Artificial Intelligence – Deep Learning Introduction Video Course (Part 1)

Course objectives

With easy to understand explanation, I will introduce you step by step into deep learning, the most popular field of deep learning in the world.

Applicable people

Eager for high-end technology, interested in artificial intelligence students, the whole people can enter.

Course introduction

From driverless car technology to AlphaGo’s victory over humans, deep learning is playing an increasingly important role in life and is poised to change the world. However, many students worry that the entry requirements of deep learning are too high, suffering from the lack of appropriate courses in China to help.

The introduction to Deep Learning series, as the first introduction to deep learning in China, aims to help students master all knowledge points involved in deep learning more quickly and easily. It is a true introduction to deep learning, a field with the most advanced technology in the world, and deep learning is popular among all people.

This article mainly starts from the essential basic knowledge of neural network, from shallow and deep, step by step to the whole neural network architecture! The series of courses are still easy to understand, aiming to guide you step by step to overcome the complex neural network model with the most vivid explanation!

File size: 0.59 GB

Number of files: 22 Number of folders: 0

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Big Data — Introduction to Deep Learning Video Course (Part 2)

Course objectives

With easy to understand explanation, I will introduce you step by step into deep learning, the most popular field of deep learning in the world.

Applicable people

Eager for high-end technology, interested in artificial intelligence students, the whole people can enter.

Course introduction

From driverless car technology to AlphaGo’s victory over humans, deep learning is playing an increasingly important role in life and is poised to change the world. However, many students worry that the entry requirements of deep learning are too high, suffering from the lack of appropriate courses in China to help.

The introduction to Deep Learning series, as the first introduction to deep learning in China, aims to help students master all knowledge points involved in deep learning more quickly and easily. It is a true introduction to deep learning, a field with the most advanced technology in the world, and deep learning is popular among all people.

This paper mainly involves two modules, respectively computer vision -CNN network architecture, natural language processing RNN network architecture, the style is still easy to understand!

File size: 0.79 GB

Number of files: 23 Number of folders: 0

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