Interview process after the epidemic

Ashamed to say, I graduated in 2014 and have 6 years of work experience, positioning myself as an intermediate front-end engineer, there is too much to learn and progress (wasted years, now I have to make up).

The last interview was in October 2016, which was a long time ago. I was really hit by a wall in the first week of the interview, so I had to focus on the interview questions, but I didn’t have to answer the prototype chain so hard.

There were 15 companies in the back-and-forth on-site interview and telephone video interview, all of which were small and medium sized companies without large factories.

Organize some interview questions into categories

  • Network related
  • Js related
  • vue
  • ES6
  • other

Network related

  1. TCP UDP difference
  2. TCP three-way handshake
  3. Difference between Http and Https (high frequency)
  4. GET vs. POST (high frequency)
  5. Network Security: XSS and CSRF (High Frequency)

Js related

  1. Closure (high frequency)
  2. Prototype chain (high frequency)
  3. EventLoop
  4. Multiple ways to deduplicate arrays
  5. Algorithm: bubble sort, quick sort
  6. Deep copy Shallow copy


  1. Life cycle (high frequency)
  2. Routing patterns
  3. Bidirectional binding principle (high frequency)
  4. Vuex principle (high frequency)
  5. keep-alive
  6. Vue route guard
  7. slot


  1. Promise (High-Frequency)
  2. Will ask you how often you use es6 and which ones
  3. Arrow functions are different from normal functions


  1. restfulAPI
  2. Browser cache
  3. What happens when you enter the address in the browser’s address bar
  4. Repaint, reflow
  5. The MVC and MVVM
  6. HTML5, CSS3 new features
  7. What about pages rendering large amounts of data
  8. What if js performs a lot of data operations
  9. Front-end optimization solution (high frequency)
  10. BFC

The above basically covers the content of 15 interviews ~ ~, while the interview solidifies the knowledge point, the feeling interview is really a good way to check the missing ~ ~ ~

There are their own to refueling ~ ~ ~

Strive to grow as soon as possible to be an independent front – end leader ~ ~ ~