create
➜  sudo kubectl create -f taskrun.yaml created
# see taskrun
➜  sudo kubectl get taskrun
NAME                               SUCCEEDED   REASON                    STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME
hello-run-8lkcl                    True        Succeeded                 2m25s       2m11s
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Viewing the Execution Result

View the Pod of the task

TaskRun automatically pulled up a Pod and Completed successfully with the status being Completed

NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
ast-slave-test              1/1     Running     0          2d5h
hello-run-8lkcl-pod-pdrv9   0/1     Completed   0          5m38s
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View the pod log file

➜ sudo kubectl logs hello-run-8lkcl-pod-pdrv9
Hello World!
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Look at the pod choreography file: the command echo hello World is specified in the container defined in pod

# kubectl get pod hello-run-8lkcl-pod-pdrv9 -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-run-8lkcl-pod-pdrv9
  namespace: default
  - args:
    - -wait_file
    - /tekton/downward/ready
    - -wait_file_content
    - -post_file
    - /tekton/tools/0
    - -termination_path
    - /tekton/termination
    - -entrypoint
    - echo
    - --
    - Hello World!
    - /tekton/tools/entrypoint
    - name: HOME
      value: /tekton/home
    image: ubuntu
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    name: step-hello
  - command:
    - /ko-app/entrypoint
    - cp
    - /ko-app/entrypoint
    - /tekton/tools/entrypoint
    image: cd817b18254dbf28f3d70f4fa5
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: place-tools
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