The development of Internet technology changes with each passing day, the emergence of every new idea, may be a technology fast forward, promote the development of the market, for the current market, is a word: fast. Catching a trend is an opportunity to succeed. After the wave of live broadcast system source code, the short video system source market has become a hot spot for people to seize, the growth rate of short video users is amazing, in this case, how to ensure the stability of the system, efficient availability and so on has become an important problem for the technology to solve. Recently with the friends of the industry to exchange, found that the short video source market is indeed potential, Zhang Ailing said: famous as early as possible. Want to be engaged in the Internet industry is to seize the opportunity.

For the current short video source market environment, what kind of business model and market strategy, want a perfect understanding is not possible. The popular short video apps we see now have achieved their current status and large user groups only after repeated experiments and failures. Although not rich experience, but also in the industry, some simple summary is ok.

To summarize the development of the short video market:

In recent years, short video applications have exploded in the domestic application market. Tiktok launched by Toutiao, Meitu launched Meipai, GIF Kuaishou also launched short video products, as well as Miaopai invested in Weibo, and a series of short video products such as micro-vision, doupai and Playpai have also enriched the short video application market

The popularity of short videos is closely related to the following factors:

1. Bandwidth: With the development of China’s basic network environment, 3G/4G mobile netizens begin to switch to 5G network, thus providing better upload and download bandwidth and more stable experience; At the same time, with the further reduction of the tariff, the average monthly user flow has reached 360M, and even many parts of the flow are GB or even dozens of GB level, so a common 10s video is probably less than 1~2M or even hundreds of K, the improvement of bandwidth flow will undoubtedly gradually reduce the threshold of user use; In addition, home bandwidth has also increased, 10M or even 100M has become the mainstream of home bandwidth, thus providing necessary conditions for the development of short video.

2. The great improvement of mobile phone hardware configuration. With the increase of pixels and the upgrade of CPU, GPU and memory of mobile phone hardware configuration, mobile phone can process and optimize video effect more quickly, thus bringing more creative space to mobile phone video processing.

3. The expression ability of traditional words and pictures is not rich enough, so it cannot meet the needs of netizens, while short videos bring enough space for expression.

4. The product itself provides various ways to lower the threshold of user video production. For example, Meipai provides MV special effects to improve the fun of video production and lower the threshold of use. At the same time, the diversification of products also meets the differentiated needs of various users and stimulates users to spread themselves.

Pop culture comes quietly in this way, rapidly sweeping and spreading, affecting our way of life, affecting our spiritual, cultural and entertainment positions, guided by entertainment, fun and leisure, and ultimately for the purpose of commodity or service consumption. Generally expressed in fashion, fashion, consumption, leisure culture and other mass cultural attributes. It will spread widely among different levels, classes and classes of people in a certain cycle, in a certain region or on a global scale. As a popular way of entertainment, short video has formed its own mode and has a certain impact on the public, so from the perspective of the development of short video source code, it also has a wide spread of space.