Interviewer: How does vue-Router parse URL routing parameters?
Xiao Ming:……
Vue-router parses path parameters into regular expressions using the path-to-regexp library. Next, we will introduce the basic usage and implementation principle of path-to-Regexp library based on version 6.2.0. The more interesting path-to-regexp library is small, but it implements a non-Turing-complete lexical analysis behind it. Good SAO, I love……
No more nonsense, just get in the car!!
Let’s take a look at the basic use of path-to-regexp, which converts string paths (such as /user/:name) into regular expressions, as shown in the following example:
const { pathToRegexp, parse, compile } = require('path-to-regexp');
const url = '/user/:id';
const keys = [];
const regexp = pathToRegexp(url, keys);
// /^\/user(? : \ / ([^ # \ \ /?] +? ) / # \ \ /? ? $/i
/** * [ * { * name: 'id', * prefix: '/', * suffix: '', * pattern: '[^\\/#\\?]+?', * modifier: '' * } * ] */
// ['/user/10086', '10086', index: 0, input: '/user/10086', groups: undefined]
// null
const tokens = parse(url);
/** * [ * '/user', * { * name: 'id', * prefix: '/', * suffix: '', * pattern: '[^\\/#\\?]+?', * modifier: '' * } * ] */
const toPath = compile(url, {
encode: encodeURIComponent});const path1 = toPath({
id: 123});// /user/123
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Introduction to basic Structure
Open the source file and you can see that all implementations of the library are in the index.ts file in the SRC folder, as shown below:
Index. ts mainly implements several functions as API exposed:
export function parse() {}
export function compile<P extends object = object> () {}
export function tokensToFunction<P extends object = object> () {}
export function match<P extends object = object> () {}
export function regexpToFunction<P extends object = object> () {}
export function regexpToFunction<P extends object = object> () {}
export function tokensToRegexp() {}
export function pathToRegexp() {}
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Let’s take a look at the implementation of the pathToRegexp function.
PathToRegexp implementation
The pathToRegexp function is the main implementation we use to convert a path string into a regular object:
/** * Format the given string and return a regular expression ** An empty array can be passed in for the keys, which will hold the * placeholder key descriptions. For example, using `/user/:id`, `keys` will * contain `[{ name: 'id', delimiter: '/', optional: false, repeat: false }]`. */
export function pathToRegexp(path: Path, keys? : Key[], options? : TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions) {
ArrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp Call stringToRegexp to convert */
if (path instanceof RegExp) return regexpToRegexp(path, keys);
if (Array.isArray(path)) return arrayToRegexp(path, keys, options);
return stringToRegexp(path, keys, options);
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Implementation of stringToRegexp, which is the conversion logic to the path string:
/** * Creates a path regular object */ from a string input
function stringToRegexp(path: string, keys? : Key[], options? : TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions) {
// First use parse to create desired tokens
// Then call tokensToRegexp to convert tokens into regular objects
return tokensToRegexp(parse(path, options), keys, options);
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The parse implementation
Parse calls lexer to parse the string, then parse it, and output the result of parsing:
/** * Parses the string */ of the original tag
export function parse(str: string, options: ParseOptions = {}) :Token[] {
// Perform character segmentation, also known as lexical analysis
const tokens = lexer(str);
const { prefixes = ". /" } = options;
const defaultPattern = ` [^${escapeString(options.delimiter || "/ #?")}] +? `;
const result: Token[] = [];
let key = 0;
let i = 0;
let path = "";
const tryConsume = (type: LexToken["type"]): string | undefined= > {
if (i < tokens.length && tokens[i].type === type) return tokens[i++].value;
const mustConsume = (type: LexToken["type") :string= > {
const value = tryConsume(type);
if(value ! = =undefined) return value;
const { type: nextType, index } = tokens[i];
throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${nextType} at ${index}, expected ${type}`);
const consumeText = (): string= > {
let result = "";
let value: string | undefined;
// tslint:disable-next-line
// Combine multiple CHAR or ESCAPED_CHAR tokens into a continuous string
while ((value = tryConsume("CHAR") || tryConsume("ESCAPED_CHAR"))) {
result += value;
return result;
// Make tokens
while (i < tokens.length) {
const char = tryConsume("CHAR");
const name = tryConsume("NAME");
const pattern = tryConsume("PATTERN");
// Handle tokens of type NAME or PATTERN
if (name || pattern) {
let prefix = char || "";
if (prefixes.indexOf(prefix) === -1) {
path += prefix;
prefix = "";
if (path) {
path = "";
// Add to the parse result
name: name || key++,
suffix: "".pattern: pattern || defaultPattern,
modifier: tryConsume("MODIFIER") | |""
// Handle CHAR or ESCAPED_CHAR tokens
const value = char || tryConsume("ESCAPED_CHAR");
// Matches until tokens that are not of type (CHAR or ESCAPED_CHAR) stop
if (value) {
path += value;
// Add the matched result to the parse result, and empty the matched result
if (path) {
path = "";
// Handle tokens of type OPEN and CLOSE
Const regexp = pathToRegexp("/:attr1? {-:attr2}?" );
const open = tryConsume("OPEN");
if (open) {
const prefix = consumeText();
const name = tryConsume("NAME") | |"";
const pattern = tryConsume("PATTERN") | |"";
const suffix = consumeText();
name: name || (pattern ? key++ : ""),
pattern: name && ! pattern ? defaultPattern : pattern, prefix, suffix,modifier: tryConsume("MODIFIER") | |""
return result;
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As you can see, the process of Parse is to obtain all tokens through lexical analysis through Lexer and then consume tokens. The process of consumption is to iterate over all tokens, and consumption is based on the grammatical rules that the library wants to expose.
Lexer simple lexical analysis implementation
The main role of Lexer lexical analysis is to divide tokens according to rules as follows:
/** * Tokenize input string
function lexer(str: string) :LexToken[] {
const tokens: LexToken[] = [];
let i = 0;
// Iterate over each character in turn
while (i < str.length) {
// Get the current character
const char = str[i];
// If the token is asterisk (asterisk), plus (plus), or question mark (?), it is divided into MODIFIER tokens
if (char === "*" || char === "+" || char === "?") {
tokens.push({ type: "MODIFIER".index: i, value: str[i++] });
// If it is a \ symbol, the token is split as ESCAPED_CHAR
if (char === "\ \") {
tokens.push({ type: "ESCAPED_CHAR".index: i++, value: str[i++] });
// If it is an OPEN curly brace, it is split as an OPEN token
if (char === "{") {
tokens.push({ type: "OPEN".index: i, value: str[i++] });
// If it is a CLOSE curly brace, it is split into tokens of type CLOSE
if (char === "}") {
tokens.push({ type: "CLOSE".index: i, value: str[i++] });
// If it is a colon, continue splitting the string after the colon
if (char === ":") {
let name = "";
let j = i + 1;
// Matches all digits, case, and hyphens using the Unicode value of the character
/^[0-9a-za-z -]$/, which is not worse than Unicode
while (j < str.length) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(j);
if (
/ / ` ` 0-9
(code >= 48 && code <= 57) | |// `A-Z`
(code >= 65 && code <= 90) | |// `a-z`
(code >= 97 && code <= 122) | |/ / ` _ `
code === 95
) {
name += str[j++];
if(! name)throw new TypeError(`Missing parameter name at ${i}`);
// Split the string matched after the colon into tokens of type NAME
tokens.push({ type: "NAME".index: i, value: name });
i = j;
// If the current character is an open parenthesis
if (char === "(") {
/** * count count of parentheses, is based on the stack to determine whether the left parentheses match */
let count = 1;
let pattern = "";
let j = i + 1;
if (str[j] === "?") {
throw new TypeError(`Pattern cannot start with "?" at ${j}`);
while (j < str.length) {
// If it is a character beginning with \ then get \ plus the following character, for example
if (str[j] === "\ \") {
pattern += str[j++] + str[j++];
if (str[j] === ")") {
// Count minus one
// Stop the current token character matching if all the left and right parentheses have been matched
if (count === 0) {
break; }}else if (str[j] === "(") {
// (user(? XXX)) requires that the capture group must begin with a question mark
if (str[j + 1]! = ="?") {
throw new TypeError(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${j}`); }}// Matches a string that matches the rule
pattern += str[j++];
if (count) throw new TypeError(`Unbalanced pattern at ${i}`);
if(! pattern)throw new TypeError(`Missing pattern at ${i}`);
// Split the pattern part of (pattern) into tokens of pattern type
tokens.push({ type: "PATTERN".index: i, value: pattern });
i = j;
// Other characters are split into tokens of type CHAR
tokens.push({ type: "CHAR".index: i, value: str[i++] });
// Finally add a token of type END
tokens.push({ type: "END".index: i, value: "" });
return tokens;
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Lexer is the core implementation of this library, the main logic is as follows:
- Iterating through the characters of a string one by one
- Label different characters differently, for example
Etc. - Matches different characters according to different rules
- Stores the character data matched by each rule
An array of - Return the result
And here’s the thing to note:
- Instead of using a finite state machine, lexical segmentation is simply consumed after traversal.
- Matches the string following the colon
Value comparison method, flat replacement into regular/^[0-9a-zA-Z-]$/
Can also be, after personal testing, performance is notUnicode
Poor judgment lexer
To determine whether the left and right parentheses match the logic, directly usedcount
The same implementation also has a stack scheme.i++
The logic of autoincrement and subtraction, the difference between the plus sign before and after, does not make any difference in ordinary use, butIn the assignment is the plus sign before the first increment and then assign, plus sign after the first assignment and then increment
ArrayToRegexp implementation
ArrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp = arrayToRegexp
/** * converts an array to a regular object */
function arrayToRegexp(
paths: Array<string | RegExp>, keys? : Key[], options? : TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions) :RegExp {
const parts = > pathToRegexp(path, keys, options).source);
return new RegExp(` (? :${parts.join("|")}) `, flags(options));
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PathToRegexp implements the following logic:
- Go through all of them
And call thepathToRegexp
To obtainpath
Corresponding regular expression text - Use all the text
Pieced together - Call again
new RegExp
Generates a new re object
Here are some things to note:
- Regular parenthesis
Represents a capture group, which stores the matched content for use (? :)
Represents a non-capture group, that is, only matches are performed and the matching results are not stored
The compile principle
Compile fills the path string with data, for example:
const toPath = compile("/user/:id", { encode: encodeURIComponent });
toPath({ id: 123 }); //=> "/user/123"
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Its implementation is as follows:
/** * Compile a string to a template function for the path
export function compile<P extends object = object> (str: string, options? : ParseOptions & TokensToFunctionOptions) {
// Call the parse function first to parse the path string
// Call tokensToFunction to populate the string
return tokensToFunction<P>(parse(str, options), options);
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TokensToFunction implementation:
/** * Expose a method for transforming tokens into the path function. */
export function tokensToFunction<P extends object = object> (tokens: Token[], options: TokensToFunctionOptions = {}) :PathFunction<P> {
const reFlags = flags(options);
const { encode = (x: string) = > x, validate = true } = options;
// Compile all the tokens into regexps.
// This method is used to create regular objects based on tokens
// The validation is called when the user specifies that the incoming data should be validated
const matches = > {
if (typeof token === "object") {
// Create a non-captured regular expression
return new RegExp(` ^ (? :${token.pattern}) $`, reFlags); }});// Returns a function that restores the data population to the path string when called by the user
return (data: Record<string, any> | null | undefined) = > {
let path = "";
/** * iterates through all tokens in turn, and populates */ if the user has passed in data with the same key
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
if (typeof token === "string") {
path += token;
const value = data ? data[] : undefined;
const optional = token.modifier === "?" || token.modifier === "*";
const repeat = token.modifier === "*" || token.modifier === "+";
// If the data passed in is an array, tiling is performed
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if(! repeat) {throw new TypeError(
`Expected "${}" to not repeat, but got an array`
if (value.length === 0) {
if (optional) continue;
throw new TypeError(`Expected "${}" to not be empty`);
for (let j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
const segment = encode(value[j], token);
// If the user sets the check for incoming data, the regular check is performed
if(validate && ! (matches[i]as RegExp).test(segment)) {
throw new TypeError(
`Expected all "${}" to match "${token.pattern}", but got "${segment}"`
// Populate the URL with data restore
path += token.prefix + segment + token.suffix;
if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") {
const segment = encode(String(value), token);
if(validate && ! (matches[i]as RegExp).test(segment)) {
throw new TypeError(
`Expected "${}" to match "${token.pattern}", but got "${segment}"`
// Populate the path with data restore
path += token.prefix + segment + token.suffix;
if (optional) continue;
const typeOfMessage = repeat ? "an array" : "a string";
throw new TypeError(`Expected "${}" to be ${typeOfMessage}`);
return path;
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If you remove all the checksum logic, the core logic is:
- Go through all of them in turn
- If the user has the same incoming
Is used for string padding - The string filled with concatenation is eventually returned
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