1. The computer

1.1 Computer Concepts

Computer 【computer】 commonly known as computer, is a modern electronic machine used for high-speed calculation.

1.2 Computer Composition

The computer consists of hardware system and software system.

The computer hardware system includes:

Arithmetic unit: Computer hardware used to perform calculations, contained within the CPU

Controller: used to control the work of various computer components, contained in the CPU

Memory: Used to store data during the operation of a computer

Internal memory: common internal memory, such as memory……

External memory: common external memory has hard disk, removable hard disk, U disk, etc..

Input device: used to issue commands to the computer. Common input devices include keyboard, mouse, scanner, scanning gun, touchpad, writing pad, etc..

Output device: used to display the running results of the computer. Common output devices include display, projector, printer, etc.

The computer software system includes:

System software: working with computer hardware to ensure the normal operation of computer hardware.

Operating system software: to establish a communication platform between the computer and people, so that people can control the computer to work. For example, Windows, Linux, AND Unix……

Application software: a functional program that meets a user’s specific needs. For example: QQ, WORD, flying autumn and so on…

2. The Python language

2.1 Programming Language

Language is the most important communication tool and the main expression of information exchange among human beings.

A programming language is a language used to define a computer program and to give instructions to a computer.

2.2 the Python language

Python is an object-oriented interpreted computer programming language.

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum.

3. Features of Python

3.1 the advantages


Python is a language that stands for the idea of simplicity. Reading a good Python program can feel like reading English, even though English is very demanding! This pseudo-code nature of Python is one of its greatest strengths. It allows you to focus on solving problems rather than figuring out the language itself.

Easy to learn:

As you’ll see, Python is extremely easy to learn.

Free and open source:

Python is one of FLOSS (free/Open source software). In short, you are free to distribute copies of the software, read its source code, make changes to it, and use parts of it in new free software. FLOSS is based on the concept of a community sharing knowledge. This is one of the reasons why Python is so good — it was created and often improved by a group of people who wanted to see a better Python.

High-level language:

When you write programs in Python, you don’t have to worry about low-level details like how to manage the memory your programs use.


Due to its open source nature, Python has been ported to many platforms (with modifications to make it work on different platforms). If you are careful to avoid using system-dependent features, all your Python programs can run on any of the following platforms without modification. These platforms include Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Solaris, OS/2, Amiga, AROS, AS/400, BeOS, OS/390, Z /OS, Palm OS, QNX, VMS, Psion, Acom RISC OS, VxWorks, PlayStation, Sharp Zaurus, Windows CE and even PocketPC, Symbian and Google’s Linux-based Android!


This one needs some explanation. A program written in a compiled language such as C or C++ can be converted from a source file (that is, C or C++) to a language your computer uses (binary code, that is, 0 and 1). This process is done using the compiler and various tags and options. When you run your program, the link/reprinter software copies your program from hard disk to memory and runs it. Programs written in Python do not need to be compiled into binary code. You can run programs directly from source code. Inside the computer, the Python interpreter converts the source code into an intermediate form called bytecode, which is then translated and run into the machine language the computer uses. In fact, since you no longer have to worry about compiling the program, making sure the connection reprints the right library, and so on, all of this makes Python much easier to use. Since you only need to copy your Python program to another computer, it will work, which makes your Python program easier to port.


Python supports both procedural and object-oriented programming. In a “procedural oriented” language, programs are built from procedures or simply functions of reusable code. In “object-oriented” languages, programs are built from objects composed of data and functions. Compared to other major languages such as C++ and Java, Python implements object-oriented programming in a very powerful and simple way.


If you need a key piece of your code to run faster or want to keep certain algorithms private, you can write parts of your program in C or C++ and use them in your Python program.

Rich library:

The Python standard library is indeed vast. It can help you with all kinds of work, including regular expressions, document generation, unit testing, threading, databases, Web browsers, CGI, FTP, E-mail, XML, XML-RPC, HTML, WAV files, password systems, GUIs (graphical user interfaces), Tk, and other system-related operations. Remember, all of these features are available as long as Python is installed. This is called Python’s “full-featured” idea. In addition to the standard library, there are many other high-quality libraries, such as the wxPython, Twisted, and Python image libraries, to name a few.

Specification code:

Python uses forced indentation to make code extremely readable.

3.2 disadvantages

Slow running speed:

If speed is required, it is recommended to rewrite key parts in C++.

Small domestic market:

There are only a few web2.0 companies developing python in China. But as time goes by, many domestic software companies, especially game companies, also began to use him.

Lack of Information in Chinese:

Thanks to the community, several excellent textbooks have been translated, but there are many entry-level textbooks, and advanced content is only available in English.

Too many architectural choices:

There is no official.net architecture like C#, and there is no relatively centralized architecture development like ruby due to its relatively short history. Ruby on Rails is the best framework for developing small and medium-sized Web applications. But it also shows that Python is better, attracting more people and projects.