The operation and marketing of microblog is actually the core of microblog operation. It focuses on content to attract users through content, interact with users through content and retain users through content. Compared with blogs and wechat official accounts, it is easier to build microblog content because it only has 140 characters. Of course, easy is only relative, to do well, certainly also want to work hard, its main points have the following points.

Microblog main body positioning + content positioning

In order to establish an image in the mind of users, the content and style of weibo should also be planned around this positioning and image. In positioning, to everyone’s suggestion is: anthropomorphic positioning is the most ideal, because users do not like cold machines.

Based on this, when positioning, we should first anthropomorphic sketch an image for weibo, the marketing image should have its own personality characteristics, such as the following:

Age 26: Young and professional

Professional white-collar: sharp, trendy

Gender and Female: Individuality and fashion (this is a fashion style with strong local flavor)

Personality: “tough woman”, a little “two”, but very humorous

Hobbies: shopping, watching movies, watching handsome men

After microblog personality positioning, the next for the anthropomorphic “character” characteristics, we think about such a “person”, what kind of tone and style will be used? What kind of content? What opinions do you express when commenting on other people’s content or current events? For example, the style of Durex’s official microblog is heavy on taste.

Here are some of the most popular types of content that are easy to interact with and retweet.

Intentional: such as all kinds of creative products;

Funny: dry jokes, jokes, etc;

Informative: star gossip, Revelations, etc.;

1. Of or relating to persons or things that concern oneself or those around you;

Loving: able to stimulate the feelings of caring netizens;

Have gas of: let a person see want to comment, ridicule even clap brick of.

What is said above is the content planning carried out when there are no fans in the early stage. When we have a certain number of fans, we can constantly optimize the content according to the characteristics and needs of our account’s fans.

Weibo itself has many analysis tools in this regard, as well as some third-party tools to analyze fans with these tools. For example, based on the user’s location, gender, tag, occupation data analysis.

Planning differentiated content

In addition to the conventional content, our microblog had better have some differentiated features. Such content is easy to build brand and influence, as well as attract and retain users. In terms of content construction, according to previous experience, a two-cross mantra is summed up, “There is no one, there is all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us”, meaning this:

People have no I have: others have no content, you have, is characteristic. For example, some microblogs are specialized in translating and forwarding some foreign content, which is not available in China, which is a kind of feature.

People have my complete: others already have, but I am the most comprehensive, but also features, such as a book of recipes.

People all my essence: others have been very comprehensive, that I do quality content. Typical examples of bad jokes go this route.

My specialization: others have been very refined, that I walk professional line. For example, professional micro-blogs in various industries take this route.

People only I alone: others have been very professional, that I take a unique personalized route. For example, there is a micro-blogger who has a cat and a dog. Every day, he records the life of the cat and the dog on his micro-blog and posts pictures of them. He also has hundreds of thousands of followers.

Content Operation Plan

After the content has, the next is the daily operation. The operation of micro-blog is not simply to organize the content and send it out. If you want to operate it well, you should treat it as a website or media: plan relevant micro-columns around users’ likes, organize the content that users like, and update regularly every day.

Take this official weibo account for example:

From 8:30 to 23:00, 12 columns are set to be updated regularly every day. The updates are more frequent in morning, middle and evening. The contents are novel and meet the psychological needs of followers. The specific content release plan is as follows:

(1) 08:30- # Good morning # Optimistic and positive quotes, content, pictures warm

(2) 10:00# Take me on a trip #

(3) 11:00- # Food Guide #

(4) 12:00-# Matchmaking list # Strengthen interaction with weibo users

(5) 14:00-# Happiness Guide # guidebook type text, give unmarried and married people some emotional marriage advice

(6) 15:00 # Success Story # Forward the successful cases of the Product Department on Weibo, driven by emotional words

(7) 15:30-# Laugh # Funny content, graphic, classic easy test

(8) 16:30-# Happy Home # Fashion Home

(9) 20:30 # Health Guide # Diet, fitness, health blog posts

(10) 21:00- # Moment of light

(11) 22:30-# Silent Night thoughts #

(12) 23:00-# Goodnight #

Of course, this example is just for your introduction and reference, please make plans according to your actual situation.

The method of improving micro-blog fans and adding powder has been shared in previous articles, but I won’t say it here.

In addition, I would like to add a case:

The first up of millions of fans micro blog “cold joke selection” operation ideas, some people may say, catch up with the wind, but people really work hard!

(1) positioning. He analyzed that in the early days of the Internet, joke websites had a lot of traffic; On Douban, the joke team has also done well: Believing that history will repeat itself on Sina Weibo, it has set up 10 accounts dedicated to jokes.

(2) Content source. Carry forward the spirit of the porter, from the major joke website directly materials, into the 140 characters of the “microblog body” to Sina Weibo, a week later he found that “cold joke selection” account can attract the most silk, then as the main.

(3) Content features. I was the first blogger in grassroots micro blog to combine text with exquisite pictures. “At that time, most micro blogs only contained one text without pictures. I made the pictures very exquisite and the effect was very good, and many microbloggers imitated them.”

(4) stealing. When you only have 500 followers, how can you break 10,000? The top 50 grassroots micro blog have learned again: what content to say what can attract attention, what is the user’s comment; Stealing secrets from celebrity bloggers — Why some bloggers have a lot of followers, while others post a lot of tweets… Constantly reflect and refine your content. But he never thought of creating an original microblog. “If you create your own microblog, you limit yourself, integrate resources here, and give users whatever they want. Isn’t that the idea of a businessman?”

(5) Be fans of each other. Take his micro blog account to add 2000 fans, 800 ~ 1000 will be added his friend.

(6) forward. Add the accounts with more followers as friends, and try to get them to forward their own micro blog or let their other 9 accounts forward the micro blog of “Cold Joke Selection” account. Yao Chen helped him once and brought him 2,000 followers.

Share above, if you have a good idea or method welcome to discuss.

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Source: Lu Songsong blog, QQ/ wechat: 13340454