The realization of the minOf2
- Find the smaller of the two numbers
let minOf2 = (numbers) = > {
if(numbers[0] < numbers[1]) {return numbers[0]}else{
return numbers[1]}}Copy the code
- Optimize the code
let minOf2 = numbers= >
numbers[0] < numbers[1]? numbers[0] : numbers[1]
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- To optimize the
let minOf2 = ([a,b]) = > a < b ? a : b
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This writing is called destructor assignment
- call
minOf2([1.2]) //1[1.2]) // Master call method
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- JS built in
Math.min(1.2) //1 // Master call method
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- about
Math looks like a constructor like Object, but actually Math is just an ordinary Object.
The realization of the minOf3
- Find the smallest of the three numbers
let minOf3 = ([a,b,c]) = > {
return minOf2([a, minOf2([b,c])])
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The realization of the minOf4
- Find the smallest of the four numbers
let minOf4 = ([a,b,c,d]) = > {
return minOf2([a, minOf3([b,c])])
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MinOf2 can be used to minimize arrays of any length
The implementation of the
let min = (numbers) = > {
if(numbers.length > 2) {return min(
[numbers[0], min(numbers.slice(1)))}else{
return Math.min.apply(null,numbers)
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That’s recursion
Implement sort
Sorting algorithm
- Do it recursively
- Implement with a loop
Selection sort
Sort an array of length 2
let sort2 = ([a,b]) = > {
if(a < b){
return [a,b]
return [b,a]
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- Optimize the code
let sort2 = ([a,b]) = >
a < b ? [a,b] : [b,a]
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Sort an array of length 3
let sort3 = (numbers) = > {
let index = minIndex(numbers)
let min = numbers[index]
number.splice(index,1) // Delete min from numbers
return [min].concat(
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let minIndex = (numbers) = >
// Bug in this code: if there are two minimum values, such as two 1's, index will only return the index of the first 1
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This is a trick
Sort an array of any length
let sort = (numbers) = >{
if(numbers.length > 2) {let index = minIdex(numbers)
let min = numbers[index]
return [min].concat(sort(numbers))
return numbers[0]< numbers[1]? numbers : numbers.revese() } }Copy the code
Any recursion can be rewritten as a loop, but it’s more difficult to write
- Rewrite the above code into a loop
let sort = (numbers) = > {
for(let i=0; i < numbers.length-1, i++){
let index = minIndex(numbers.slice(i))+ i
if(index! ==i){swap(numbers, index, i)} }return numbers
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- Debug with log
let sort = (numbers) = > {
for(let i=0; i < numbers.length-1, i++){
console.log(` - `)
console.log(`i: ${i}`)
let index = minIndex(numbers.slice(i))+ i
console.log(`index: ${index}`)
console.log(`min: ${numbers[index]}`)
if(index! ==i){ swap(numbers, index, i)console.log(`swap ${index}: ${i}`)
return numbers
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let swap = (arry, i, j) = > {
let temp = arry[i]
arry[i] = arry[j]
arry[j] = temp
swap(numbers, 1.2)
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Quick sortquick sort
let quickSort = arr= > {
if (arr.length <= 1) {returnarr; }let pivotIndex = Math.floor(arr.length / 2)
let pivot = arr.splice(pivotIndex, 1) [0]
let left = []
let right = []
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (arr[1] < pivot) {left.push(arr[i])
} else {right.push(arr[i]) }
return quickSort(left).concat(
[pivot], quickSort(right) )
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Merge sortmerge sort
let mergeSort = arr= >{
let k = arr.length
if(k===1) {return arr}
let left = arr.slice(0.Math.floor(k/2))
let right = arr.slice(Math.floor(k/2))
return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right))
let merge = (a, b) = >{
if(a.length === 0) return b
if(b.length === 0) return a
return a[0] > b[0]? [b[0]].concat(merge(a, b.slice(1))) :
[a[0]].concat(merge(a.slice(1), b))
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Count sorting
- Ideas:
Use a hash table for the record
If you find the number N, remember N:1. If you find it again, add 1
And then I print out all the keys in the hash table, let’s say N:m, so N needs to be printed m times
let countSort = arr= >{
let hashTable = {}, max = 0, result = []
for(let i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ // go through the number group
if(! (arr[i]in hashTable)){
hashTable[arr[i]] = 1
hashTable[arr[i]] += 1
if(arr[i] > max) {max = arr[i]}
for(let j=0; j<=max; j++){ // iterate over the hash table
if(j in hashTable){
return result
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- Bug in the code above: if j appears twice, it needs to be iterated again
let contSort = arr= >{
let hashTable = {}, max = 0, result = []
for(let i=0; i<arr.length; i++)}{
{ // go through the number group
if(! (arr[i]in hashTable)){
hashTable[arr[i]] = 1
hashTable[arr[i]] += 1
if(arr[i] > max) {max = arr[i]}
for(let j=0; j<=max; j++){ // iterate over the hash table
if(j in hashTable){
for(let i = 0; i<hashTable[j]; i++){
return result
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Other sort
- Bubble sort
- Insert sort click on Instagram
- Hill Sort. At/choose Shell Sort
- Radix sort click RAD is suitable for multi-digit sort