What is Apache Flink?

In the era of rapid data volume, a large number of business data are generated in various business scenarios. How to effectively deal with these continuously generated data has become a problem faced by most companies. With Yahoo’s open source of Hadoop, more and more big data processing technologies begin to flood into people’s sight. For example, Apache Spark, a popular big data processing engine, has basically replaced MapReduce as the current standard of big data processing. But as data continues to grow and new technologies continue to develop, people are increasingly aware of the importance of real-time data processing. Compared with traditional data processing mode, streaming data processing has higher processing efficiency and cost control ability. Flink is a distributed processing framework that supports high throughput, low latency and high performance in the open source community.

Evolution of data architecture

As shown in the figure, the biggest characteristic of traditional single data architectures is centralized data storage. Most architectures are divided into computing layer and storage layer.

Monomer architecture of the initial efficiency is very high, but as time goes on, more and more business, system became much, more and more difficult to maintain and upgrade, the database is the only accurate data source, every application needs to access the database to obtain the corresponding data, if the database is changed or appear problem, will affect the entire business system.

Later, with the emergence of micro-service architecture, enterprises began to adopt micro-service as the architecture system of enterprise business system. The core idea of microservices architecture is that an application is composed of multiple small, independent microservices that run in their own processes without dependencies for development and distribution. Different services can be built on top of different technical architectures based on different business requirements and can focus on a limited number of business functions. As shown in figure

Microservices Architecture

At first, the data warehouse was mainly built on the relational database. For example, Oracle, Mysql and other databases, but with the growth of enterprise data volume, relational database has been unable to support the storage and analysis of large-scale data sets, because more and more enterprises began to choose to build enterprise-level big data platform based on Hadoop. At the same time, building different types of data applications on the numerous Sqlonhadhoop becomes simple and efficient.

In the process of building enterprise data warehouse, data is often periodically synchronized from business system to big data platform, and after completing a series of ETL transformation actions, data mart and other applications are finally formed. However, for some time-demanding applications, such as real-time report statistics, there must be a very low delay to display the statistical results, so the industry proposed a Lambda architecture scheme to deal with different types of data.

Lambada architecture for big data

The big data platform includes Batch Layer of Batch calculation and Speed Layer of real-time calculation. Batch and streaming computing are integrated in a set of platforms, for example, Hadoop MapReduce is used for Batch data processing, and Apache Storm is used for real-time data processing. This architecture solves the problem of different computing types to a certain extent, but the problem is that too many frameworks will lead to high platform complexity and high operation and maintenance cost. It is also very difficult to manage the use of different types of computing frameworks in a single resource management platform.

Later, with the emergence of the Distributed memory processing framework of Apache Spark, the data is divided into microbatches for streaming data processing, so that batch and streaming computing can be completed within a set of computing frameworks. However, because Spark itself is based on the batch processing mode, it cannot process the native data flow perfectly and efficiently. Therefore, the support for streaming computing is relatively weak. It can be said that Spark is essentially upgrading and optimizing the Hadoop architecture to a certain extent.

Stateful flow computing architecture

The essence of data generation is actually a series of real events. The different architectures mentioned above actually violate this essence to a certain extent. It is necessary to process business data with a certain delay and then obtain accurate results based on business data statistics. In fact, due to the limitations of streaming computing technology, it is difficult for us to calculate and directly produce statistical results in the process of data generation, because it not only has very high requirements on the system, but also must meet many goals such as high performance, high throughput and low latency.

The biggest advantage of stateful computing is that it does not require the original data to be pulled out of external storage for full computation, which can be very expensive.

Flink implements a real-time streaming computing framework with high throughput, low latency and high performance by implementing the Google Dataflow streaming computing model. Flink provides highly fault-tolerant state management, which prevents state loss due to system exceptions. Using distributed snapshot technology that provides persistent state maintenance during system downtime or exceptions, Flink provides the ability to compute the correct result.

The specific advantages of Flink are as follows:

  1. Flink is the only distributed streaming data processing framework that integrates high throughput, low latency and high performance in the open source community. Apache Spark, for example, can only combine high throughput and high performance features, mainly because Spark Streaming computing cannot provide low latency. The streaming computing framework Apache Storm supports only low latency and high performance features, but not high throughput requirements. High throughput, low latency and high performance are very important for distributed streaming computing framework.
  2. Supporting the concept of Event Time In the field of streaming computing, window computing plays an important role, but at present, most frame window computing uses system Time (Process Time), which is also the current Time of the system host when the Event is transferred to the computing framework for processing. Flink can support based on Event Time (Event Time) window of semantics, also is to use the Event Time, which is based on Event driven mechanism makes the incident even arrive out-of-order, flow system can calculate the accurate results, keep the sequence of events occur originally, as far as possible to avoid the influence of the network transmission or hardware system.
  3. In version 1.4, Flink implemented state management. The so-called state is to save the intermediate result data of the operator in memory or file system in the process of streaming calculation. After the next event enters the operator, the current result can be calculated from the intermediate result obtained from the previous state. Therefore, there is no need to count the results based on all the original data each time, which greatly improves the system performance and reduces the resource consumption in the process of data calculation. Stateful computing plays an important role in streaming computing scenarios with large amount of data and complicated operation logic.
  4. Supports highly flexible Windows (Windows) operations

In stream processing applications, the data is continuous, need data window way through the calculation of a range of polymerization such as statistics in the past 1 minute how many users click on a web page, in this case, we must define a window, last minute to collect data, and the data in this window to calculate again. Flink divides Windows into window operations based on Time, Count, Session, and data-driven. Windows can be customized with flexible trigger conditions to support complex stream transmission modes. Users can define different window trigger mechanisms to meet different needs.

  1. Fault-tolerant Flink based on lightweight Distributed Snapshot can run on thousands of nodes, disintegrate the flow of a large computing task into small computing processes, and then distribute TESK to parallel nodes for processing. During task execution, the system can automatically detect data inconsistency caused by errors during event processing, such as node breakdown, network transmission problems, or computing service restart due to upgrade or repair problems. Using a distributed snapshot technology that provides the ability to persistently store status information during execution, I/O Flink provides the ability to automatically recover data during data processing using the distributed snapshot technology that I/O capture.
  2. Memory management is an important part of all computing frameworks, especially for large computing scenarios, how to manage data in memory is very important. For memory management, Flink implements its own memory management mechanism to minimize the impact of JVM GC on the system. Flink, moreover, through the serialization/deserialization methods to convert all of the data object to the binary is stored in the memory, reduce the size of the data is stored at the same time, can be more effective to use the memory space, reduce the performance degradation or tasks brought by GC risk of abnormal, so Flink framework would be more stable than any other sector of distributed processing, There are no JVM, GC, or other issues that affect the entire application.
  3. Save Points For streaming applications that run 24/7, data is continuously accessed. Termination of applications within a period of time may result in data loss or inaccurate calculation results, for example, cluster version upgrade and o&M shutdown. It is worth mentioning that Flink saves snapshots of task execution on storage media through Save Points technology. When the task is restarted, the original calculation state can be directly restored from the saved Save Points, so that the task can continue to run according to the state before shutdown. Save Points technology enables users to better manage and operate real-time streaming applications.

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