Many students CRUD every day, at a glance can see next year’s own. By March, you wanted to shake things up, so you scoured the Internet for interview questions, jotted them down, and went out to test the waters.

But it turns out that interviews are getting harder and harder. Do not ask the content of work at ordinary times, ask a lot of nouns are not heard of, what JUC ah, JVM ah, come up on a barrage, let you unprepared! Even suspect oneself is a fake programmer, feel what all don’t know!

Now, for example, projects of a certain size will use distribution. But under the distributed and will produce a lot of problems, just casually take the distributed call to say, if you use Dubbo, that must ask you Dubbo principle, communication protocol, SPI ideas, etc..

Dubbo is an XML file that uses the zK address. The zK address is an XML file that uses the zK address. If you think about it, 99% of the people meet the filter criteria based on how to use and configure XML, and it’s not your turn.

When asked about MQ, I have nothing to say except decoupling, limiting flow, and asynchronous. I can only “stare at each other with tears in my eyes”.

In fact, preparing for an interview is not difficult or time-consuming if done properly. If you don’t have a clue, consider the following brain map:

Finally, here to share some source code and framework resources, more technical masters limited time recording course free to receive.

1. “Write SpringMVC by hand in 90 minutes to thoroughly Understand its implementation”

  • Starting with the SpringMVC framework, how do requests map to specified methods?
  • Try writing an MVC framework yourself
  • Compare custom frameworks with SpringMVC source code

2. “Breaking through the Difficulties of Microservices Architecture – Developing your Own Unified Configuration Center”

  • The more subsystems are being dismantled, the more hundreds of servers, how to play the configuration?
  • You may have heard of SpringCloud or Dubbo, but do you know how internals work?
  • Our goal is not to be a framework user, but to be a framework designer
  • Know why and know why, take you hand in hand to write the micro service configuration center

3. Distributed Technical Difficulties — Complete Analysis of Distributed Lock

  • Analyze lock pits in distributed systems
  • Distributed lock principle and implementation analysis
  • Common implementation notes for distributed locks
  • Distributed lock from zero handwriting

4. Distributed System Development Practice – TCC Distributed Transaction Implementation

  • Analysis of difficult transaction problem in distributed system
  • Analysis of production level solution ideas
  • Old driver hand – in – hand analysis of TCC concrete implementation process
  • Analysis of Netease’s internal JAVA technology stack

5. “Springboot in Plain English — the whole network reliable SpringBoot tutorial”

  • Never used Springboot? Today we are going to have a look.
  • Do not do the user of the framework, a deep grasp of springboot design principles.
  • No add, delete, change or check. You can also write springBoot components after the class.

6. BATJ’s Solution to Massive Requests — Ten Million Concurrent Solutions

  • Teach you to analyze a problem in detail from an architect’s perspective.
  • Teach you to find the bottleneck of each node of an architecture!
  • Be careful! People who use tools to solve problems are always users.
  • Learn to dial a thousand catties, with a simple code to solve the simple business

7. “Ribbon Load Balancing In SpringCloud Microservices architecture”

  • Introduction to distributed microservices architecture
  • How is SpringCloud load balancing implemented
  • Ribbon source code analysis, review and summary

8. Redis High Performance Underlying Secrets, Technology behind 500,000 reads and writes per second

  • Which key metrics do you know that affect Redis performance?
  • Debunked – are you fooled by the rumor that Redis is single-process single-thread?
  • E-commerce companies double 11 full link pressure test, do you know the cache preheating?
  • Production-grade Redis operations, these taboos must be kept in mind!
  • Do not be a follower, to Redis real master

9. “JVM Interview without Pressure”

  • In-depth analysis of JVM internals
  • Take you into the Java microcosm with animations

Click for these learning materialsFree access to!

Forward, there are more e-books + interview documents to send to everyone for free!