First, the concept of scaffolding

Scaffolding is the integration of front-end engineering and the initiator of front-end engineering. Its essence and function is to create project infrastructure and provide project specifications and conventions.

Second, general tools

Yeoman versatile scaffold tool is easy to expand and flexible enough to create your own scaffold. During Plop project development, specific types of files are created.

Iii. Basic use of Yeoman

4. Yeoman Sub Generator

Yo node:cli // yarn // yarn link // chen-module –help In the current file

5. Basic steps to use Yeoman

Create a custom generator module

Nature: The custom generator is essentially an NPM module


1. Yarn init Initialize the package.json file

2. Yarn Add Yeoman-generator Import module

/ / generators/app/index.js/generators/app/index.js

** 4. Document content **

5. Yarn Link global

6. Create a folder and run yo sample

Note: at that time, the eoman-generator version is 5. Requires Yeoman -environment at least 3.0.0,current version is 2.10.3,try reinstalling latest version of “ofIt is best to specify the version of yeoman-generator as 4.0.1. “Yeoman-generator “: “^4.0.1” is best

7. Templates can also be used to create files in a specified directory

Enclosing the fs. CopyTpl (TMPL, the output, the context). Take three parameters

8. Accept user instructions and generate relevant templates

Nine, batch generation of multiple project files method

Creates an array of file paths, looping over each file

Publish a custom generator module to NPM

SQL > create local repository;

Create gitignore file echo node_module >. Gitigonre

(2) Git init

(3)git add .

(4)git commit -m ‘fistcomit’

Git remote add origin

Git push -u origin master

2. Package and compile

Yarn publish – yarn publish —

Error error Couldn’t publish package:……. invalid for new packages.

The red box is lower case. All NPM packages are required to have lower case. Therefore, the project is changed to generator-Chen-react-com

(3) may also be an error r Couldn ‘t publish package: “… Go to your email and activate the email from NPM with the click of a button.