3, 2, 1, go you ~

Finally made the decision

What do people say I ignore

As long as you’re equally sure

I’ll go anywhere in the world for you

I know it’s not easy

My mind has been trying to convince itself

The most afraid of you suddenly said to give up

It really takes courage to jump ship

To face the gossip

As long as you have a certain Offer

My move makes sense

We all need courage

To believe in being together

I can feel you in a crowd

Your Offer in the palm of my hand

With a tone-deaf voice, the 2021 auditions officially begin…

Personal profile

  • 5 years of working experience, nearly 3 years of savage growth of technology stack (Flutter, wechat applets, PHP, H5, background Api, PS, etc…)
  • Non-bachelor degree, high school diploma. Signed up for adult correspondence courses, signed in January, 24;
  • There is no bright resume of big factory and good project, small company, project type is disorderly;

Job channels

  • BOSS/ hook: remember to check the company information in advance, avoid pit in advance;
  • Internal push: personal recommendation has the confidence of the direct walk this is better. It is suggested to give priority to online to save time for both parties.


In fact, I am relatively resistant to job-hopping. I tend to grow with the growth of the company rather than jumping back and forth.

But how can it be?

It’s still too idealistic, but at least it’s a simple, sincere little dream that the heart has always wanted…

However, it is also a better choice to leave the warm water area in time to go farther and see more scenery.

Here especially advise you small friends, must, must, must have their own clear planning, and timely stop loss!!

Really dog blood chicken soup, always bitter for a while…

This time looking for a job, really was hammered for a long time, encountered warm interviewers, also encountered unscrupulous companies, fortunately has been insisting on looking for a relatively like their own company, fortunately the result is not bad.

An interview is nothing more than a technical exchange. Encounter will not be very normal, positive response to face, take the initiative to try to analyze, do your best. The success of the interview is sometimes not determined by strength, but strength can also determine many things.

Anyway, come on, huh

Originally, I wanted to record the interview process and try my best to search for a better interview answer, as a note and reference, but my personal ability is limited, and I don’t want to simply memorize questions, copy answers or mislead others. Learning and I do not know why, still want to spare a moment to personally test go to follow-up, true to master, so this article will not separate for each interviewer asked me questions noted the corresponding answers, I still wish you reader, especially the small white, like me can seriously thinking about, if the interviewer asks you, your answer be? Is there a better answer?

Although individual ability is limited, but still hope to make some correct guidance, at least oneself think correct good.

Or, the original intention remains the same…

In this farewell, river’s lake goodbye, wish you better ~!

Recommended interview questions and answers

The following is part of their own collection and friends to provide for reference only:

  • Link: pan.baidu.com/s/1IKGwEfpx… Password: pff5

I highly recommend the following article, the author is very thoughtful:

  • 2020 senior Android factory interview secrets, for you to escort jin SAN Yin four, direct to the factory (computer basics)
  • 2020 senior Android factory interview secrets, for you to escort jin SAN Silver four, direct to the factory (Java)
  • 2020 senior Android factory interview secrets, for you to escort jin SAN Silver four, direct to the factory (Android basics)
  • 2020 senior Android factory interview secrets, for you to escort jin SAN Silver four, direct to the factory (Android advanced chapter on)
  • 2020 senior Android factory interview secrets, for you to escort jin SAN Silver four, direct to the factory (Android advanced part ii)

The rest of you old iron to find it, there is a good remember to share ha ~ (in fact, this can be separate split an article, carefully share their notes, but it is a little tired recently, not to sort out, later on their own slowly learning to share it)

Long and bumpy interview road…

With the following test questions is not perfect, there are a few due to nervous forget, 😂 we forgive…

Come on together and try to find your favorite company ~!!

Five-star description of Title Company:

  • 58 best! Thanks to interviewer 58, who was very friendly and approachable throughout the whole process. He was looking for my personal advantages and helping me summarize the whole process. In addition, he pointed out the deficiencies in my resume, including some personal suggestions, from good to excellent. It doesn’t feel like an interview, it’s more of a learning experience, and it feels like a little bit of a dick. Android partners are strongly recommended to participate in the delivery, or to have some education, except for the technology of cattle.
  • Asia Innovation Group, Keep, Zhongke Biology, micro love interview brother is also quite good, the thief is very thoughtful, and finally did not forget to encourage and give advice, strongly recommended ~

Yazhi (making products for the elderly)

The telephone communication lasted about 30 minutes. On the whole, the interviewer was relatively easy-going.

Interview content:

  • How do you coordinate development issues across regions? What are your pain points and how do you solve them? Please list in detail.
  • As for the task arrangement, we would like to know the detailed scope of the task. Please give details.
  • What is the pain point about the front and back end coordination, and how do you solve it?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Flutter and mobile terminal based on your personal experience, excluding performance.
  • Do you write test cases at work? Where have you been? What about automated testing tools?
  • Give me an example of a job that was the most fulfilling or difficult for you.
  • I see you are in the app shelf recently, briefly talk about the details of the current app shelf need to pay attention to and weak points.
  • Will you pay attention to the lag rate in your daily work? What did you do with Caton?
  • How do you do Code Review? Why do you do this? Please explain why.
  • Talk briefly about why you chose to leave and why you chose our company.

Interview experience:

  • For the answer to the interviewer’s reply, there is still some lack of organization, the next mind first go over, there is an outline in the slow reply. The interviewer felt friendly. 😂

Leyou Group (e-commerce)

The offline interview lasted about 40 minutes, and the interviewer was pretty good, using Google Play to hammer.

The company address is relatively partial, in the sihui side, the internal environment of the company is good, the front desk took a look at the door, get a form, scan code, a fill.

Interview content:

  • Let’s start with a self-introduction and a brief description of the job responsibilities.
  • Are you an undergraduate student? Please give a brief description of the degree.
  • Looking at your resume, you have made Android, Flutter and wechat mini apps. Can you tell me why you do so many and so many things? Is that what teams are like?
  • Does your company outsource? Are there internal self-support programs? What’s the size of the team? Is it technology driven product or product driven technology?
  • How long have you been developing Flutter? Is Flutter self-taught? How long is the development cycle for a specific project? Is Flutter an independent or hybrid project?
  • Was Jetpack used in the project? What do you think Jetpack has going for it? Please list the specific Jetpack content you use and the points of interest to you.
  • Is the project all Kotlin? How do you evaluate Kotlin and Java, or what do you think Kotlin’s strengths are?
  • Is the Android project using Android X? Will you start with androidx or upgrade to androidx later? Did you run into any problems?
  • How did you reduce the size of Apk?
  • What frameworks (MVC/MVP/MVVM) are used in Android projects, and how did you choose them? A brief personal understanding of the framework.
  • How does your project distinguish the international version from the domestic version? Are projects separate or how are they maintained?
  • How does Tinker Hotfix fix specified channel Apk? Just a quick word about what can thermal repair fix?
  • If you’ve used CoordinatorLayout, let me give you a quick idea.
  • Why do you recommend ConstraintLayout? Is the LinearLayout hard to use? What do you think about migration costs? Isn’t it messy at the code level?
  • Have you had any IM development experience? Is live/on-demand using Aliyun?
  • See your article what type all have, is individual curiosity more heavy? You gonna write this in private? Talk a little bit about ideas.

Interview experience:

  • Maybe the current company belongs to the nature of outsourcing, more or less can feel the frustration of the interviewer. The overall answer is general, some things are known but not expressed, some things belong to too long, also not good answer, the overall need to be strengthened.

The 2021-3-3 is second interview

The offline interview lasted for more than an hour. The company is located in wangjing South, and its internal office is shared. The interviewer seems to be an iOS.

When I introduced myself, it was straight out that I was here to be hammered. 😂

Interview content:

  • Please introduce yourself, your education and work experience.
  • How big is the team and what are the main responsibilities? Does the company have proprietary programs? Outsourcing?
  • Why is it not available on Google Play and why? How did you handle it? What is the state now?
  • How does the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology regulate the popbox privacy agreement?
  • What exactly does Luban compression do in the business? Do you know what algorithms are used inside it?
  • Glide is used for pictures, why do you use it, what are its advantages, what are the internal algorithms?
  • Please hand Glide load the image address into ImageView and display the image as a circle.
  • ShapeableImageView do you know how that works? Do you know the lowest compatible version?
  • If the list of back-end interfaces returns a large image, how do you optimize and display the list properly?
  • What do you think of Jetpack when you use it?
  • Jetpack Compose? A brief personal understanding.
  • How is Kotlin different from Java?
  • How does Android native Apk and Flutter Apk size optimization work?
  • How do I collect performance tuning data?
  • Is it relevant to touch WebView in the project? What did you do with this one?
  • What is the SpannedString principle? What have you been using it for?
  • Do you know how TextView setText(html.fromhtml ()) works?
  • Briefly describe CoordinatorLayout and how the internal events are distributed?
  • How does picture rotation do? How do I seamlessly slide from the last image to the first?
  • Do you know how Retrofit made the request?
  • How do you calculate the mmessage_content in your Wechat backdoor sharing Android?
  • Is there native or hybrid development in Flutter in the project? What frameworks are used?
  • Assuming there is no open source library for maps, how do you implement map effects in Flutter? What if I want a map at the top and something else at the bottom?

Interview experience:

  • Ok at the beginning, to the subsequent Ministry of Industry and Information Technology how to give me the whole a little bit of a circle, and then asked ShapeableImageView principle, repeatedly asked, from the cognitive custom View to internal onDraw() are described, or ask what is the principle, the whole a little confused, There was a bit of impatience afterwards. I also do not have a good grasp of principles and details, subjective initiative is still relatively poor. That’s a bit of a lesson.

2021-3-5 LINGyu Wisdom Control (VR)

A phone interview should take about 30 minutes.

Interview content:

  • Self introduction, company project description.
  • I have used some technologies and encountered some difficulties in the project.
  • Do you know anything about NDK development? Can Kotlin develop NDK? What do you know about CPU architecture types?
  • What exactly does performance tuning work?
  • What causes the screen to freeze? What did you do with it?
  • Do you have experience in audio and video development? Do you understand the technical principle behind live broadcasting? Like how to capture the camera, how to upload and so on.
  • If you were asked to write PerfDog data about showing CPU, GPU, etc., how would you do it?
  • How does LeakCanary implement the underlying principle?
  • How do you decide between platforms? Why Flutter? Did you write RN?
  • How long has Flutter been actually developed? What are some of the techniques used? Describe it briefly.
  • Have cross-terminal development experience, such as iOS, Android, etc.
  • How do you implement Flutter to communicate with native?
  • Have you used the Flutter hybrid native development?
  • What potholes have I encountered using Flutter and how have I handled them?

Interview experience:

  • The feeling is more towards the underlying, principle, said to be early Flutter later to write interface to Unity tune native. Personal understanding of the bottom is one-sided, not deep enough, some things only stay on the surface. The interviewer was pretty good.

2021-3-5 Aokiko (E-commerce/game)

Online interview, given several questions, 90 minutes.

Interview content:

Online editing address:

  • collabedit

Interview experience:

  • This is the first time for me to participate in this kind of interview. To be honest, I feel a little confused. After getting the question and looking around, I only seem to have some ideas about the fourth question. The interviewer asked for Java. At that time, the question was completely confused. Kotlin directly wrote an idea and submitted it, which was not the optimal solution. Relative to the individual, also ok, at least did not see the problem to give up, also be a small progress.
  • The first step is to directly obtain the maximum value of the array, and then divide the array into two parts. The first step is to directly obtain the maximum value of the indexOf the first array, and then iterate through the split array 1, starting at the indexOf position. The second index gets the lastIndexOf Index and then iterates through the second array, ending at lastIndexOf Index. If the value of indexOf/lastIndexOf is 1, print the concatenation string. (Brute force cracking method, the interviewer may not be satisfied, it doesn’t matter, as long as you gain and grow)

2021-3-6 Keep (hardware) ⭐️⭐️ disk ⭐ ⭐

In at 13:30 and out at 15:46, the environment of Keep company is quite good. Near wangjing South, the little sister is very friendly and the process is handled quickly. The security guard at the door is very considerate and gives a bottle of water. Keep divides the interview into two interviewers successively. Specifically, I forgot the title of the first interviewer, which is referred to as the software interviewer. Since the subsequent interviewers are hardware oriented, I hope my little brother can see my description like this and don’t do me, 😂

Interview content:

Software Interviewer:

  • Self introduction, brief description of work history.
  • Is SVN different from Git? Describe the Git commit process and what are workspaces and staging areas?
  • Git merge? How is it different from Rebase?
  • Java strong reference, soft reference, weak reference, virtual reference difference.
  • Https is different from Http, which algorithm is used internally.
  • Symmetric encryption is different from asymmetric encryption.
  • What was used in Jetpack’s actual project?
  • This section describes how to optimize Apk packet size.
  • How is the Kotlin extension function implemented? Based on what principle.
  • How is the Kotlin attribute delegate implemented? Based on what principle.
  • Describe the SharePreferences and the problems encountered during the process.
  • Why MMKV? What are the advantages of MMKV? What is the internal principle?
  • This section describes the Handler and its working principles. How to solve the leak?

Hardware interviewer:

  • How long has Flutter been actually developed? Have you used/learned about Flutter blending?
  • How to optimize Flutter package size?
  • A brief description of elements and widgets in Flutter.
  • Android Compose? Give me a brief description.
  • So library dynamic loading have understood?
  • Describe the principle of MMKV.
  • What are the flaws with SharePreferences? Is cross-process support available?
  • How to realize the function of barrage without using any third party library? How to ensure the fluency of the low-end machine.
  • How do you design your Model in custom barrage? What about View design?
  • What’s the difference between RecyclerView and ListView?
  • RecyclerView Cache principle.
  • How to realize RecyclerView dropdown refresh without using any tripartite libraries and controls provided by the system?
  • What makes live streaming possible? What do I need to pay attention to? What video formats have you used? How to ensure video and text/voice synchronization?
  • Have you developed audio related? With what? What is the audio format?
  • What is the development of wechat small program? Vue or?

Interview experience:

  • It’s nice. It’s all over the building, and I’ve been looking for it.
  • The interviewer is very good, one side of the interviewer I can feel embarrassed, ask what what won’t, a group of heart, not a good back, the interviewer came in directly back all wet, manual funny. In the second interview, the interviewer asked a very comprehensive question, including technology, business and scene, and answered the corresponding scheme and the existing shortcomings. It looks very good. I strongly recommend you to Keep it.
  • The so-called eight-part essay should be memorized, otherwise it is not enough to just use it. It would be a pity to let the good opportunity slip away.

2021-3-9 quick Hand (Architecture group) ⭐️⭐️ port ⭐ ⭐

Online interview, 22 minutes of suffering, you can feel the interviewer speechless, is also an experience.

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself and a brief description of your education background.
  • What is the internal storage of HashMap?
  • What is a hash conflict? How is the conflict resolved?
  • What is the hash bucket structure?
  • What does a linked list structure look like?
  • Is volatile thread-safe in Java? If you increment it, say a++.
  • What is the realization principle of postDelay in Handle? How does it realize delay processing?
  • How to optimize Apk size on line? After doing the Apk size from what to what?
  • What’s the download conversion rate?
  • Suppose you were given a requirement to process images during packaging, what would you think? Where is the task to hook?
  • What is the process of resource compilation?
  • What are the reasons for 360 reinforcement?
  • Where do you think reinforcement or security should go? How to handle the Dex layer to prevent decompilation?
  • Do you know what the plan is?
  • What are you good at? Have a deep understanding of design or technology?
  • A brief description of the chain of responsibility model, generally used in what scenarios.
  • How do you understand the dependency inversion design, and what specific scenarios are used?

Interview experience:

  • I can only say that I usually pay less attention to the bottom, and many things are not thoroughly understood. Thank the elder brother finally still do not give up, try to ask me what advantages or where I am good at the place did not ask, thank ~

The 2021-3-10 collection of Fun

More fun is, go wrong floor, the other company directly to me go in, the interviewer a face meng force of come over, ask me, we plan to recruit iOS, didn’t plan to recruit Android ah, chat? I hurriedly say I walk wrong, take resume to run. Embarrassing.

The company is located near Tuanjiehu Sanlitun SOHO, the overall office environment is not bad, the company atmosphere is quite like. A big brother is very warm, hr little sister is very skin, the interviewer is a little sister + male compatriots. Little sister beautiful thief, thief good-looking. Very relaxed, very happy.

The door needs to do the question, roughly meaning is, start the page advertising map acquisition, with what way to achieve, need to consider the background download, advertising version, timeout, etc.. Give me the whole of a bit meng, the keyboard is not in the hand, 😂 I found an excuse again…

I feel like I want to be more of a live-streaming experience, and I can talk for less than 20 minutes.

Interview content:

  • Some interpretation of the interview questions.
  • If the image resources are large, how to ensure the normal loading?
  • What does Luban compression do?
  • Have you encountered any problems in the process of aliyun live broadcasting?
  • What is the emergency treatment for network disconnection?
  • What profound problems have been solved in this project, or what specific solutions have been carried out?
  • Apk thin body is specific what operation? What does the optimization look like?
  • Why does hardening cause packet size to increase?
  • Have you ever tried to crack the shell?
  • Quick talk about Tinker hotfix?
  • What is the size of the team?
  • How about patch pack generation? How to deliver?
  • How many App users?

Interview experience:

  • In the early stage of the project, I simply contacted Aliyun live broadcast and had no actual development experience in the compatibility of actual scenes. Overall answer of general bar, little sister thief good-looking, not so very nervous. Focus on actual project development.

The 2021-3-10 58 ⭐ ️ ⭐ ️ ⭐ ️ ⭐ ️ ⭐ ️

I had to take the bus and get off the subway with six stops to go. I got a little carsick. The environment is unspeakable, lofty. For me this small division is simply liu grandma entered the grand view garden. The interviewer is very nice, very thoughtful, an interview, an exchange, thank you very much. I wish the interviewer an early promotion, super god ~

I highly recommend you try it

Interview content:

  • Self-introduction and education background. The size of the team, the role of the team. Why is the project so messy?
  • How long has Flutter been practical? Do you have mixed experience?
  • How did you choose Flutter when compared to RN? What advantages does Flutter have over RN? Flutter does not support heat more what do you think?
  • If an existing project wants to access Flutter, what are the prerequisites for Flutter? Or are you considering a hybrid approach?
  • What problems have you encountered with Flutter?
  • What is a good solution to Flutter Hell nesting?
  • Does Flutter involve state management? Let me be specific.
  • How does Flutter App monitor App crashes?
  • Let’s say we have a product that needs rapid iteration. How do you decide to use a technology and why, without considering the labor cost?
  • What do you know about the blending methods of big factories?
  • When will the Java migration Kotlin take place? Are you leading the move? Have the base components also been migrated? How did you convince your boss to upgrade?
  • What problems did you encounter during the migration and how did the team fit in? Is the version upgrade involved in the upgrade process? What should I do?
  • Has the Kotlin coroutine ever been useful? Brief description.
  • Is there any difference between coroutine suspend assembly and RxJava?
  • Is there any difference between coroutine suspension and thread suspension that we normally use?
  • Is multi-process operation enabled in App? Do you have multi-process development experience?
  • Plug-in, component understanding?
  • How is modularity divided? What is the module reuse rate of partition?
  • How does page to page communication work?
  • How does performance tuning work?
  • How are memory optimizations and statistics handled?
  • How are memory leaks handled and under what circumstances?
  • How does image optimization work?
  • Glide principle bottom is what, say simple understanding.
  • Have you done anything about image caching?
  • Do you know how much space an image takes up in memory and on your hard drive?
  • Is there any optimization in the layout area? How does it work? Have you used constraint layouts? Brief description.
  • Have you made some statistics and buried points in the project? How do you do it? Have you studied any static hook schemes?
  • Do you know about piling and injection in Android?
  • Is Apk thin body specific what operation?
  • As for the custom View, have you made a better comparison? What is the common way?
  • What kind of content is personal Github?

Interview experience:

  • 58 is really the best experience ever. During the whole process, the interviewer has been trying to summarize my highlights and dig out my advantages. He even mentioned for many times, is there anything I haven’t asked you about that you are good at? Very approachable, very nice, very sweet. The boss also said that a good interviewer is to go back and find your strengths. Talk about a lot of it, divergent surface is very wide, big factory elder brother talk very concise, basic is I AD nag blah blah blah, elder brother several key words summary, and well founded. Gave me a lot of advice, very good, very thoughtful brother. Out of 58 very happy, silently watching 58 for a long time, suddenly fell in love. 😂 thank you again my elder brother ~ also hope that the Internet more and older brother the same person.
  • Really is, know and for practice, after all, come zhongjue shallow paper. Thanks elder brother, learn a lot. Strongly recommended to 58 see, where afraid and I was hanged, also can learn a lot of things.

The 2021-3-17 palm

Relatively early interview is very simple, a text message, telephone invitation less than a minute, the whole person is very confused…

Amap navigation led to another place, not far away, looking for a long time, all want to go home…

Climb to the third floor in Block D, walk across the roof, enter Block B and climb to the sixth floor…

The experience is so bad… Look at the project, no phone…

Two rounds of interviews… Didn’t ask anything…

Interview content:

  • What does the company do?
  • How is Kotlin’s proficiency? Talk a little bit about coroutines.
  • What is the difference between MVC, MVP, and MVVM?
  • What modules are you responsible for in the project?
  • Talk about performance tuning.
  • Tell us briefly how to use LeakCanary.
  • Handler is usually what causes a leak.
  • What do you use for live video, instant messaging?
  • Have you done wechat voice similar functions?
  • Retrofit a little bit.
  • .

Interview experience:

  • I don’t know. Kind of. Ummm.

The 2021-3-17 Microsoft

Microsoft goes straight to a written test, and a bunch of people sit in a conference room and write.

At that time next to a little sister, come up to write, give me the whole meng, feel good strong. However, the good times did not last long, began to paint, and then all kinds of groans. The whole of my speechless to the limit…

It looks like there are four algorithms, only two of them to remember, and the rest to forget, look at my brain…

Algorithm content:

  • Write a method that takes a string and prints the inverted string.
  • Suppose we now have s1 and s2, find the longest common value.
  • .

Android content:

  • How many Android animations are there? What’s the difference? What animations are recommended before release? What animations are recommended for interaction with the user? What if you have to do both? Give reasons.
  • How to achieve code encapsulation, how to ensure the team of multiple development code reuse.
  • What are the ways UI adaptation works in Android? Give an example.
  • How is the Log module in the project designed?
  • Handwritten implementation of event Bus key parts.
  • What is MVP? What are the advantages? Write key parts by hand.

Interview experience:

  • Not a bad environment, boss thief. You can blow water with chicken boss, I am also a man who entered Microsoft ~

2021-3-18 Motor Home

Some early unhappy, the door security uncle to hot rice, toss and toss for a long time to go in. When I called HR, HR asked me to register with the front desk, but I didn’t find it for a long time. Then I asked a colleague, who directly told me where there was a front desk. But under the phone, and let me find the water bar, finally fortunately, hot rice back to me. The thief. It is better to write directly in the email.

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Name one of your projects that you found rewarding.
  • Describe what you have done architecturally, componentized, plug-in, or problem solving, and what are your most impressive achievements?
  • Here are some common support packages related to androidx.
  • Why androidX when there is a support package?
  • How does App size optimization work?
  • How does the screen adaptor work?
  • For example, if there is a demand for 30 large-resolution phones in a row and 20 small-screen phones in a row, how would you achieve that?
  • What are some common memory overflow scenarios?
  • The list of projects using ListView or RecyclerView more, a simple talk.
  • RecyclerView how to update a data?
  • What’s the difference between MVVM and MVP? Which model do you prefer and why?
  • How Retrofit listens to the body globally, for example I now need to print out all the requests. How exactly does interception work?
  • How do you handle multithreading in Android? How to deal with multi-tasking?
  • What do you know about thread pools in Android?
  • Have you moved all of Kotlin in your project? Why migrate?
  • What type of project/scenario do you feel Flutter is suitable for?
  • What is the performance difference between a Flutter list’s high-speed sliding and a native list?
  • Have you made any list optimizations with Flutter?
  • What technologies are mainly used in the ash App and what problems are solved?
  • Why do you want to hack the reverse App? Have you ever tried to break the shell?
  • Reasons for leaving and education background.

Interview experience:

  • Compared with hr of other houses, the automobile home makes people feel more speechless. Maybe so. I’m still a little piece of shit, but I’d be a lot better off if I was a big chicken. The interviewer was friendly and thorough. Is the interview environment is not how, later should be to eat time, a lot of people, very noisy, have to lie down to gather together to talk, go home to listen to the recording for replicating, later all is a little sister wild laughter. 😂

2021-3-18 Oddas

Quite speechless company, the HR asked me how my English level was when I called, I said very average. Do you have the habit of reading English documents at ordinary times? I said that I would use translation software to read foreign articles. I am also learning English at ordinary times. The result went, good guy, let me translate English multiple choice questions, let me translate English documents, directly speechless to the limit. Winsun’s driving force is really strong, and the environment inside is really bad.

Interview is given priority to with written examination, factorial has not been whole, follow-up did not chat a few words to leave, here simply attach relevant topic.

Interview content:

  • Briefly describe Kotlin and Java.
  • Write a factorials method, Fact, that returns the result of the factorial.
  • What’s the difference between Http GET and POST?
  • OnCreate () differs from onStart().
  • What does the following output look like?
Data class Foo(var data:Int) var foo1 = Foo(2) var foo2 = foo1 foo2.data = 4 print(foo1.data)Copy the code
  • You declare book1 with var and book2 with val. What’s the difference? Can the last line compile?
data class Book(var name: String = "", var price: Int = 0)

var book1 = Book("The Last Sun", 250)
book1.name = "Incredible hulk"

val book2 = Book("The Last Sun", 250)
book2.name = "Incredible hulk"
Copy the code
  • What does the following output look like?
val aVar by lazy {
    println("I am computing this value")
fun main(args: Array<String>){
Copy the code

Interview experience:

  • I can’t. Next time, I should tell HR directly. My English is poor, so don’t waste everyone’s time.

Examination Ya Ya (Education)

When I called hr, I said that I had arranged an interview in the afternoon. I simply asked about the interview place and told me that it was ok. It was very close and I would come by anytime after the interview. He went straight through the face. The interview starts with a written test, then a chat with the algorithm guy, and then a remote video chat with the director. Algorithm’s a good guy. The interviews were merged. For almost an hour and a half, UMmm

Interview content:

  • Activity life cycle.
  • Https is different from Http.
  • How to avoid OOM by downloading an image?
  • Tao password how to achieve? How to achieve version compatibility? How to avoid wechat blocking.
  • Suppose the download has a requirement to count the total time users watch videos, how do you deal with it? When will the data be reported?
  • .

Interview experience:

  • The atmosphere is not bad, the milk tea shop downstairs is fragrant, the whole process is sweet, and the interviewer jokes, the office atmosphere is quite good. Overall biased to the actual scene to the scheme, some places are not very clear, it is said that the rest.

2021-3-19 Asia Innovation Group (Social) ⭐️⭐ ⭐ ⭐️⭐️

I got the call on Friday afternoon in a daze. I thought I’d go for a walk, but I didn’t. The company environment is very good, from the receptionist little sister to HR, and then to the interviewer, finally gave me the whole old regret, was diss by my friend, where did you have the courage, did not do any preparation, directly killed in the rain…

Interview content:

  • How long have you been working and what advantages do you think you have over other Android engineers?
  • What’s your Main GitHub content?
  • If you take a child, how do you share and help him?
  • You keep writing, what’s the output motivation?
  • How long have you used Kotlin? Where do you think your Kotlin proficiency is? Elementary, intermediate, advanced?
  • What is the difference between var, val, let and apply?
  • Let returns it, apply returns this, what’s the difference? Why is it designed this way?
  • What does LateInit do?
  • Has the Kotlin coroutine ever been useful? In what situation?
  • What is a coroutine?
  • Have you seen how coroutines switch threads?
  • What is the relationship between Retrofit and OkHttp?
  • How does Retrofit use annotations to facilitate API calls? Based on what principle.
  • Where has JetPack been used?
  • What does the ViewModel do?
  • How does the ViewModel implement the lifecycle binding?
  • Why does the ViewModel exist? Can’t I just create a class? How to implement data binding.
  • How is the ViewModel instantiated and used?
  • How is LiveData implemented?
  • LiveData postValue and setValue assignment, whether these two will lose data, have encountered?
  • What is the difference between MVC, MVP, and MVVM?
  • How much is Rxjava used? What is the difference between a map and a flatMap?
  • What operator does RxJava use to ensure sequential execution?
  • If you could design a Glide yourself, how would you design it?
  • RGB_565 How much memory does each pixel take up?
  • Why RGB_565?
  • Why compress the image? The server directly to us directly cut the size of the specified size is not good.
  • Let’s say I have a 1MB image and I set it directly to ImageView, how much space does it take up in memory?
  • Where has performance tuning been done?
  • What do we do to lose weight?
  • What is the difference between Armeabi and Armeabi-V7a?
  • Can the so library be dynamically loaded, how to implement?
  • What has been updated from Android 5.0 to 12?
  • What is Android 5.0 ART and what are its advantages?
  • How do you feel about your interview today?

Interview experience:

  • While chatting with the interviewer, I suddenly wanted to go. It would be great if MY Leader was like this. Unfortunately, you should be prepared for the interview and don’t waste every opportunity.
  • Super like such a Leader!!

2021-3-22 Live on Inke

Interview content:

  • What were your previous projects? What kind of business is it?
  • What are the reasons for considering a career change?
  • What type of company are you considering?
  • Do you know anything about live broadcasting?
  • Can briefly introduce the in-depth research on a certain technology or some schemes have in-depth research.
  • What are the techniques used to slim down?
  • Can SO be hot loaded and how to operate? Load how to open the so library.
  • Why is SVG small? Why is it scalable? Can it be scaled lossless?
  • Can SVG hold a photo? Why?
  • Are you familiar with network protocols? Like how HTTPS works.
  • After an HTTPS connection is established, is the data transmitted encrypted or unencrypted? Symmetric or asymmetric encryption?
  • What scenario is symmetric encryption mainly used in?
  • How to find the NTH term of the Number of Fibo columns.
  • Recursive time complexity.

Interview experience:

  • Interview elder brother teaches me along while 2 power of 10, embarrassed. 😂 also taught me what time complexity is. Thank you, brother.

2021-3-22 Tower reading literature

Interview content:

  • Self-introduction: The size of the Android team, main business, the main projects I am involved in and the type of the projects.
  • Do you use Java a lot? Kotlin is used frequently.
  • Is Flutter a personal or corporate project? Whether to go online.
  • What do you think will be the problems with Flutter and native development? What are the technical difficulties?
  • Is Flutter pure Flutter or based on mash-up?
  • Just a little bit about the coroutines in Kotlin and the advantages of that.
  • What controls or components have you found useful in Google Jetpack?
  • What is the underlying implementation of ContentProvider?
  • What’s the difference between starup and me using lazy loading directly?
  • Where specifically will Lifecycle be used in the project?
  • How did you optimize the crash rate? Give specific examples.
  • Have encountered thorny problems during the period, how to solve.
  • Imagine that you are now asked to implement a 45 degree rotation label on an image. How to implement this, list the schemes you know.
  • How to implement View rotation in custom View?
  • Briefly describe how you use constraint layouts in your daily development. What are the common ways you use them?
  • Is there a framework that you know the most about?
  • Have you done any complicated operations on Glide?
  • How does Glide realize picture loading progress display?
  • A few words about personal strengths.
  • What the modifier does in Java, what the default modifier does.
  • How does a Map traverse in Java? How does Kotlin traverse?
  • What do you think about overtime work?

Interview experience:

  • The interviewer was very friendly and showed no tension at all. The interviewer has been back and forth to find my advantages, afraid to forget to ask, warm. The whole is pretty good, there are a few mistakes, but also want to say their own out, the likelihood is not enough. The company office environment is good, little sister is also quite many.

The 2021-3-29 good future

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself briefly. Is your most recent project an indie or a team development? Briefly talk about the technical points of the project.
  • How to do the live broadcast? Have you ever met the situation of jam, black screen and so on?
  • How does high imitation Tiktok slide up and down? Do you have any caching policies?
  • Has RecyclerView seen any principle or design?
  • RecyclerView cache is how to cache?
  • RecyclerView overall design adopted what design mode?
  • What design pattern does LayoutManager use?
  • How is MVVM set up?
  • How does the ViewModel bind to the View? How to communicate.
  • Is the ViewModel written or is it Google’s ViewModel?
  • The ViewModel acts as the business logic layer. If two modules have the same logic but different UI, how can they ensure reuse?
  • How the ViewModel binds different pages.
  • Is the ViewModel unidirectional or bidirectional?
  • How LiveData implements bidirectional binding. View to Model, Model to View how to bind?
  • You use DataBinding, how do you debug XML if you have problems?
  • What are the advantages of DataBinding?
  • What is the difference between DataBinding and ViewBinding?
  • How does Flutter implement its native ability to invoke?
  • How to solve the hybrid stack of Flutter?
  • What do you think is the advantage of MVP over MVVM?
  • Did the project involve multithreaded communication? How to do that?
  • Talk about the Handler mechanism.
  • What data structure is MessageQueue and why?
  • MessageQueue is a one-way linked list. What are the advantages?
  • What are the advantages of linked lists over arrays?
  • From the perspective of data structure, why do linked lists insert/delete quickly and query slowly, while data query quickly and delete/add slowly?
  • If MessageQueue is a linked list, does it cost performance to rotate messages in MessageQueue?
  • How do linked lists traverse?
  • If I have 18 child threads, and I send them simultaneously, how can I guarantee the timeliness of messages?
  • How is it distributed to child threads? Is it delivered simultaneously or sequentially to child threads? Can it be processed concurrently?
  • Are plugins and componentization involved in the project?
  • How does modularity decouple modules from one another?
  • Module A and Module B need to call Api.
  • How do Modules A and B communicate?
  • Is it useful to route or event bus? How would you design an event bus?
  • EventBus registration and destruction occur in pairs. What happens if they are not destroyed?
  • What improvements have been made to App performance?
  • Do you see any difference between using IntentServie and writing an asynchronous load yourself?
  • Are there multiple processes involved in the project? How do processes and processes communicate in multiple processes?
  • What does a Binder layer communicate with?
  • What are the advantages of MMKV?
  • How is data stored inside MMKV?
  • What storage methods are available in Android?
  • Does SharedPreference stall in use?
  • Have you ever made a custom View? What are some important points in it?
  • What are the methods in a custom View?
  • How is APK slimming done?
  • Luban compression implementation principle, we can write their own?
  • Luban compression how to ensure that the compression and image quality is still clear?
  • How do you study at ordinary times?
  • Which libraries have you read the source code for? Name one you’re good at?
  • How is Glide tied to the life cycle?
  • How is Glide cached?
  • What is the Glide memory allocation size?
  • What design model is the whole Glide designed with?
  • What does Glide Network request use?
  • How does Glide replace network frameworks, such as switching OkHttp?
  • If you could encapsulate an App’s underlying network, and it could switch at will, how would you do it?

Interview experience:

  • The interviewer is a little sister who loves to laugh, maybe to ease the embarrassment, after all, I am so bad. Very detailed, very comprehensive.

2021-3-29 Baidu – Small degree commercial Department

Interview content:

  • Self-introduction, education/work experience description.
  • Find the smallest absolute value of an ordered array.
  • HashTable data structure.
  • A quick word about hash tables.
  • What is capacity expansion? Why expansion? Can we not expand the capacity?
  • Suppose you now have 200MB of memory, and you need to read 10 files to get the top five most frequently searched keywords, each file 1GB, how do you do that?

Interview experience:

  • Hand rip algorithm, straight down. The most perfect feeling is that it is not to say that algorithms and data structures are useless, but that they are not available at present. It is reasonable to exist, and we still need to correct our mentality. Baidu HR thief is good, very intimate, Baidu office environment is very good, the legend of the Internet station Baidu is the best, really not the same. I envy you. Citric acid.
  • Go back to the tape recording, all kinds of noise, the interviewer’s voice is low, a little unclear, can only rely on memory to recall the content of the question, everyone forgive me ~

The 2021-3-29 hundred cloud

Interview content:

  • Tell me about one of your Android experiences.
  • A quick word about the Activity lifecycle.
  • What do you do in onCreate(), onStop(), and onDestroy()?
  • Is onStop() always called after onPause()? In what cases does calling onPause() not call onStop()?
  • Activity Startup mode.
  • What are your common Intent flags?
  • A brief description of the Activity startup process. Given that Activity A starts Activity B with startActivity, what actions will the system perform during the execution of the StartacAssociation () method in A to onCreate() in B?
  • How do you resolve an empty getActivity Fragment?
  • What methods do you normally operate on in a custom View?
  • A brief introduction to the measurement mode in custom View.
  • How are events handled in custom Views?
  • A brief introduction to the Android event distribution mechanism.
  • The View consumes the event, and the ViewGroup continues to consume the event after scrolling to a certain distance.
  • How do I tell the ViewGroup to continue consuming the event after the child View stops consuming the event?
  • Has componentization ever been used?
  • What are the ways to implement multithreading in Android?
  • How does Handler implement multithreading?
  • Have you ever used thread pools?
  • AsyncTask implements the principle of multithreading.
  • How to achieve thread synchronization in multithreading?
  • Briefly describe what you know about handlers.
  • What happens between sendMessage and handleMessage?
  • Http is different from Https.
  • Https encryption process.
  • How much do you know about garbage collection algorithms in Java?
  • A brief description of interprocess communication in Android.
  • AIDl implementation steps.
  • What are some of the scenarios in which memory leaks occur?
  • How do you detect memory leaks?
  • Where does ANR occur in Android?
  • How to debug ANR in Android?
  • When will OOM trigger and how can IT be avoided?
  • What performance optimizations are you implementing for your App?
  • How do you slim down Apk?
  • What improvements have been made to the layout UI?
  • What tools do you use to test for layout optimization?
  • Let’s say I have a list of tweets to display, how do you make sure the list doesn’t get stuck?

Interview experience:

  • Telephone communication, do not know what the situation, a card a card, the whole state of mind are broken. Very basic, very comprehensive, most of the content involved. The interviewer is very easygoing, in the middle because of intermittent whole mentality fluctuation, the latter the interviewer gave some pertinent suggestions, quite good. Company’s new business AR direction.

2021-4-9 Hundred Clouds second surface

Interview content:

  • Where are you from? Where do you live? Introduce yourself.
  • How long have you been blogging? Why blog?
  • What App does a company do recently? How many visits does the App have? How big is the team?
  • What does the app Store launch process look like?
  • Have you ever seen how Google detects that your App has a hotfix code?
  • Has your App been performance tested? Or performance optimization, yes?
  • It’s not for the live stream.
  • What is the first degree? Where did you graduate from high school?
  • What did you do? I’ve been somewhere.
  • What made you want to learn Android development?
  • Where did you sign up? How long did you study? Did you study loans?
  • Is the correspondence finally to undergraduate certificate, degree certificate or? How long does it take to get a degree?
  • How does this degree study at ordinary times? What is the pattern?
  • What about personal career planning?
  • What do you usually do after work?
  • I see you like studying now. Why don’t you go on studying after high school?
  • What are your salary and expectations now?
  • How big is your company now?
  • What is the salary of your previous company?
  • Why did you leave the second company? Why does the family want to leave now?
  • Have you read about our company? How do you feel?
  • If we send you an offer, could you consider (reduce) your salary?

Interview experience:

  • The interviewer focuses on the aspect of academic record, ask more, after all, the individual is not this is not designed, just a test reading state, really a bit embarrassing. The interviewer was quite good, and we talked a lot. Some of our personal answers were a little wrong. The company environment was also good.

2021-4-15603 (Tools)

Interview content:

  • Self-introduction and recent project introduction.
  • What architecture does App use and how was it selected?
  • What does the network layer use? How Retrofit works.
  • OkHttp works, how to initiate a request and how to use it on a daily basis. Have you read the source code?
  • What library does the image use? Have you considered other libraries?
  • How much do you know about animation? Have you used composite animation before?
  • Have you ever done resident notification?
  • Handler or EventBus?
  • Can EventBus pass lists?
  • Custom View, just a quick word.
  • How to resolve sliding conflicts on composite controls?
  • ScrollView nested ViewPager, what’s the problem?
  • How is performance optimization done?
  • How does memory optimization work?
  • How are memory leaks detected?

Interview experience:

  • First of all, after the technical chat and hr chat, the company is not large. The personnel is pretty, the voice is nice.

Capgemini (Dispatched Mercedes Benz)

Phone communication, off and on.

Hr communication is Android development, and the interviewer gets the job of Android Team Leader.

Ask quite deep, unfortunately some did not remember, the recording file GG.

2021-4-20 Only Orthopedics Department

The company is quite large and the environment is good. The meeting is more intense, ha ha ha hiccup, listen to a little flustered outside. After one side is the client head interview, a little speechless, originally about the interview and HR communication about the academic issues, repeatedly confirmed that nothing later about the interview, then the client head after understanding directly open the beating mode…

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • What function does Flutter do and describes the general direction of business.
  • Briefly describe your experience in starting and slimming.
  • Has the project used componentization?
  • How do you modularize and break down your projects?
  • How long does it take you to compile the project you are in charge of, and have you tried to optimize it?
  • What are your thoughts on optimizing build speed?
  • Let’s talk a little bit about Glide.
  • Do you know how an image is Glide loaded into ImageView?
  • So a little bit about Glide cache.
  • Suppose he now has an image with a resolution of 1980×720 that takes up 2m of the computer’s memory. How much memory does the image take up when he loads it into memory?
  • How does a child thread refresh the UI?
  • Interprocess communication?
  • How do native and JS interact in a project?
  • Do you understand JS and native interaction implementations?
  • Suppose now native needs to provide JS methods, how would you do it?
  • Have you used thermal repair? How does it work?
  • Have you ever used hook in your work? Where is it mainly used?
  • What is the Hook principle?
  • How is a class loaded?
  • How do you collect online error exceptions at work?
  • If I asked you to implement buried collection, how would you design it?
  • How to intercept Crash in Android? How to operate?
  • What does push use?
  • Just a quick word about the chain of responsibility model.
  • Does the company outsource? What kind of properties? Just a little bit.
  • If you were to rate yourself, what level would you be in junior high school?

Interview content for client manager:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Team size and staffing ratio.
  • How to land the product?
  • Reasons for leaving, educational background.
  • Why didn’t you go to college…
  • Describe recent projects and their types.
  • What important modules are you responsible for developing in the project? Give a brief introduction?
  • How did the live stream work?
  • Have you encountered any technical difficulties in the projects you are in charge of?
  • For example, what do you do that shows off your technical skills?
  • When is your cache cached?
  • Why do we use MMKV, and from a practical point of view, what if we don’t use MMKV?
  • How do you do it backwards?
  • What framework are you using for your current projects? Briefly describe the architecture.
  • Did you write too much progression in the project?
  • Suppose you were now asked to send A message from process A to process B, what would you do?
  • Do you know about design patterns? What are the types of design patterns?
  • Do you know anything about network? If I make an HTTP request now, what’s going on behind the scenes?
  • Do you understand UDP and TCP? What is the underlying link?
  • How is an HTTP packet sent?

Interview experience:

  • A bit of humiliation, after the interview eyes are red, and the boss chat, but also understand. After all, education does not pass, technology must be deep, people can not care about my education, education is not good, technology did not reach that depth, why do people want me? You have to be tough to forge iron.
  • You can obviously feel the friendliness of the interviewer, and it’s nice to have a face-to-face interaction with the boss. Unfortunately, the individual did not reach the technical depth required by the client leader.

2021-4-20 Parallel future

Interview content:

  • Self-introduction, introduction of the company, the team, personnel ratio, a brief description of the project, education background.
  • Where do we live from? Have you read the source code or optimization?
  • Do you feel lonely being the only Android?
  • What’s the reason for leaving?
  • What are you good at?
  • Say how to undertake thin body?
  • Wechat resource compression, if let you achieve, you can achieve it?
  • What is the principle of wechat resource compression?
  • What are the startup optimizations?
  • What memory optimizations have been made?
  • What are the asynchronous implementations?
  • A quick word about Handler.
  • Can more than one Handler be created in a thread?
  • If a thread has two handlers, how many message queues does it have?
  • How does the message queue determine which Handler the current message belongs to?
  • Can I create a Handler in a child thread?
  • Why can I pop Toast in child threads?
  • Do you understand Looper’s deeper principles?
  • What about custom views?
  • Suppose a custom iOS progress dialog is rotated using frame-by-frame animation. When should it be destroyed?
  • Two actual business visits and final layout visits.

Interview experience:

  • Elder brother is good, personal knowledge of basic knowledge is not enough, not in-depth, stay on the surface, as the eldest brother said, just master a layer of oil on the technical level, in-depth is finished.

2021-5-10 Wisdom Win (Tools Group)

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself and your current job (on-the-job?)
  • Why do projects do so many types of front-end applets, Android, Flutter?
  • A brief description of Handler, personally understanding, using processes, etc.
  • Handler sendMessage to Message. What process does it go through?
  • Activity life cycle.
  • A Activity starts B Activity, assuming that A now goes to onResume(), what number of life cycles does the jump go through? What if I click back in B Activity now?
  • Do you understand the Activity rendering process?
  • MeasureSpecs?
  • How does the View get its current size? Suppose I set warp_Content right now, how does it get the actual size of the TextView?
  • What is the difference between MVC, MVP, and MVVM?
  • What is the essential difference between MVP and MVVM?
  • Is MVP + Databinding equivalent to MVVM?
  • Do you know when annotations are injected in Databinding and how it works?
  • Do you know when the Databinding annotation was created?
  • Know anything about Java annotations?
  • Is there any difference between MVP and MVVM on an architectural level?
  • Can I update the UI in a child thread?
  • Suppose I now have a Button, click to start a Thread, and update the Button text within the Thread. Can I update the Button text?
  • When was ViewRootImpl created?
  • How do animated estimators and interpolators work together in Android?
  • Apk thin body basically from where a few respects proceed with?
  • What is the implementation principle of wechat compression?
  • What is the difference between MMKV and SharedPreferences? Why MMKV?
  • What is the process of getting data through GET when using SharedPreferences? Where did it go after I got the data?

Interview experience:

  • The interviewer is pretty good, came up to introduce the position positioning, responsibilities. Interviewer source layer research quite in-depth, very nice.

Financial Business (education/E-commerce)

Interview content:

  • Introduce yourself, how long have you had practical experience with Flutter development?
  • Have there been any thorny issues with Flutter development?
  • Have you encountered any problems that caused the App to crash? Here’s a scenario.
  • Have plugins been written? Tell me briefly what kind of plugin you have written and what specific technical aspects are involved.
  • What is the way that Flutter is written as a plugin?
  • Have you tried to do native and Flutter interaction? Do you know what the specific technical principle is?
  • What have you used for state management? Have you encountered any problems in the process of use?
  • Does a Flutter belong to a single thread?
  • Have you tried optimizing plug-in loading? Or encapsulate components?
  • Have you ever manipulated parent Weight to manipulate child Weight? Have you dealt with any of these states?
  • What about the Key in Flutter?
  • What do you know about the basic type differences in Dart?
  • How does Fluter render pages?
  • Where do you prefer to look for a job? Android native or Flutter?
  • Can you briefly describe the types of projects and the reasons for the technical confusion at your current company?
  • Why doesn’t the Flutter App crash and display a red screen when something goes wrong?

Interview experience:

  • The overall discussion is that we need to recruit the development of pure Flutter. Unfortunately, I am a semi-expert with only four months of independent Flutter development experience, so the interviewer is easy-going.

⭐️⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐️ ️

Interview content:

  • Briefly introduce your education and why you are blogging and have you been blogging recently?
  • Briefly describe your work experience.
  • Briefly describe your understanding of Flutter, its strengths and weaknesses, and what types of projects it is suitable for.
  • The location and general content of previous companies.
  • Is there anything you’re good at, or something you know more about?
  • Let’s talk briefly about the differences between interfaces and abstract classes.
  • Can interfaces be implemented more than once?
  • What classes in Java cannot be inherited?
  • Common implementation classes for lists, maps, and sets and the differences between them, including underlying principles?
  • Do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of the types used during development? Do you usually go back to pay attention to these places?
  • A brief description of the startup mode of the Activity.
  • If ABC has three activities, AC is the default startup mode, and B is the SingleInstance mode, then I start ABC one by one, and then click back on C, then will I return to the desktop or B?
  • Can I start an Activity using Application?
  • What’s the difference between an Activity Context and an Application Context?
  • Is the Intent flag used before and in what scenario? Tell me briefly where you’ve used it.
  • Talk about your understanding of MVC, MVP, and MVVM.
  • What architecture do you use in your projects?
  • What does the P-layer of the MVP do?
  • Let’s talk about the Handler messaging mechanism in Android.
  • Can a Handler be created in a child thread? Does it work directly?
  • What methods do I need to call if it works?
  • How many loops does a Handler correspond to?
  • If I create ten handlers, how many loops do they have?
  • So how does the Loop know which Handler is which when there are multiple handlers?
  • Do you know how messages are managed inside the Loop? How much do we know about the process?
  • How much does LockHandler know about that? Let’s talk about it briefly.
  • What happens when I send a message through Handler?
  • How much do you know about the nitty-gritty of live streaming? Talk a little bit.
  • What aspect of the project do you feel you are more advanced in? Is there anything you can talk about?
  • If I had you, what aspect would you prefer to be in charge of in my team?
  • What is your personal career development direction? Is it convenient to talk about it?
  • Is there anything you want to ask me?

Interview experience:

  • I was interviewed by a boss who was great and learned a lot in general conversation. Thanks big brother ~
  • Add a mouth, the company HR little sister thief skin ~ recommend you old iron prepared enough to wave ~

2021-5-11 Demonic (animation)

Interview content:

Hr sister:

  • Talk about why you left each company.
  • Are you employed or?
  • Present company and job description.
  • What is the lowest salary you expect?

Tech boss:

  • Does your current company outsource? Why is the project experience so cluttered? Is the project owned by the company?
  • Is Kotlin the Android native?
  • Please brief me on your education background.
  • Glide using experience and cache mechanism are introduced.
  • Describe the steps to customize the View and your experience.
  • Do you have any image stream or image optimization in your project? Briefly?
  • Any thoughts on layout optimization?
  • What do you know about loading large images from multi-image lists? What are some ideas for optimization?
  • What is Glide’s cache algorithm?
  • What is your personal Level of English?
  • How big is the Android team? What is the format of your interface?
  • From an Android/Java perspective, what are some of your favorite directions?
  • Do you usually read comics?
  • What is your personal understanding of the mobile platform and Flutter, including their usage scenarios?
  • Is wechat mini program being developed by your Android team?
  • Does wechat applet use some cross-platform framework or?

Interview experience:

  • I was interviewed for the role of Android Leader. At the beginning of communication with hr, I thought my Level was a little high. Hr sister said that I would come to all aspects directly. The interview is for the tech boss and the hr sister. The overall feeling is good, the little sister is very direct, the technology boss is pretty good. The company environment is good, and the benefits are good. It’s quite a challenge.

The 2021-5-12In the wide and thinkHooligan habitual offender company remember to avoid pits!!

Go in and do the questions first, 4 questions, you can see that it is the common scene of the company’s project. Personal advice or cancel the question link, directly open, we talk, quickly and effectively interview, and avoid delaying more time, sometimes on-the-spot reaction can represent the personal real level (small white understanding). Currently, I am applying for the Android position mainly in charge of the development related to the migration of existing products to the vehicle-mounted platform, and there may still be some project development pending approval.

Interview content:

A little brother:

  • Current working status? Why did you leave?
  • Why is the project so messy? What is the core business of the company?
  • Do you have any works that can be demonstrated? (I don’t take the trouble, ha ha ha hiccup).
  • Did you encounter any difficulties during development? Can you give me some specific examples?
  • Project type, team status and main responsibilities.
  • What are the technical highlights of the project you are in charge of?
  • How do you go about Apk weight loss?
  • What did you do in terms of performance optimization?
  • How do you package everyday components based on Lifecycle?
  • How do you practice architectural design on a daily basis?
  • How to implement data transfer and persistence between activities in the case of modularization?
  • What is the architecture of the current project?
  • Do you think you’re better at anything? Such as business landing, basic library maintenance, new technology introduction and so on.
  • Have you done any related work for the company? For example, introducing new technology.
  • Can you tell us something about Flutter? For example, what are some scenarios and personal experience applicable?
  • Tell me briefly about your educational background. When did you start Android development, self-taught or?
  • What did boot and memory optimization do?
  • When are soft references used?
  • When do memory leaks occur?
  • In the normal development, have you noticed some data structure applicable scenarios?
  • Have you considered a better solution during the development process?
  • What’s the difference between String concatenation + and StringBuilder?
  • How does an inner class access an outer class?
  • Parent and child classes have both static code blocks and constructors. What is the order in which they are executed? Suppose now the parent class and the child class add non-static code blocks in what order are they executed?
  • What does the lifecycle of an Activity exception start look like?
  • How can Service not be killed?
  • How to play a piece of music in Service for a long time?
  • What does a custom View do? How is it done?
  • What are the data structures in an ArrayList?
  • If I use Arraylist to add over and over again, what is the underlying scaling mechanism?
  • What is the underlying data structure of a HashMap?
  • Why is a HashMap data structure a data plus linked list?
  • A HashMap stores key-values. In what form are values stored in a HashMap?
  • Have you worked on any vehicle-related projects before?
  • How did you communicate with Bluetooth before?
  • How does the model and screen adaptation fit?
  • Does the company work much overtime? How do you feel about working overtime?
  • Does the company have a product?
  • Will the company provide overtime pay or other subsidies for working overtime? (There’s a hammer…)
  • What would you do if your boss asked you to write longer?
  • What would you do if you were in a situation where your supervisor gave you too little time for evaluation?
  • Where are all your companies?

Second face boss:

  • On or off? How long will it take?
  • What was the main business of the company you worked for? What was the content/scope of your work?
  • What is your main development language? Which one is more useful?
  • Are there any job highlights? What features or highlights are you responsible for?
  • How much do you know about audio and video technology? Where has it been used in practice?
  • Introduction of detailed projects.
  • Where do you live? Are you married?
  • Have you heard anything about us?
  • Let me show you our current App.
  • Is there anything you want to ask me?(When the elder brother said this, feeling is full of confidence, come on, turn on the manic ask me, hahaha hiccup)
  • Can you give me a range for my expected salary?
  • Is there anything else you want to ask me?

Interview experience:

  • Little brother thinking is very jump, almost from the practical point of view, the overall pretty good, the company’s real interview efficiency is quite high, in addition to the waiting period (ha ha ha hiccup, little brother see don’t spray me). Technical boss voice is very magnetic, there is a sense of inexplicable motivation, very good Leader. After chatting nearly 12 o ‘clock, specially called two little sisters to help send me out, thank you(Forget I said that…)

2021-10-08 Pothole avoidance instructions

According to veteran employees, the company is a repeat offender. When the project is busy, hire people crazily, and dismiss with the reason that the probation period does not pass when the project is not busy. It is not uncommon for companies to change their blood frequently.

The probation period is half a year, during which the salary is 80%. What the hell do I need to talk about in the next three months? The thief.

Salary includes 30% of performance, of which 15% is for app review, likes, dynamic etc., it seems that there is no direct 15% of performance. No incentives at all, lots of deductions.

Holiday benefits? Think much, n years ago a little jingdong card, I did not see, MAO also did not.

Working overtime and looking for time off? Overtime pay? In your dreams, all kinds of fucking shit.

The so-called CTO is no different from the idiot, a bunch of external wussy, internal various, from time to time to the hard work, research, crap crap.

Specific things do not ridicule, province to find their own thing.

Everyone remember to avoid the pit ~!!

Everyone remember to avoid the pit ~!!

Everyone remember to avoid the pit ~!!

Steam Orange Sea (Overseas voice room)

I arrived at the interview a little early and went straight in, starting in the conference room with the smell of rice

Interview content:


  • Introduce yourself.
  • Introduction to the Handler. Do you know the source code for it?
  • Inside the loop is an infinite loop, why does it not cause the page to freeze?
  • Have you ever used coroutines with Kotlin? Personal understanding.
  • How is state handled in coroutine Call?
  • Suppose there is an exception in the coroutine, what does it do?
  • Suppose the user exits a page, the network is cancelled, and the coroutine is abnormal, what do you do?
  • Talk about event distribution in Android.
  • If the child View event is blocked by the parent View, then I now need to let the child View get the event, what’s your solution?
  • What does a custom View do?
  • Is there any demo work? (I didn’t bring my cell phone, waka). Project introduction.
  • What do you know about animation?
  • Differentiator, valuator function and difference.
  • How does the screen adaptor work? Have you had any problems using AutoSize?
  • How does Toutiao AutoSize work? Why can’t I use the official DP for screen adaptation?
  • What operations have you done for App preservation?
  • Is there anything about Android that you’re good at?
  • Can you tell me what improvements you made for the project?
  • Have you ever been indie before?
  • How long is the Flutter development cycle?
  • Where did the thermal repair work? What is the success rate?
  • Some potholes in Google Play.
  • How do you understand bitmaps and Drawable in Android, and what are the differences between them?
  • How does Android multi-process realize data interaction?

Technical Leader:

  • Tell me a little bit about your project.
  • Company introduction and explanation of project clutter.
  • The reasons for education are brief.
  • The type of routine work that your group mainly undertakes.
  • Company team size.
  • What is the purpose of writing the essay?
  • Have voice chat rooms been developed?
  • What is your personal career plan?
  • How about your English level?
  • How are you doing now? Are you married?
  • Have you been in Beijing all the time? How long did the company last?

A few days later, I had a chat with the Boss about my reasons for leaving, my expectation of the working environment, what I value in looking for a job, my expectation of salary and idle chat. I won’t record it here. (Actually it was a long time ago, I forgot, hahaha hiccup)

Interview experience:

  • Company environment is ok, overseas project is said to be a country (I forget) ranking second, similar to outsourcing secondary maintenance.

Shanghai Zhengyuan Computer

Interview content:

  • .

Interview experience:

  • The first and second interviews took me more than two hours. The interval between the two interviews was very short, so I started directly and felt a little confused. Later, the technical officer of the second interview was interested in the reverse direction and had a brief chat. It’s a little confusing for me. I was hoping to finish the battle in half an hour or 40 minutes. The company is quite large, but there are many vacant stations.

2021-5-19 New Liberal Education

Time into the company in accordance with the contract, as a result, etc. Along while, then take the initiative to find the front desk, as a result, to several pages, that kind of problem, n years ago, directly receive ring, suddenly want to go, the ink while, hr come and push again, simply fill in the information and let all fill in, specify a resume, also said to mark each specific salary, and so on a series of bad, I was just about to walk away, but there it was. I couldn’t run. I had no choice but to go upstairs again and wait for more than an hour. All of them were waiting, clearly stating that there would be an interview next, if not, we could make an appointment in the afternoon or another day. Hr insisted on talking until the so-called technical director came out and started the so-called unintelligible interview.

Interview content:

  • Personal profile, education description, job description, team size description.
  • Describe briefly what you are refactoring and whether you are refactoring a new project or an old project.
  • What architectural techniques are used for refactoring, etc.
  • Where are the techniques used for slimming?
  • What are the main aspects of performance optimization that you do?
  • How is the LeakCanary bottom layer implemented and captured?
  • What causes memory leaks and how to fix them?
  • Java reference types (weak, weak, and virtual) function and common scenarios.
  • Aside from LeakCanary, where else have you used the Android Studio tools?
  • Have you considered componentization and plug-in approaches for refactoring?
  • How does componentization communicate in different modules?
  • Have you read about Ali’s routing framework?
  • A quick talk about the pros and cons of MVC, MVP, and MVVM.
  • What is the difference between DataBinding and ViewBinding?
  • What is the network framework used in the project? Do you know their underlying source code?
  • What are the main tool classes for OkHttp?
  • How many interceptors does OkHttp have?
  • How Retrofit works.
  • What is Retrofit’s design model?
  • There are a few ways Retrofit is used.
  • How well do you know the source code?
  • A brief introduction to how to implement a lazy load.
  • How fragments implement lazy loading.
  • What are some common ways to load fragments?
  • What methods or classes are commonly used in fragments?
  • RecyclerView multi-type, grouping how to achieve?
  • What is the Activity lifecycle and the life cycle between A and B?
  • Custom View commonly used where some methods and how to achieve.
  • How much requestLayout is understood in a custom View.
  • Requestlayout and Invalidate.
  • A brief introduction to the Handler message mechanism.
  • When was the loop created? Do you know what class it was created in?
  • Can handlers be created in many places?
  • If I now create Handler A, B, and C, how does the message queue know who it belongs to?
  • Why doesn’t loop get stuck?
  • Causes and solutions of ANR.
  • If I now use Handler to delay my business by five seconds, how does Handler internally execute my specific business operation after five seconds?
  • How does Flutter interact with the native?
  • How does Flutter start a service?
  • Can pure Flutter call native?
  • How to write a Flutter channel? How the channel is implemented.
  • Why Flutter is chosen.
  • What’s the difference between A Flutter and RN? Talk about personal understanding.
  • How does native Flutter call?
  • How do you design a project architecture? What aspects do you consider and why?
  • Where in the architecture can you extract a common thing that all modules use?
  • What do you put in your BaseActivity?
  • How do you manage the Activity stack?
  • Activity Startup mode.
  • How to prevent users from clicking continuously on a page? How do you use it for all click events on your project?
  • Does AOP know how it works? Applicable to some scenarios.
  • What are the use scenarios for dynamic proxies?
  • What scenario problems does AOP mainly solve?
  • How to implement a custom progress bar?
  • How to achieve custom View gradient effect?

Interview experience:

  • Harm… Just pull it out and do it. Ha-ha-ha

Micro love (couple social networking)

Due to a long time of sorting, many things were not clearly recorded, and the relevant recording was too noisy, so IT was a pity that I failed to record it properly.

  • One side and CTO meet two days apart, is also a few days of business, not in time to quickly past the second interview, let one side brother wait for a few days, really sorry.
  • Sanmian was a little tired because he had just come back from his hometown.

Interview experience:

  • The company is pretty big, couples socialize, the atmosphere is pretty good. The interviewer and CTO were friendly, and the two interviews lasted longer, but overall they felt comfortable.

“Asked the chicken

Knock on the blackboard, draw the key point, is indeed most of my knowledge blind area, shame, let me once do not know how to and eldest brother opening…

  • Customize View onDraw to specify how to do this, for example, I’m going to draw a square with no rough edges.
  • How do I animate polygons and views? Intersection, superposition?
  • How does a View implement content touch sliding?
  • How can two views consume A set of touch events at the same time, so that when A moves, B moves?
  • What is the mechanism by which a View eventually renders to the screen? For example, deal with why the physical screen draws your circles as your code should.
  • Who controls the refresh rate of the render, and what are the control intervals?
  • Why does the UI window switch with the app when you switch apps?
  • Can Android render views across processes?
  • Why can’t I do time-consuming operations on the main thread?
  • Why do time-consuming operations cause the UI to stall?


Just a few words at the end.

The original intention of this article is not to provide corresponding interview answers, but to record my own experience of the interview process, so as to facilitate the self-simulation of job-hopping partners, and welcome to exchange and learn together.

In fact, the interview for so long, the psychological and physical are a torment, 58 missed and experienced the car home helpless interview, resulting in a subsequent period of mental breakdown, may be some elder brother will dislike these two, but for my small company, this is quite a big company. I hope you are well prepared, calm down and show your best side.

Don’t rush into an interview like I did, and apologize to the interviewer who was good before…

In addition, thanks to my chicken boss during my help, thanks to the boss, boss long live ~!!

Finally, let’s talk about zhang Zhang, angry boy, I was careless interview, not well prepared, sprayed me countless times, weekend in the name of about wine to review my resume, incidentally exchange interview experience, thank you ~

Sometimes I really feel lucky. Although the reality is indeed very cruel, but it, also hope to be able to pass on their own little lucky ~

I am so sorry that the article has been delayed until now. (I made a promise to my friends before, and finally finished it today.)

Happy happy, come on together ~