Flutter is a bit of a buzzword, this year Flutter has been great, really everywhere, as an Android developer “had to” learn about it, so I tried to implement a Wanandroid client using Flutter.

1. How to get started

The core of Flutter is cross-platform (developed in Dart language), so it is very different from native Flutter. For example, Flutter does not have an XML static layout. All Flutter pages are made up of widgets, meaning “everything is a component”.

At first glance, is it? What?! What the hell is this?! These layers of nesting, it’s really hard for me to get my hands on. But now it’s written a lot

Here’s how I got started (with a link) :

  1. Configure the Flutter Environment
  2. Learn basic Dart syntax and code specifications
  3. Learn the use of basic components such as StatefulWidget, Row, Column….
  4. Try to implement some simple things, such as login, registration, etc
  5. Implement a full release project
  6. Todo: CodeReview, constantly improving, choosing the right approach for the project

2. Project effect

The home page project Wechat official account The knowledge system
my Personal information The article details Login page

See the code for Wanandroid_Learning_Flutter to welcome Issue, Star, Fork.

Let’s Flutter together!

Also, if you want to see the Java and Kotlin versions, check out my other article that developed both Java and Kotlin versions at once for Wanandorid