Four arithmetic problems
Through the interpreter mode to achieve four operations, such as calculating the value of a+ B-C, specific requirements
- Enter the format of the expression, for example, A + B -c. The letters of the expression must be unique.
- Enter the values of A, B, and C respectively. Ensure that the letters in the expression cannot be the same.
And then we get the answer.
Interpreter mode
Principle class diagram:
Class diagram description:
- Context: is an environment role that contains all information outside the interpreter.
- Expression: An abstract Expression that declares an abstract interpretation operation. This method is shared by all nodes in the abstract syntax tree.
- TeminalExpression: terminating expression that implements interpretive operations related to terminators in the grammar (e.g., a, B, c, etc.).
- NoTeminalExpression: non-terminal expression. It is the explanatory operation related to non-terminal characters in grammar (such as + and – in the example).
Interpreter mode to achieve four operations, only a simple implementation of +, –
Class diagram:Code:
public interface Expression {
int interpret(Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap);
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public class VarExpression implements Expression { private String var; public VarExpression(String var) { this.var = var; } @Override public int interpret(Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap) { return var2ValueMap.get(this.var); }}Copy the code
public class SymbolExpression implements Expression { protected Expression left; protected Expression right; public SymbolExpression(Expression left, Expression right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } @Override public int interpret(Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap) { return 0; } } class AddExpression extends SymbolExpression { public AddExpression(Expression left, Expression right) { super(left, right); } @Override public int interpret(Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap) { return this.left.interpret(var2ValueMap) + this.right.interpret(var2ValueMap); } } class SubExpression extends SymbolExpression { public SubExpression(Expression left, Expression right) { super(left, right); } @Override public int interpret(Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap) { return this.left.interpret(var2ValueMap) - this.right.interpret(var2ValueMap); }}Copy the code
public class Calculator { public static int calc(String express, Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap) { Stack<Expression> stack = new Stack(); char[] chars = express.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (chars[i] == '+') { Expression leftExpression = stack.pop(); Expression rightExpression = new VarExpression(chars[i + 1] + ""); stack.push(new AddExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression)); i++; } else if (chars[i] == '-') { Expression leftExpression = stack.pop(); Expression rightExpression = new VarExpression(chars[i + 1] + ""); stack.push(new SubExpression(leftExpression, rightExpression)); i++; } else { stack.push(new VarExpression(chars[i] + "")); } } return stack.pop().interpret(var2ValueMap); } public static void main(String[] args) { String express = "a+b-c"; Map<String, Integer> var2ValueMap = new HashMap<>(); var2ValueMap.put("a", 10); var2ValueMap.put("b", 20); var2ValueMap.put("c", 10); System.out.println(calc(express, var2ValueMap)); }}Copy the code
The careful implementation of the interpreter pattern is the detail
- When there is a language that needs to be interpreted, the sentence in the language can be represented as an abstract syntax tree, and then the interpreter pattern can be considered to make the program have good extensibility.
- Application scenarios: compiler, expression calculation, regular expression, robot, etc.
- Problems with using the interpreter. The interpreter mode causes class bloat. The interpreter mode calls methods recursively, which makes debugging very complicated and potentially inefficient.