What is it
When a document is laid out, the browser’s rendering engine represents all elements as rectangular boxes, according to one of the standard CSS Basic Box Models.
A box consists of four parts: Content, padding, border, and Margin
Content, the actual content, displays text and images
Boreders are one or more lines around the inside margin of an element’s content. They are made up of thickness, style, and color
Padding, the inner margin, clears the area around the content. The inner margin is transparent and cannot be negative, depending on the box’s background property
Margin, or margin, creates extra white space outside an element, usually an area where other elements cannot be placed
In CSS, the box model can be divided into:
- W3C standard box model
- IE weird box model
By default, the box model is the W3C standard box model
Standard box model
The standard box model is the browser’s default box model
- Width + padding + border + margin;
- Box height = height + padding + border + margin
That is, width/height is just the content height, not the padding and border values
IE Box model
- Width = width + margin;
- Box height = height + margin;
That is, width/height contains the padding and border values
How to set these two modes
- Box-sizing :content-box
- Box model: box-sizing:border-box
The box-sizing property in CSS defines how the engine should calculate the total width and height of an element
box-sizing: content-box | border-box | inherit:
Content-box defaults. The width/height of the element does not include padding or border, as in the standard box model
The width/height of the border-box element contains the padding and border, which are consistent with the weird box model
Inherit specifies the value of the box-sizing property, which should be inherited from the parent element