Today, we will introduce the HR interview process needs to pay attention to the place, we often technical, but fell on the HR surface! After all, HR often has veto power in some companies, so we still need to face it seriously!!

The idea of HR

It’s hard to find jobs, and it’s hard to find people. What is HR looking for? Stability. If you change jobs frequently, HR may worry that you’ll leave after less than a year and she’ll have to hire again. High cost performance. Preferably something that works and isn’t expensive. If you really want to join a company, lower your expectations.


Q: Would you please introduce yourself to me? The average person answers this question too often, saying only name, age, hobbies and work experience, which are all on the resume. In fact, the most want to know is whether job seekers can do work, including: the strongest skills, the most in-depth study of knowledge, the most active part of the personality, do one of the most successful thing, the main achievements, etc., these are nothing to do with learning, can also be related to learning, but to highlight the positive personality and the ability to do things, be fair and reasonable enterprise will believe it. Companies value a person’s politeness. Job seekers should respect the examiner and say “thank you” after each question. Companies like candidates with good manners.

Q: Why did you leave your last job? Want to join a company with a bigger platform. The workplace is too far away. Because of business needs, the company changed the city, very far away. The company as a whole is very stable, there is no room for development, I hope to have a more challenging job, after all, I am still young…… Resigned the company transformation, before the position positioning and my original intention of development is inconsistent…… I got a new job. Company structure adjustment, my position has changed….. Past experience leaves no room for development…… I jumped ship. I am at present in the company has reached the top, short term will not have what development space, the company itself is not big, I hope to develop to a bigger platform…… So I chose to jump ship. In the Internet era, I hope to be able to transfer to the fastest growing and most challenging industry and company, which is also conducive to my personal rapid growth…… So I quit. The job was not challenging and I wanted to be exposed to more new projects, so I jumped ship soon. There are things in the home, no way to take into account the work at that time, I can only resign…… The company collapsed

Q: How many people did you have at your last company? How many people are there in the technical team? How many back ends, front ends, products, tests? Q: What was your salary at your last company? What are the salaries of these companies that I have experienced? Is there any salary adjustment? Q: Why did you join the companies you’ve worked for? And for what reason? It’s usually because they want a better deal, or they’ve hit a technology ceiling and want to join a company with a bigger platform.

Q: Why did you choose to leave at this time? Have got the year-end bonus, choose gold three silver four, this time period is good to find a job.

Q: Of these companies, where have you seen the most growth? Can answer from technical breadth, technical depth.

Q: Why didn’t you join a big company right after graduation? At that time, it was thought that small companies could improve the ability of the whole, because small companies are all generalists, one person to do several kinds of work. Big companies need expertise, preferably in a particular area of the technology stack.

The technical level

HR may not know the technology, but they will make assumptions about your skills. You u can use more technical words if you want to fool me.

Q: Where did you fit into the technical team in the past? There is no need to be modest. I must say it is at the top of the class.

Q: What was your worst part?

Q: What was your worst feature on the project? I can only finish the task in time, but I don’t know much about the company’s future development strategy.

Q: How many offers do you have now? Now I have two offers, but they are both start-up companies. I still want to join a large company.

Ability to communicate

The programmer’s ability to communicate is important. Discuss products, requirements, and tests frequently. Q: What would you do if your boss was a bully? I had a very old-school boss who asked for a technology that was decades old, and I went through a lot of research and talked to him about the pros and cons and the potential cons.

Q: How do you communicate with products and requirements? What problems have you encountered? The regular meeting is held on Mondays. Have both online and offline communication, and have documentation. I once met with a rush to meet the schedule and no documents were recorded. Then, in the process of joint adjustment of the project, the blame was shifted to each other. Finally, I took the blame.

Q: What kind of supervisor would you like to work with? A candidate’s sense of self-requirement can be judged by his “hope” for his superiors, which is both a trap and an opportunity. 1. It’s best to avoid specific expectations from superiors and talk more about your own requirements. “As a newcomer to the society, I should ask myself to get familiar with the environment and adapt to the environment as soon as possible, instead of putting forward any requirements for the environment, as long as I can play my expertise.

Q: What is the way of life/attitude you most identify with? Be counted

Q: How do you normally handle criticism? Otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

Compressive ability

Q: Are you willing to work overtime? I’d love to. (Actually not very willing to =.=) IF the work needs, I am duty-bound to work overtime, I am single now, do not have any family burden, can devote myself to work. But I will also increase my efficiency and reduce unnecessary overtime.

Q: What would you do if your boss constantly pressured you? I work under pressure for a long time. As long as it’s not insulting, it’s fine.

What else do you want to ask me? (Technical Last Question) At the end of a technical interview, the interviewer usually asks, “So, what else do you have for me?” Although it is technical, it is put here because it is an open question.

Q: What would you do if we hired you after this interview, but after some time we found out that you are not suitable for the position? I find that my job is not suitable for me for a period of time, there are two situations: 1. If you really love this job, you should keep learning, humbly learn business knowledge and handling experience from leaders and colleagues, understand the spiritual connotation and professional requirements of this job, and strive to reduce the gap; 2. 2. You think this occupation is dispensable, it is still as early as possible to change the occupation, to find suitable for you, you love the occupation, so your development prospects will be bigger, for the unit and individual are good.

Q: How many people do you have? How many technical teams are there? How many are on the back end? Q: Does the company use distributed or microservices in its projects? Q: What is the development process of the company? Are there any unit tests and what is the coverage? How is CI/CD(continuous integration/continuous deployment) done? Q: What are the working hours? Q: Development definitely involves overtime, but I’d like to know the intensity of the overtime.


Q: What are your salary expectations? Ask “How much do you have to offer?” If HR says it depends on your ability, it depends on your situation. In general, you can get a salary increase of about 30%.


Q: What is your opinion about job-hopping? 1. Normal job-hopping can promote the reasonable flow of talents and should be supported. Frequent job-hopping is not good for both the company and individuals and should be opposed.

Q: What kind of personality do you admire? I admire a person who is honest, flexible and easy to get along with.

Q: What do you think is your greatest strength in personality? Calm, well organized, firm minded, tenacious, helpful and caring, adaptable and humorous, optimistic and friendly. After one to two years of training and actual project practice in Peking University Jade Bird, combined with my internship, I am qualified for this job.

Q: Tell me about your greatest weakness. The probability that the enterprise asks this question is very big, usually do not want to hear the weakness that answers directly is what, if the applicant says oneself narrow-minded, love envy person, very lazy, temper big, work efficiency is low, the enterprise will not hire you for sure. Never, ever smartly say, “My greatest weakness is that I’m too much of a perfectionist.” Some people think this will make them look good, but in fact, they are already on the brink. Companies like candidates to start with their strengths, add a few minor weaknesses in between, and then turn the question back to the strengths and highlight the strengths

Q: What are your career plans for the future? Q: What do you think of our company?


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At the end of the article

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