Introduction to Performance Testing

Performance testing is to use the product, personnel and processes to reduce application, update or patch deployment risk a means, the main idea of the performance test is through the simulation of the real business pressure to pressure of the system under test, study the system under test under the condition of different pressure, find out the potential bottlenecks

Main test methods: load test, concurrent test, reliability test

Loadrunner differs from Jmeter

1. The loadRunner structure of JMeter has the same principle. It is a process of monitoring and collecting instructions found by concurrent clients through intermediate agents, generating scripts and sending them to the application server, and then monitoring the feedback results of the server.

2. Jmeter is easy to install. Just unpack the Jmeter file package and install JDK and plug-ins. The LoadRunner installation package has more than 3G, if installed with the older pirated version can not install the new version, there is a solution, but it is troublesome and takes time.

3. Jmeter does not have IP spoofing. IP spoofing refers to assigning multiple IP addresses to concurrent users on a PC. This feature is useful for simulating a more realistic customer environment. LoadRunner has this feature.

4. Jmeter reports are not enough to be used as a basis for analysis and test performance.

5. Jmeter performs performance tests mainly to increase the number of concurrent users by increasing the number of thread groups or setting the number of cycles, while LoadRunner can select the scenario to be set and then select virtual users.

Jmeter is an open source tool with a free trial. Loadrunner is a paid trial. Although there is a trial version, the trial version only supports 300 users, 50 concurrent, and does not support IP fraud

Introduction of Loadrunner

Loadrunner: is a load testing tool that predicts system behavior and performance. Problems are identified and identified by simulating concurrent load and real-time performance monitoring for tens of millions of users.

Loadrunner mainly provides three main modules, which can be used as independent tools or as part of Loadrunner.

Virtual User Generator: Virtual User Generator

Controller: Controller


Virtual User Generator

Script Virtual User Generator: Records and debugs scripts

The tester is replaced by the LoadRunner’s Vuser (virtual user), and the actions performed by the tester are fixed as Vuser scripts. A single computer can run multiple VUsers, so LoadRunner reduces the hardware requirements for performance testing.

The actions performed by Vuser in the schema are described in scripts. When the scenario runs, each Vuser executes the script. The script records user actions and contains a series of functions that measure and record server performance, making it easy to calculate performance metrics. It’s like a real user holding a stopwatch while doing something.


Console (Controller) : Sets scene parameters and manages virtual users

Controller is responsible for generating performance test scenarios, managing and coordinating multiple virtual users. In the actual operation, Controller is assigned to each Load generator for running tasks, and also monitors the performance of each node of the software system online and collects result data. Analysis provided to LoadRunner.

Load Generator: In layman’s terms, the “underlings” of the Controller. The Controller issues commands and the Load Generator executes them. Load Generators are usually installed automatically after LoadRunner is installed on one machine, and a Controller can control Load generators on multiple machines and get them to agree to follow instructions and complete tasks together.


TPS: The number of transactions per second that the system can process under load

Throughput rate: Indicates the amount of data transmitted over the network per unit time. It refers to the amount of data returned from the server to the client

Transaction response time: calculated by the difference between the start time of the user’s request and the time it takes for the server to return content to the client

Concurrent value: The number of simultaneous connections to the server site.

Load value: The number of connections that continue to visit the server site over a period of time.

Loadrunner tests the process

Plan test: Determine test requirements, such as concurrency, load, typical business scenario flow, test plan

Create test scripts: Record scripts, edit and refine test scripts

Define the scenario: Set the test scenario

Running scenarios: Drivers, manage and monitor the running of scenarios

Analysis results: Evaluate performance based on generated reports and charts
