Orchid ling wine tulips, jade bowl amber light. But that his master may be drunken, and know not where he is.

During the project development, 3D display was needed and some problems were encountered. This is the guide for digging pits. Let them out now in the hope that they can help someone in need

  • Vue project introduces maps

  • Map location plugin

  • Events and their handling

  • Common methods

Introduction of Amap (mainly VUE)

  1. Amap developer's official website

  2. Introduction of maps:

    The simplest way to introduce the map API using vue-CLI webpack is to introduce it directly in the header of the entry index.html. Remember to include the key. If you don’t have one, go to the official website of The Amap API to apply for one. The portal is as follows: Apply for a key portal

<script type="text/javascript" src="Https://webapi.amap.com/maps?v=1.3&key= * * * * * * * * * * * *" />
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  1. Create a map component:
let mapObj = new AMap.Map('map-location', {

  //'map-location' is the id of the corresponding page box

  resizeEnable: true.// Adjust the size

  zoom: 13 // Initial window


// AMap is the AMap constructor, here. Map is to create a Map,.marker is to create a coordinate point
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  1. Initialize a 3D map

    In Mounted, perform initialization

this.cloudMap = new AMap.Map(this.$refs.dataMaps, {

  resizeEnable: true.// layers: [new AMap.TileLayer.Satellite(), new AMap.TileLayer.RoadNet()],

  mapStyle: 'amap://styles/def937553c471693ab838e31fdbc6d82'.viewMode: '3D'./ / mode

  showBuildingBlock: true.pitch: 55./ / elevation

  zoom: 17 / / zoom

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Map location plugin

  1. The first step, of course, is to create a map instance, because positioning does not need to show the map, so you can set the CSS style of the box mounted on the map to 0, so that the layout of the page is not affected, you can directly obtain the longitude and latitude of the map, of course, the project needs to load the map
let mapObj = new AMap.Map('iCenter') //iCenter is the id container name
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  1. A location plug-in needs to be addedGeolocationCalled with the plugin method
mapObj.plugin('AMap.Geolocation'.function() {})
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  1. Instantiate an instance for configuration
var geolocation = new AMap.Geolocation({

  // Whether to use high precision positioning. Default: true

  enableHighAccuracy: true.// Set location timeout. Default: infinite

  timeout: 10000.// The offset of the location button's docking position, default: Pixel(10, 20)

  buttonOffset: new AMap.Pixel(10.20),

  // After successful positioning, adjust the map view range to make the positioning position and accuracy range visible in the view. Default: false

  zoomToAccuracy: true.// Locate the position of the button, RB represents the lower right

  buttonPosition: 'RB'

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  1. Monitor whether the location succeeds or fails. If it succeeds, the longitude and latitude of the current position can be obtained
AMap.event.addListener(geolocation, 'complete'.function(data) {

  data.position.getLng() // Locate the longitude returned successfully

  data.position.getLat() // Locate the latitude returned successfully

}) // Returns location information

AMap.event.addListener(geolocation, 'error'.function(data) {

  if (data.info == 'FAILED') {

    alert('Failed to get your current location! ')}})Copy the code

Map events and processing

1. Create a 3D model

Note: 3D models do not support events and their operations at this time

Add Object3DLayer

Object3DLayer is a layer specially used to carry Object3D objects. One Object3DLayer can carry multiple Object3D instance objects. Before drawing Object3D objects, add an Object3DLayer layer to the map:

var object3Dlayer = new AMap.Object3DLayer()

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Create an instance of type Object3D

var bounds = [new AMap.LngLat(116.39), new AMap.LngLat(117.39), new AMap.LngLat(117.40), new AMap.LngLat(116.40)]

var height = 50000

var color = '#0088ff' //rgba

var prism = new AMap.Object3D.Prism({ path: bounds, height: height, color: color })
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Add Object3D instance to Object3DLayer

Add the Object3D instance to the Object3DLayer you added above

object3Dlayer.add(prism) / / add

//object3Dlayer.remove(prism); / / remove
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2. Create a mass pointMassMarks

The amap. MassMarks class can be used when you need to display points up to 100,000 on AMap and need good performance. Amap. MassMarks isn’t just any overlay, it’s actually AMap layer made up of a bunch of dots, and is currently only available in html5 browsers.

Create a mass point object

// Create a style object

var styleObject = new AMap.StyleObject({

url: '//vdata.amap.com/icons/b18/1/2.png'.// Icon address

size: new AMap.Size(11.11), // Icon size

anchor: new AMap.Pixel(5.5) // the icon displays the position offset, the reference point is the icon upper left corner});

 var massMarks = new AMap.MassMarks({ zIndex: 5.// The order in which the layers are stacked

 zooms: [3.19].Style: styleObject // Set the style object});
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Set up theMassMarksThe data set presented

var data = [


    lnglat: [116.405285.39.904989].// dot marks position

    name: 'beijing'.id: 1


  / / {},... , {},...


massMarks.setData(data) // Add mass points to the map instance massmarks.setmap (map);
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Custom events

  • DOM events addDomListener

  • Click on the event addListener

  • Mass point event

AMap.event.addListener(marker, 'click', e => this.clickHandler(e, item))
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  • Among themeContains latitude, longitude and geographic location information for the click point,itemCustom values can be passed

Basic project processing logic

There are three system states

  • When there is no alarm

| page note | | | | operation effect

| — — — — — — — — — – | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – : | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — : |

Click on the above address search | | | home page search results | |

| | | home page, click on the search results orientation to the current equipment | |

| | | home page click system switching different system point | |

| | | home page click on a system pop up box | corresponding statistics respectively based on the system to distinguish |

| | | | click personal center home page logged on |

| equipment | list page click on the map coordinates | jump to the equipment list page | | the navigation below change

| device list details | | click to jump to the device details page contains a snapshot | |

| | equipment | list page click on close device list closed list click on the feature list below to | |

| equipment | list page, click on the home | back to the home page | |

| | click home page pops up alarm list | | into alarm mode

  • When there is an alarm

| page note | | | | operation effect

| — — — — — — — — — – | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – : | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — : |

Click on the above address search | | | alarm list search results | |

| | | home page, click on the search results orientation to the current equipment | |

| | | home page click system switching different system point | |

| | | home page click on a system pop up box | corresponding statistics respectively based on the system to distinguish |

| | | | click personal center home page logged on |

| equipment | list page click on the map coordinates | jump to the equipment list page | | the navigation below change

| device list details | | click to jump to the device details page contains a snapshot | |

| | equipment | list page click on close device list closed list click on the feature list below to | |

| equipment | list page, click on the home | back to the home page | |

| | click home page pops up alarm list | | into alarm mode


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