1.Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML(Simultaneously inventing the WWW, HTTP, and URL)

2.HTML starting style

3. Labels of common table chapters

  • Title h1 ~ h6
  • Chapter section
  • This article article
  • Paragraph p
  • The head the header
  • Foot footer
  • Main contents
  • Aside from the above
  • Divide the div
  • © written:©

4. Global properties

  • class
      Categorize labels (basically, make labels)
  • contenteditable
      Allows users to edit content directly
  • hidden
      Hide the label
  • id
    • Add the ID to adjust the CSS
    • Style. Border = “1px solid red”
    • This is not recommended because it requires the id to be named parent, top, self, etc. Since there are many global properties defined in the window, they cannot have the same name as those properties. So don’t use ID unless you have to, use class.

  • style
    • Set inline styles
    • Priority for style: JS > HTML style tag > CSS
  • tabindex
    • A positive number, such as tabIndex = 1/2/3 /, indicates sequential access
    • 0 indicates the last access
    • 1: do not use TAB access
  • title
    Used to display complete content
    Application Scenarios:
    Hyperlength ellipsis
    Single line overflow:
    Adjust the CSS
    white-space: nowrap; Don’t break
    Text-overflow: ellipsis: use…. for overflow
    overflow: hidden; Overflow part hidden
    The input
    Title =” Complete content”When the mouse moves over the omitted area, the full content can be displayed floating

5. Content labels

  • <code></code>code
    If you need to write a line break, you can nest a pre tag
var aaa = 1;
console.log(a)Copy the code
  • Hr horizontal separation line
  • Br a newline
  • Ol Li ordered list
  • Ul LI unordered list
  • Dl + dt what you’re describing + DD what you’re describing
  • <em>and<strong>For emphasis
    • Em means emphasis in tone
    • Strong means that the content itself is important
  • Quote Inline quote
  • Blockquote Line feed reference

If you want to keep multiple Spaces, enter, TAB, etc., you need to use pre

to keep the Spaces and enter keys. Other tags convert extra Spaces and the enter key to a space

6. Reset. CSS Changes the default HTML style

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
*::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
a {
  color: inherit;
  text-decoration: none;
button {
  font-family: inherit;
ul {
  list-style: none;
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  border-spacing: 0;
Copy the code