Public account: You and the cabin by: Peter Editor: Peter

Hello, I’m Peter

Tuples tuple

In the Python data type introduced earlier: list list, we found that list can be modified. But there are times when you need to create a series of elements that cannot be modified, and another ordered data type in Python, a tuple, can do the job.

The overall layout of this article:

How to Write an essay

Recently, a friend asked me: Peter, how do you write an article for an official account?

In the future, I will write a special article to answer this question, mainly from four aspects:

  • Before writing
  • In the writing
  • After writing
  • Published articles

There is time to squeeze; Sometimes stay up late and spend weekends writing!

Internet, volume!

Tuples create

  • Tuples use parentheses in Python(a)Enclosed, the list is in square brackets[]The enclosed
  • Elements in tuples are separated by commas
  • The elements in a tuple can be any Python data type
  • A tuple is a sequence, like a list, but the elements in a tuple cannot be changed

Create an empty tuple

a = ()
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The following result indicates that an empty tuple was created:

(a)Copy the code
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A single element

b = (3.)# numeric
Copy the code
(3)Copy the code
type(b)  Tuple = tuple
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c = ("python".)The # character type
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d = (["python"."java".3],)  There is only one element, and it is a list
Copy the code
(['python', 'java', 3],)
Copy the code
Copy the code
Copy the code

Note that when there is only one element in a tuple, it must be followed by a comma, otherwise Python will not consider it a tuple:

e = (3)  # no comma, system default is numeric
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f = (["python"."java"])  There is only one element list
Copy the code
['python', 'java']
Copy the code
type(f)   The system defaults to list
Copy the code
Copy the code

As the above examples show, if you create a tuple with only one element (of any Python type), you must enclose parentheses at the end

Multiple elements

Elements can be of different data types through tuples of multiple elements

t1 = (1.2.3)   # all numeric types
Copy the code
(1, 2, 3)
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t2 = (1."pyton"."java")  # numeric + string
Copy the code
(1, 'pyton', 'java')
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t3 = (1[1.2.3]."python")    # numeric + list + string
Copy the code
(1, [1, 2, 3], 'python')
Copy the code
Copy the code
Copy the code

Consider this amazing example: when we assign the variable T4, there are three values following it;

As you can see from the results, Python treats them as a whole and puts them into a tuple

t4 = 100."python"."hello"
Copy the code
(100, 'python', 'hello')
Copy the code
type(t4)  The data type is a tuple
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Elements in a tuple can also be of tuple type

t5 = (1.2, (3.4.5),"python")  The (3,4,5) parts are tuples
Copy the code
(1, 2, (3, 4, 5), 'python')
Copy the code
Copy the code
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Created by the tuple function

When creating with a tuple, enclose the elements in parentheses

tuple1 = tuple((  # Two layers of parentheses
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(1, 3, 5, 7)
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If only one layer is used, an error is reported; The tuple method takes only one argument:

Copy the code

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-26-b16145832f5a> in <module>
----> 1 tuple(1,3,5,7)

TypeError: tuple expected at most 1 arguments, got 4
Copy the code
tuple2 = tuple((1."c".5."python"))
Copy the code
tuple3 = tuple(((1.2.3].3."python".7))
Copy the code

Zip function creation

Zip is a higher-order function in Python, and its use will be explained later. We can also use it to create tuples

name = ["Xiao Ming"."Little red"."Chou"]
age = [20.28.19]

zip(name,age)  Generate a zip object
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<zip at 0x107d34320>
Copy the code
list(zip(name,age)) The object is transformed into a list, in which the elements are tuples
Copy the code
[(' Xiao Ming ', 20), (' Xiao Hong ', 28), (' Xiao Zhou ', 19)]Copy the code
tuple(zip(name,age))   # 2, convert to nested tuples in tuples
Copy the code
(' Xiao Ming ', 20), (' Xiao Hong ', 28), (' Xiao Zhou ', 19)Copy the code
dict(zip(name,age))  It can also be converted to a dictionary (which is also a Python data type).
Copy the code
{' Xiao Ming ': 20, 'Xiao Hong ': 28,' Xiao Zhou ': 19}Copy the code

Basic tuple operations

For the length of the

t6 = (   # Purely numerical
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(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
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t7 = ("python"."java"."c")   # character type
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Copy the code
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Repeat tuple elements

t7 * 3  Duplicate 3 times
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('python', 'java', 'c', 'python', 'java', 'c', 'python', 'java', 'c')
Copy the code

Add multiple tuples

t6 + t7
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(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 'python', 'java', 'c')
Copy the code

Look at the most value

Size is determined by the ASCII code of the elements in a tuple

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(1, 2, (3, 4, 5), 'python')
Copy the code

When Max or min is used, the data types of the elements in the tuple must be the same. Otherwise, an error will be reported:

Copy the code

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-41-f6f6f0f7436f> in <module>
----> 1 max(t5)

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'tuple' and 'int'
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Member judgment in

1 in t6
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10 in t6
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Traverse the tuples

for i in t6:  Print through the elements of a tuple
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0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8Copy the code

Modify a tuple?

Do not modify

As we mentioned at the beginning, elements in tuples cannot be modified directly

Copy the code
('python', 'java', 'c')
Copy the code
Copy the code
Copy the code

We get an error when we try to change Java to JavaScript because tuples themselves cannot be modified:

t7[1] = "JavaScript"     
Copy the code

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-47-7885d09b5b02> in <module>
----> 1 t7[1] = "JavaScript"

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Copy the code

Change it to a list

Because lists can be modified, we can first turn tuples into lists, then modify the elements in the corresponding lists, and then go back

Copy the code
('python', 'java', 'c')
Copy the code
t7_1 = list(t7)  # 1. Turn to a list
Copy the code
['python', 'java', 'c']
Copy the code
t7_1[1] = "javascript" # 2. Modify elements
Copy the code
['python', 'javascript', 'c']
Copy the code
t7_2 = tuple(t7_1)  # 3, and then into tuples
Copy the code
('python', 'javascript', 'c')
Copy the code

Index and slice

Tuples, like lists, are ordered data types in Python, and there are concepts of use and slicing

Using the index

Use index numbers to access tuple elements

t6.index(0)  # the index of element 0
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t6.index(6)  # index number of element 6
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t6[8]  # positive index
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t6[-4]  Negative index number
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t7.index("java")   Check the usage number of the element
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t7[1]   View elements by index number
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Copy the code

Using slice

The rules for using slices in tuples are exactly the same as for lists, and you can refer to the list article to learn.

The following is just a case study of using slicing in tuples:

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(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
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(1, 3, 5, 7)
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t6[:8:2]   # Start at the beginning with step 2
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(0, 2, 4, 6)
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From the last element (index -1) to index -8 (not included), the step is -2

t6[-1: -8: -2]   
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(8, 6, 4, 2)
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t6[-2: -7: -2]
Copy the code
(7, 5, 3)
Copy the code
Copy the code
(1, 4, 7)
Copy the code

Tuples and list comparisons

The same

  1. Are ordered data types in Python
  2. Many of the same operations exist: length, maximum, membership, indexing, slicing, and so on

The difference between

  1. Lists can be modified directly, not tuples; We can turn tuples into lists and then modify the elements indirectly
  2. Tuples are faster than lists. If we define a variable and need to iterate over it constantly, using tuples is faster