The installation

  yarn add mobx
  yarn add mobx-react
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2 use

  1. Create the store
  import {action, observable,makeObservable} from 'mobx';

  class AuthStore{
      // To use the observer in mbox6, you must write the constructor in the store
      constructor() {

      @observable values={
          username:' '.password:' '

      @action setUsername=(username) = >{

      @action setPassword=(password) = >{
          this.values.password=password; }}export default new AuthStore();

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  1. Create a useStores function that retrieves the context object within the function component
  import { createContext, useContext } from 'react';
  import AuthStore from './auth';

  const context = createContext({

  export const useStores = () = > useContext(context);
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  1. Use the context
  import {useStores} from '.. /stores';
  import {observer} from 'mobx-react';
  // Remember to import an observer from mobx-React to observe components
  const Component=observer(() = >{
    const {AuthStore} = useStores();
  export default Component;
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Three configuration webpack

  1. Error using decorator syntax

2. Run commands

  yarn eject
  yarn add @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators
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  1. Configuration webpack. Config. Js