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The ECMAScript specification defines seven data types, divided into basic and reference types. Let’s explore how these two types are distinguished.
Basic type: String Number Boolean Undefined Null Symbol Reference type: Object
- typeof
Typeof follows a unary expression to the right and returns the result as the expression’s data type (string).
// The following data types can be used to make the correct judgment
typeof ' ' // string
typeof 100 // number
typeof Symble('100') // symbol
typeof true // boolean
typeof undefined // undefined
typeof new Function(a)// function
// The following data types cannot be correctly judged
typeof null // object
typeof ['100'] // object
typeof new Date(a)// object
typeof new RegExp(a)// object
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As you can see from the above example, Typeof is better suited for handling basic data types, returning the correct result except for null, which returns type Object.
- instanceof
Instanceof returns true if A is an instanceof B, false otherwise. Note: Instanceof tests prototypes. When A’s __proto__ points to B’s prototype, A is judged to be an instance of B.
[] instanceof Array // true
[] instanceof Object // true
{} instanceof Object // true
new Date(a)instanceof Date // true
new Date(a)instanceof Object // true
function Animal() {}
new Animal() instanceof Animal // true
new Animal() instanceof Object // true
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Taking [] as an example, it can be judged that [] is both an instanceof Array and an instanceof Object by instanceof, from which it can be seen that instanceof detects a prototype. The relationship between them is as follows: [].__proto__ points to array. prototype, array.prototype. __proto__ points to object. prototype, object.prototype. __proto__ points to null, This is the end of such a chain of prototypes. [].__proto__ -> array.proto__ -> object.proto__ -> null It is not possible to determine what type an object instance belongs to.
- toString
Calling toString() directly on Object objects returns [Object, Object] by default. For other objects, calls to call call/apply return the correct type information.
Object.prototype.toString.call(' ') // [object String]
Object.prototype.toString.call(true) // [object Boolean]
Object.prototype.toString.call(1) // [object Number]
Object.prototype.toString.call(Symbol()) // [object Symbol]
Object.prototype.toString.call(undefined) // [object Undefined]
Object.prototype.toString.call(null) // [object Null]
Object.prototype.toString.call(new Function()) // [object Function]
Object.prototype.toString.call([]) // [object Array]
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