Introduction to Redis

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  • RedisRedis is an open source (BSD licensed) in-memory data structure storage. Can be used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • NoSql: refers to a non-relational database.
  • Docker: is an open source application container engine. Services can be deployed very easily.
  • The cache: The cacheReferred to as”The cacheIn its original sense, it refers to a type of RAM that has faster access speed than ordinary random access memory (RAM). It usually uses the expensive but faster SRAM technology instead of DRAM technology like system main memory. In short, a cache is a set of copies of the original data on the computer, bringing the data closer to the user for faster access.


This paper describes the simple use of Redis, including the use of Docker to start Redis server, the use of Redis client, Redis common data structure and its use methods and scenarios.

Introduction to use

The service side

This article uses Docker to start the Redis server. Docker Hub:

Docker container run \ --rm \ --name redis \ -p 6379:6379 \ -d redis:5.0Copy the code
  • --rm: Deleted after exit
  • --name: Specifies the container name
  • -p: Mapping port
  • -d: Runs in the background and outputs the container ID

The client


Native Redis client

Run docker exec it redis redis-cli on the host to enter the redis client in the container. Note: redis is the container name specified when redis is started in the previous section: –name redis(the container ID can also be used instead).

Root @ ubuntu: / home/ubuntu/docker/redis $docker exec - it redis redis - cli >Copy the code


Medis is a graphical Redis client tool. Support commands.

The data structure

Redis is not just any key-value pair store, it is actually a server that supports different types of data structures. This means that Redis has more and more complex data structures than traditional key-value stores, and the data structures and usage of Redis are briefly described below.

Binary-safe strings

Application Scenarios:

  • Cache HTML fragments or pages
  • Caches the return value of an interface, etc.

The Redis String type is the simplest value type associated with a Redis Key. Open redis-cli to perform a simple string operation. (Redis-cli will be used for all subsequent examples.)> SET mykey myvalue
OK> GET mykey
"myvalue"> KEYS my*
1) "mykey"> EXISTS mykey
(integer) 1> DEL mykey
(integer) 1> GET mykey
Copy the code
  • SET: Sets the value of the KEY.
  • GET: Gets the value of the specified KEY.
  • KEYS: find the KEY.
  • EXISTS: Queries whether the KEY exists.
  • DEL: delete KEY.
  • EXPIRE: Specifies the expiration time of the KEY (SETThe command can also specify an expiration time.)


Application Scenarios:

  • Keep track of the most recent updates that users post to social networks.
  • Communication between processes is achieved with the help of redis listsProducer-consumerMode.

A collection of string elements sorted by insertion order. The implementation is based on linked lists, so even with very large volumes of data, elements can be added to the top or bottom of the list in constant time.> RPUSH mylist a # add element A (integer) 1> RPUSH mylist b # add element B (integer) 2 First (integer) 3> LRANGE myList 0-1 "First" 2) "a"> LRANGE myList 0 -2> LRANGE myList 0-1 1) "a"> RPUSH mylist b c d e f g # add b c d e f g element (integer) 7> LRANGE mylist 0-1 1) "a" 2) "B" 3) "c" 4) "d" 5) "e" 6) "f" 7) "g"> LTRIM myList 0 2 # discard elements with index 0~2 OK> LRANGE mylist 0 -1 1) "a" 2) "b" 3) "c"Copy the code
  • RPUSH: Adds a new element to the bottom (right) of the list.
  • LPUSH: Adds a new element to the list header (left).
  • LRANGE: gets the value stored in the list for the specified index range, notably,startandstopStarting from 0, negative values are supportedIt starts at the tail, the first to the bottom is -1, the second to the bottom is -2, and so on. So the commandLRANGE mylist 0 -1Gets all elements (first to last).
  • RPOP: POP, as many of you are familiar with, pops an element (fetch and delete),RPOP“Pops an element from the tail (right).
  • LPOPAnd:RPOPSimilarly, this means popping an element from the head of the list (left).
  • LTRIM: Intercepts elements, specifying the range of intercepts, and discarding the rest.


Application Scenarios:

  • If you want to store a non-repeating set of data,
  • Get two people’s mutual friends

Sets are unordered collections of strings. Anyone who has used Java will be familiar with hashsets, which are characterized by unordered and non-repeating elements, as is the case with Sets in Redis.> SADD myset a # insert into myset (integer) 1> SADD myset> SADD myset a 0 (integer) 0> SMEMBERS mySet 1) "a"> SADD myset b c (integer) 2> SMEMBERS myset 1) "b" 2) "c" 3) "a"> SPOP myset> SMEMBERS myset 1) "b" 2) "a"> SADD myset c # Put c back (integer) 1> SPOP> SMEMBERS mySet 1) "c" 2) "a"Copy the code
  • SADD: adds elements to set.
  • SMEMBERS: Gets the element of set.
  • SPOP: Pops an element randomly.
  • Sets can also be used to calculate intersection, union, and difference Sets.

Sorted sets

Application Scenarios:

  • To sort by weight on a condition, such as a leaderboard.

An ordered Set is a data structure similar to a mix of Set and Hash, consisting of unique, non-repeating string elements. Therefore, it is also a Set to some extent.

Each element in an ordered collection is associated with a floating-point value, called a score (which is why it’s also similar to a hash, since each element maps to a value).> ZADD Students 99 piAORuiqing # Store piAORuiQING to students and set their score to 99 (integer) 1> ZADD Students 98 Zhangsan (integer) 1> ZADD Students 85 Lisi (integer) 1> ZADD Students 90 Wangwu (integer) 1> ZRANGE Students 0 -1 1) "lisi" 2) "wangwu" 3) "zhangsan" 4) "Piaoruiqing"> ZRANGE students 0-1 WITHSCORES # ZREVRANGE students 0 -1 WITHSCORES # 1) "piAORuiqing" 2) "99" 3) "Zhangsan" 4) "98" 5) "wangwu" 6) "90" 7) "lisi" 8) "85" 1) "piaoruiqing" 2) "99" 3) "Zhangsan" 4) "98" 5) "Wangwu" 6) "90" 7) "lisi" 8) "85" Piaoruiqing and WuLiu are both 99. (integer) 1> ZREVRANGE students 0 -1 WITHSCORES 1) "wuliu" 2) "99" 3) "piaoruiqing" 4) "99" 5) "zhangsan" 6) "98" 7) "wangwu" 8) "90" 9) "lisi" 10) "85"Copy the code

To get a sense, let’s take a look at this data from Medis:

[Copyright Notice]

This article was published on
Park Seo-kyung’s blog, allow non-commercial reprint, but reprint must retain the original author
PiaoRuiQingAnd links:
blog.piaoruiqing.comFor negotiation or cooperation on authorization, please contact:


Application Scenarios:

  • Suitable for storing objects and caching user information

Hashes is a field-value mapping table suitable for storing objects.> HSET user:9527 user_name piaoruiqing Verified 1 user_level 99 # Save (INTEGER) 1> HGET "Piaoruiqing"> HGET user:9527 user_level "99" 1) "user_name" 2) "piAORuiQING" 3) "birth_year" 4) "1977" 5) "verified" 6) "1" 7) "user_level" 8) "99"Copy the code

To get a sense, let’s take a look at this data from Medis:

It should be noted that in the figure, the type of the title in the first column is the data type, the name is the key of redis, and the key of the title in the second column is the field of Hashes. Please do not be misled by the text in the interface.

  • HSET: Stores elements to hashs.

  • HGET: obtains the element corresponding to a key field.

  • HGETALL: Gets all fields and elements of the key.

  • :: It is worth mentioning that the colon: is commonly used as the delimiter for redis key. Colon in the early version of redis is a store named the concept of spatial data, is a “legacy” of the “convention”, the colon is not force, if necessary, you can choose to _,,,,, any character segmentation, such as your key, but it is recommended to use:, because a lot of clients as the default namespace for show, For example, Redis Desktop Manager uses colons to divide Redis keys into tree structures for display, as shown in the figure:


Application Scenarios:

  • The total number of IP addresses accessed by websites is collected.

HyperLogLogs are data structures used to calculate the probability of the occurrence of unique things. It does not store the element itself, but only calculates the cardinality from the element. Even if the element is very large it can take up very little space and quickly calculate the cardinality.> PFADD IP # Store four IP elements (integer) 1> PFCOUNT IP # Obtain the total number of current IP addresses ( (3) (integer) 3Copy the code


Application Scenarios:

  • The message queue

Stream is a new data type introduced in Redis 5.0. Its design takes cues from Kafka and implements similar ideas in a completely different way: allowing a group of clients to cooperate to consume different parts of the same message flow. Fixed bug where Redis Pub/Sub could not persist messages> XADD mystream * sensor_id 9527 temperature 19.9 # Save "1559476322048-0"> XADD mystream * Sensor_id 9528 temperature 19.9 "1559476326813-0"> XRANGE mystream - + # get 1) 1) "1559476322048-0" 2) 1) "Sensor_id" 2) "9527" 3) "temperature" 4) "19.9" 2) 1) "1559476326813-0" 2) 1) "sensor_id" 2) "9528" 3) "temperature" 4) "19.9"> XRANGE mystream - + COUNT 1) 1) 1) 1) "15594763220480-0" 2) 1) "sensor_id" 2) "9527" 3) "Temperature" 4) "19.9"> XREVRANGE mystream + -count 1) 1) 1) "1559476326813-0" 2) 1) "Sensor_id" 2) "9528" 3) "temperature" 4) "19.9"Copy the code
  • XADD: Deposit, commandXADD mystream * sensor_id 9527 temperature 19.9In the*Indicates that the ID is automatically generated
  • XRANGE: Get (ascending)
  • XREVRANGE: Get (descending order)


This article describes the simple use of Redis and the common data structure. Readers who need to know more about Redis can visit the official website for more detailed documentation.

Subsequent articles will elaborate on the use of Redis in the actual development, such as: Java client integration, the use of Lua scripts, practical cases, please pay attention to.


  1. Introduction to Redis
  2. Redis uses advanced levels
  3. Redis distributed lock


[Copyright Notice]

This article was published on
Park Seo-kyung’s blog, allow non-commercial reprint, but reprint must retain the original author
PiaoRuiQingAnd links:
blog.piaoruiqing.comFor negotiation or cooperation on authorization, please contact: