1, the background
Front-end and back-end separation has become the industry standard for Internet project development. It can be effectively decouple by using Nginx + Tomcat (or by adding a NodeJS in the middle), and the front-end and back-end separation will be used for large-scale distributed architecture, elastic computing architecture, micro-service architecture, and multi-terminal services (multiple clients, such as: Browsers, in-car terminals, Android, IOS, etc.) lay a solid foundation. This step is necessary for a system architecture to evolve from an ape to an adult.
The core idea is that the front-end HTML page invokes the Back-End RESTFUL API through AJAX and interacts with JSON data.
- Web servers: typically Nginx, Apache and other servers that can only parse static resources;
- Application server: generally refers to Tomcat, Jetty, Resin and other servers can parse dynamic resources and static resources, but the ability to parse static resources is not as good as web server;
Generally, only the Web server can be accessed from the Internet, and only the application server can be accessed from the Intranet.
Previous Java Web projects were mostly Java programmers who were mom and dad, front-end and back-end. With the development of The Times, gradually many small and medium-sized companies began to put the boundaries of the front and back end more and more clear, front-end engineers only front-end things, back-end engineers only back-end things. Is the so-called specialty, if a person can do anything, so he is not good at anything after all. Large and medium-sized companies need professionals, small companies need versatility, but for individual career development, the front and back ends need to be separated.
2. Unseparated age (various coupling)
In the early stage, MVC framework was mainly used. The structure diagram of Jsp+Servlet is as follows:Basically, all requests are sent to the Servlet as the controller, which accepts the requests and responds by distributing them to the appropriate JSPS based on the request information. At the same time, servlets generate JavaBeans instances based on JSP requirements and output them to the JSP environment. JSPS can get data from JavaBeans either by directly calling methods or by using UseBean’s custom tags.
Note that the View can also use templating engines such as Velocity and Freemaker. Using these template engines can make the division of labor in the development process more clear, and can improve the development efficiency.
So, in this period, there are two development methods:
Methods a Way 2
Method two has been phased out. There are two main reasons:
- The front end relies heavily on the back end during development and can’t do anything until the back end is complete.
- Due to the trend, JSP, Velocity, freemarker and other template engine front-end is becoming less and less;
As a result, mode two is gradually not adopted. However, I have to say that method one is that many small traditional software companies still use it today. So, what are the common weaknesses of method one and method two?
1. The front-end cannot be debugged separately, resulting in low development efficiency;
2. The front-end will inevitably encounter background code, such as:
String name=request.getParameter("username");
Copy the code
This approach is too coupled. So, even if you use a template engine like Freemarker, you can’t write Java code. The front-end will inevitably have to relearn the template syntax of the template engine, unnecessarily increasing the front-end learning costs. Just as we backend developers don’t want to write front-end, how would you feel if you had front-end code embedded in your backend code? Therefore, this approach is quite inappropriate.
3. Some of the other problems with JSPS themselves, for example, are that JSPS are slow to run the first time because they include a step to translate JSPS into servlets. Another example is slow page response when there is a lot of content in the JSP due to synchronous loading.
3. Semi-detached era
The front end is responsible for developing the page, obtaining data through the interface (Ajax), using Dom operation to bind the page to data, and finally rendering the page by the front end. This is how Ajax combines with SPA applications (single-page applications), and its structure is shown as follows:The steps are as follows:
- At the request of the browser, the CDN returns the HTML page.
- The JS code in HTML requests the Restful interface in the background in Ajax mode.
- The interface returns Json data, the page parses the Json data, and renders the page through Dom manipulation;
The backend provides APIS in JSON format for the Native end to use, and also provides APIS in JSON format for the WEB.
That means the WEB workflow is:
- Open the Web, load basic resources, such as CSS, JS, etc.
- Initiate an Ajax request and then request data to the server, showing loading;
- After obtaining the DATA in JSON format, the DOM string is rendered according to the logical template selection;
- Insert the DOM string into the page and the Web View renders the DOM structure;
These steps are gradually performed by the device used by the user, which means that the performance of the user’s device is more closely related to the running speed of the APP. In other words, if the user has a low-end device, the page opening speed of the APP will be slower.
Why is it semi-detached? Because not all pages are single-page applications, in the case of multi-page applications, the front end needs to discuss with the back end because it has not mastered the Controller layer. Should we synchronize the output of this page or asynchronous Json rendering? And even then, it was usually one engineer who did all the work on the front and back ends. Therefore, at this stage, only half separation is possible.
First of all, the advantages of this approach are obvious. The front end will not embed any background code, the front end focuses on THE development of HTML, CSS, JS, does not rely on the back end. You can also simulate Json data to render pages. If you find a Bug, you can quickly locate the problem.
However, there are obvious drawbacks to this structure. The most obvious are the following:
- JS has a lot of redundancy, in the case of complex business, the rendering part of the page code, very complex;
- In the case of large amount of data returned from Json, rendering is very slow, and the page will be stuck.
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization, that is, Search Engine Optimization) is very inconvenient, because the Search Engine crawler can not climb down the JS asynchronous rendering data, resulting in such a page, SEO will have certain problems;
- Resource consumption is severe. In the case of complex services, a page may need to make several HTTP requests to complete the page rendering. may
- Some people disagree, feel that the PC to establish multiple HTTP requests is not what. Have you thought about mobile, how many resources it takes to make an HTTP request?
It is because of these shortcomings that we urgently need a true front-end separation architecture.
The age of separation
During this period of complete separation of the front and back ends, the scope of the front end was expanded and the Controller layer was considered part of the front end. During this period:
- Front end: Responsible for the View and Controller layers.
- Back end: Only responsible for the Model layer, business/data processing, etc.
But the server is not familiar with the front-end HTML structure, front-end also do not understand the background code ah, how to implement the Controller layer? This is where Node.js comes in handy. Node.js is suitable for high-concurrency, I/ O-intensive scenarios with little business logic. Most importantly, the front-end doesn’t have to learn another language, making it much easier for the front-end to learn.Think of Nodejs as an API for front-end interaction. In general, Nodejs is the equivalent of C (controller) in MVC. Nodejs routing is implemented by sending the front-end static page code as a string to the client (such as the browser). The route is a set of API interfaces provided to the client, but the data returned is the string of page code.
Use NodeJs as a bridge to bridge the JSON output from the server-side API. For performance and other reasons, the data format returned by the interface provided by the back-end may not be suitable for direct use by the front end. The sorting and filtering functions required by the front end, as well as the page presentation to the view layer, may require secondary processing of the data provided by the interface. This processing can be done on the front end, but it can be a waste of browser performance. For now, adding a Node middle tier is a good solution.Instead of directly requesting the JSP API, the browser (WebView) :
- The browser requests NodeJS from the server.
- NodeJS then initiates the HTTP request to the JSP;
- The JSP is still the same API outputs JSON to NodeJS;
- NodeJS receives THE JSON and renders the HTML page.
- NodeJS flush HTML pages directly into the browser;
This way, the browser gets a plain HTML page instead of sending Ajax requests to the server.
The architecture of the Midway Framework proposed by Taobao’s front end team is shown below: What are the specific benefits of adding Node.js as a middle tier?
1. Adaptation improvement;
In fact, in the development process, we often develop a front-end for PC, mobile and APP. Most of the business logic is the same for all three ends. The only difference is that the interactive presentation logic is different.
If the controller layer is in the hands of the back end, the back end will display logic for these different pages and maintain these controllers by itself, the template cannot be reused, which increases the cost of front-end communication. If node.js layer is added, the architecture diagram is as follows:Under this structure, the interface presentation logic of each front-end is maintained by the Node layer. If the product manager wants to change the interface in the middle of the process, it can be maintained by the front end and the back end doesn’t have to worry about it. The back end focuses on its own business logic development, and the front end focuses on product effect development.
2. Improved response speed;
We sometimes have situations where the data that the back end sends back to the front end is too simple, and the front end needs to perform logical operations on that data. Therefore, when the amount of data is relatively small, it does not affect the operation such as operation grouping. However, when there is a large amount of data, there will be an obvious lag effect. At this point, the node middle layer can actually put a lot of this code into the Node layer, share some of the simple logic for the back end, and use the template engine to control the output of the front end. In this way, flexibility and responsiveness are greatly improved.
3. Improved performance;
You all know the single responsibility principle. From this perspective, when we request a page, we may have to respond to many back-end interfaces. As the number of requests increases, the natural speed slows down, and this phenomenon is more serious in the mobile terminal. Using Node as the middle layer, multiple back-end data required by the page are directly assembled in the Intranet stage, and then uniformly returned to the front end, which will achieve better performance.
4. Asynchrony and template unification;
Taobao first page is the dozens of HTML fragments assembled into a file (each segment), before PHP synchronization include dozens of clips, this must be a serial, the Node can be asynchronous, read files can be parallel, once the fragments also contains the business logic, asynchronous advantage is very obvious, truly which files to render the output shows out first.
The more complex the front-end machine’s file system, the more pages are composed of fragments, and the more obvious this asynchronous speed effect becomes. Before and after the end of the template is useful in the field of wireless, PC and WIFI Settings page is suitable for the front page rendering (back-end data Ajax to front), 2 g, 3 g, weak network environment suitable for backend rendering (data page to vomit to front), so the same template, under the condition of different rendering different channel, a single template development.
After adding the NodeJS middle layer, the responsibilities of the front and back end are divided: 5, summary
From the classic JSP+Servlet+JavaBean MVC era, to SSM (Spring + SpringMVC + Mybatis) and SSH (Spring + Struts + Hibernate) Java framework era, From the MV* era of front-end frameworks (KnockoutJS, AngularJS, vueJS, ReactJS) to the full stack era led by Nodejs, technology and architecture have evolved all the time. While the “full stack nodeJs-based development” model is exciting, there is still a long way to go to turn full stack Node-based development into something stable and acceptable to everyone.
Innovation doesn’t stop there. Both the front and back end separation model and other models are designed to make it easier to solve the needs, but they are just a “way station.” Front-end and back-end projects are two projects, on two different servers, deployed independently, two different projects, two different code bases, and different developers. The front end only focuses on page style and dynamic data parsing and rendering, while the back end focuses on concrete business logic.
Source: blog.csdn.net/fuzhongmin05/article/details/81591072