Recently the peak job-hopping period almost passed, I do not know everyone in job-hopping or moved the idea of job-hopping in the online resume update, have you ever thought of their dynamic will be sent to your boss by some small companies?

In fact, this topic has been discussed privately by many people. As long as a large number of groups have stable demand, there will be an undercurrent of business.

With the rapid spread of ARTIFICIAL intelligence to all industries, everyone has started to talk about big data, but the Internet is like this. If you enjoy the convenience, you have to bear the risk. A lot of big companies have had user data breaches, but it’s really shameful to make money like this by peddling users’ dynamic information. A gentleman does what he does and does not do what he does.

Seen some similar cases before, such as staff changed your resume on the Internet and go out, have been gigged by monitoring software to the boss, then he was fired, he sued the company for it, but the court of arbitration think according to the regulation on Internet security protection technology measures article 8, Internet access units for the implementation of network security protection measures, It can record and retain the Internet network address used by users, record and track the network running status, monitor and record network security events, etc. Therefore, it is legal for companies to use surveillance software in the workplace.

So even though we think this kind of behavior violates employee privacy, it’s very difficult for the basic employee to win the lawsuit. As you probably know, some of the larger companies have this kind of employee turnover risk monitoring system, but most of them are not as disgusting as this level of specificity.

Not to be alarmist, but think about it. Why do headhunters talk to you every time you change your resume? New to the workplace, it may not feel like much, but you’ll get to know it when you’ve been there a long time.

In general, a few points, simple say my point of view, I hope to help you:

First of all, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, there are interests and black products, which is beyond doubt. Monitoring employee turnover is nothing new, and the main cost of the Internet is in people.

I’ve heard a lot of similar stories. Many of my friends have said, “I just updated my resume, I just sent it out, why is HR talking to me?” In a situation like this, if the company knows who you are, it’s better to keep you. If the company knows you’re leaving and makes a dirty move, you’re in trouble.

Secondly, I would like to say that once this situation is reported by such an unscrupulous company, employees and enterprises will be vulnerable no matter what they say. After all, we all know that there are many ways to downsize. He may not say it out loud, but he can use other reasons to screw you over in a different way.

Third, you may be wondering how the company knows when you update your resume or send it out. There are also recruitment websites that monitor companies, as well as free resume beautification and resume modification tools that require you to upload your resume. How do you think they make a profit? Your resume information and dynamic information are valuable data! You don’t care and expect the company to protect your personal information?

Finally, I would like to share with you that I must maintain my personal network so that I can ask my friends in each company before I jump ship, and then ask them to help me. This is a more reliable job-hopping!