First, Java foundation

  1. Java Basics – Inheritance
  2. Java Basics – Abstractions
  3. Java Basics – Interfaces
  4. Java Basics – polymorphism
  5. Java Basics – Rewrite
  6. Java Basics – Anonymous objects
  7. Java Basics – Inner classes
  8. Java Foundation – Final, static keyword
  9. Java Basics -ArrayList collection
  10. Java basics -IO character stream, File class
  11. Java common classes (1) : Object class, String class, StringBuffer class, StringBuilder class
  12. Java common classes (two) : Data class, DateFormat class, Calendar class
  13. Common Java classes (3) : Primitive wrapper classes, System classes, Math classes, Arrays classes, BigInteger classes, BigDecimal classes
  14. Java collections – Collections, iterators, generics
  15. Java collections -List collections and Set collections
  16. Java collection-Map interface
  17. Java Collections – Nested collections, nested keySet traversal, nested entrySet traversal
  18. Java Collections -Collections Collection utility class
  19. Java collection -Properties collection
  20. In the Java exception
  21. Serialization and print streams in Java
  22. Java in the Commons – the IO
  23. Multithreading in Java
  24. Thread pools in Java
  25. Java multithreaded safety, synchronization, deadlock, wake-up mechanism
  26. Multithreading in Java often meet questions
  27. Loaders and reflections for classes in Java
  28. Java network programming, TCP communication and UDP communication
  29. TCP implementation file upload in Java (single-thread implementation and multi-thread implementation)
  30. Java Design pattern – singleton pattern
  31. Java Design pattern – Factory pattern
  32. Dynamic proxies in Java (interface-based and subclass-based)

Java database

  1. Basic usage of SQL statements
  2. Java-JDBC development – Connect to the database
  3. Java-JDBC development -SQL injection attacks and solutions
  4. Java-JDBC development -PreparedStatement Interface preprocessing objects
  5. Java-JDBC development – Encapsulates your own JDBCUtils utility classes
  6. Java-JDBC development -DBUtils tools
  7. Java-jdbc development-DBCP connection pooling
  8. Redis Cache – Getting started – Introduction to Redis and environment setup
  9. Redis cache – Redis data structure, basic command operation, persistence
  10. Redis cache – Java client Jedis

Third, JavaWeb

  1. Basic HTML tags
  2. HTML form tag
  3. HTML frame tags, other tags, special characters
  4. Basic Usage of CSS
  5. Basic Use of JavaScript
  6. Common JavaScript objects (String, Array, Date, Math)
  7. BOM objects in JavaScript (Window object, History object, Location object, Navigator and Screen object)
  8. DOM objects in JavaScript (Document object, Element object, Node object)
  9. JavaScript manipulation of DOM node trees (add, insert, delete, replace, copy nodes)
  10. JavaScript emulation overloading
  11. The innerHTML property in JavaScript
  12. JavaScript Basics
  13. Events in JavaScript
  14. Basic use of XML in JavaScript
  15. XML constraints in JavaScript
  16. Parsing XML in JavaScript (Jsoup Parser)
  17. Parsing XML in JavaScript (Dom4J parser)
  18. Getting started with Tomcat (IDEA Deployment Tomcat project)
  19. Introduction to the Servlet
  20. HTTP requests and responses
  21. HTTP Request Indicates a Request
  22. HTTP Response Response
  23. The ServletContext object in HTTP
  24. HTTP Session technology (Cookie, Session)
  25. JSP, EL expression, JSTL tag
  26. Filter and Listener
  27. Using JQuery
  28. Basic use of Ajax and Json
  29. IntelliJ IDEA integrated Maven development environment setup + create maven project details steps

4. Mainstream framework

  1. MyBatis framework basic use
  2. Basic use of the Spring framework
  3. Basic use of the SpringMVC framework
  4. SSM framework to achieve user query, registration, login — IDEA integration of Spring, Spring MVC, Mybatis framework
  5. [SpringBoot framework] – Getting started – Environment building, project hot deployment, IDEA quickly create SpringBoot projects
  6. [SpringBoot framework] – SpringBoot principle analysis
  7. SpringBoot framework – SpringBoot configuration file
  8. – SpringBoot integration Mybatis, Junit, Redis
  9. Use IDEA to build SpringBoot framework and integrate Mybatis, MySQL and Thymeleaf to realize user query, registration and login

5. Environment building and tool use

  1. IntelliJ IDEA + JDK8 installation and configuration

  2. IntelliJ IDEA integrated Maven development environment setup + create maven project details steps

  3. Cloud server Java +mysql+ Tomcat + Maven environment construction (Tencent Cloud CentOS7)

  4. [Git use] – Git installation

  5. [Git use] – Basic use of Git

  6. 【Git use 】- Git connection to remote repository

  7. 【Git use 】- Git remote private repository (cloud server repository)

  8. – Git branch

  9. 【Git use 】- IntelliJ IDEA Use Git

6. Actual combat of the project

  1. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- front-end page display (A)
  2. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- Technical requirements (ii)
  3. [SpringBoot build personal blog] – Framework build (three)
  4. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- background login (four)
  5. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- entity class build (five)
  6. [SpringBoot build personal blog] – classification management (six)
  7. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- Blog management (seven)
  8. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- friend chain management (eight)
  9. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- album management (nine)
  10. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- Blog home page display (ten)
  11. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- blog details page display (xi)
  12. [SpringBoot build personal blog] – other page display (12)
  13. 【SpringBoot build personal blog 】- online deployment (thirteen)
  14. The End – a ten-year engagement


< –! To be continued –>