Interface automation

(1) Interface automation

Python/Java +requests+unittest framework to implement python/ Java +RF (RobotFramework) framework — for programming requirements are not high

(2) Web UI function automation

Python/Java +selenium+unittest+ DDT +PO framework to implement python/ Java +RFS (RobotFrameWork+ selenium) framework — not demanding programming requirements

(3) App automation

Python/Java +appnium+unittes framework to implement python/ Java +RF (RobotFramework) framework to implement — for programming requirements are not high

The difference between interface automation and Web automation

(1) There is no interface for interface automation, so there is no need to locate interface elements. There is no need to consider interface delay, and the execution efficiency is higher. (2) Interface automation uses the Requests test library. Selenium Test Library for Web Automation (3) Interface automation coverage can reach 100%(most interfaces can be automated) Web automation coverage can reach 80-90% count OK (there may be some functions that cannot be automated)

3.1, process A. Determine the business scope, which business functions of the interface can be automated — interface automation coverage can reach 100% B. Schedule and personnel assignment c. Determine automation test framework D. Prepare data — Prepare interface use case data e. Python3.x install Python3.x install PyCharm install Python3.x install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm install PyCharm Install PyCharm XLRD, XLWT library — provides an API to operate on Excel files — Pymysql library — provides an API to operate on Mysql database — ParamsunitTest library — implements parameterization of Json library — The Re library provides apis for manipulating JSON-formatted data. You can use these API functions to manipulate HMTL data. Because each interface contains: request address, request mode, request parameters, and response data; So in the Excel spreadsheet according to the following way to organize our data interface cases, include the following contents: the use-case name, request address, request, request headers, request parameters, expected results (claim) and then we will enclose a function to read Excel data, in the form of parameters are passed to the script, the specific steps are as follows: 4.4 write automatic test scripts

1Steps: A, guide packageimportRequests, organization request parameter B url = "http://localhost/fw/index.php? CTL = user&act = dologin&fhash = hbUjHVrQIgHkwdMdNGnPrSiIkVBeWcrOvJpmsXgyNuMewKfKGy 'par = {" email ":" Jason, "user_pwd" : 'TWlKaGRrRFJrQXJZZlFXYkh5WlNQZ2tpZkFZQlVlUUhyRE5SdndSUGdKanFDTG1LYUYlMjV1NjVCOSUyNXU3RUY0emdwMTIzNDU2JTI1dThGNkYlMjV1NEV GNg = = ", "auto_login" :0"Ajax" :1} C, request = requests. Post (url, data=par) res = requests1*body* content ** res.text - If HTML data is returned, use res.text to extract 'res.json() - If json data is returned in the background, use this API function to extract'2Retrieve *** res.headers3, extract the status code and respond with res.status_code res.reason4, extract the cookie value res.cookies()2Header = {' user-agent ':' Mozilla/ '5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:67.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/67.0', 'Accept' : application/ XML,} res = requests. Post (url,data=par,headers=header)3The token value is passed through the request header -- the cookie value is directly viewed from the browser and passed to the background. The header = {' cookies' : 'PHPSESSID = 3724 b412550a557825da5528dd6198c6} res = requests. Post (url, data = par, headers = heade * * * * * * r, allow_redirects =FalseCookies are passed when the request is sentimport requests
#1. Log in and get the cookie value
def getCookie() :Url = "http://localhost/fw/index.php? CTL = user&act = dologin&fhash = hbUjHVrQIgHkwdMdNGnPrSiIkVBeWcrOvJpmsXgyNuMewKfKGy 'par = {" email ":" Jason, "user_pwd" : 'TWlKaGRrRFJrQXJZZlFXYkh5WlNQZ2tpZkFZQlVlUUhyRE5SdndSUGdKanFDTG1LYUYlMjV1NjVCOSUyNXU3RUY0emdwMTIzNDU2JTI1dThGNkYlMjV1NEV GNg = = ", "auto_login" :0"Ajax" :1
    res =, data=par)
    return res.cookies
#2. Call the recharge interface
#2.1 Get cookie value
cookie = getCookie()
#2.2 Send recharge requestUrl = "http://localhost/fw/member.php? CTL = UC_money &act=incharge_done 'par = {' check_ol_BL_pay' : 'on', 'money' :1000, 'bank_id:0, 'memo:234567890, 'payment:5,}# send recharge request
res1 =,data=par,cookies=cookie,allow_redirects=False)            You can disable automatic redirection
print(res1.headers) Create a session object. All requests will be sent using this session objectimport requests
#1. Send a login requestUrl = "http://localhost/fw/index.php? CTL = user&act = dologin&fhash = hbUjHVrQIgHkwdMdNGnPrSiIkVBeWcrOvJpmsXgyNuMewKfKGy 'par = {" email ":" Jason, "user_pwd" : 'TWlKaGRrRFJrQXJZZlFXYkh5WlNQZ2tpZkFZQlVlUUhyRE5SdndSUGdKanFDTG1LYUYlMjV1NjVCOSUyNXU3RUY0emdwMTIzNDU2JTI1dThGNkYlMjV1NEV GNg = = ", "auto_login" :0"Ajax" :1
Create a seesion object and use this session object to send requests later
ses = requests.session()
The returned cookie value is automatically saved to the session object
response1 =,data=par)
#2. Send a recharge requestUrl = "http://localhost/fw/member.php? CTL = UC_money &act=incharge_done 'par = {' check_ol_BL_pay' : 'on', 'money' :1000, 'bank_id:0, 'memo:234567890, 'payment:5,
response2 =,data=par,allow_redirects=False)
Copy the code

1. Data-driven interface use case data and script separation We put interface use case data in Excel, because each interface contains: request address, request mode, request parameters and response data; So in the Excel spreadsheet according to the following way to organize our data interface cases, include the following contents: the use-case name, request address, request, request headers, request parameters, expected results (claim) and then we will enclose a function to read Excel data, in the form of parameters are passed to the script, the specific steps are as follows:

XLRD calls API functions in XLRD library to read Excel table dataEncapsulate a function to read Excel table data
The XLRD library is used to read data from Excel tables
import xlrd
def get_data(filename,sheetname) :
    #1. Open the Excel file
    workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)    
    Open a table in an Excel file
    sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheetname)   
    #3. Read the table contents
    list = []
    for I in range(1,sheet.nrows):
        data = sheet.row_values(i)
    return list
if__name__ = = "__main__" : the result = get_data (' D: \ \ JMeter _project \ \ 1947 \ \ cxy - project02 \ \ data \ \ interface data. XLS ", "login")print(Result) Problem solved1Engineering problems:1, XLRD is not installed2XLRD was not imported into the projectCopy the code

The unitTest framework is used to manage use cases, load use cases, and execute use cases. How it works: There are several core components to test firmware setUp(). Connect to the database. Later, when automating the Web UI function, you can open the browser here and configure tearDown(). After each use case is executed, recycle some resources, such as: Close the database, close the browser. 2. Test Cases Each use case needs to implement a use case method, and each use case method must start with test. How to use the UnitTest framework to write use cases

# 1. The package
import time
import unittest
import requests
from common.excelUtils import get_data
import paramunittest
# Read data from excel
list= get_data (' D: \ \ JMeter _project \ \ 1947 \ \ cxy - project02 \ \ data \ \ interface data. XLS ", "login")#2. Define a class that extends unitTest.testCase
@paramunittest.parametrized(*list)                  All data in the list is referenced
class FwLogin(unittest.TestCase) :
    def setParameters(self,case_name,url,method,headers,params,assert_info) :The function will be executed as many times as there are use cases, and each use case will be preceded by the function to extract the data. :param case_name: :param url: :param method: :param headers: :param params: :param assert_info: :return: ' ' 'self case_name =str(case_name)
        self.url = str(url)
        self.method = str(method)
        self.headers = str(headers)
        self.params = str(params)
        self.assert_info = str(assert_info)
    #1. Implement a use case method
    def test_login_case(self) :
        #1. Organization parameters
        self.headers= eval(self.headers)                # Convert strings to dictionaries
        self.params = eval(self.params)
        # 2. Send the request
        ifSelf. method == 'POST' : response = requests. POST (self.url,data=self.params,headers=self.headers)else:
            response = requests.get(self.url,params=self.params,headers=self.headers)
        #3. Check, assert
    def check_result(self,response) :Asserting check result :param response: :return: ' ' 'self assert_info =eval(self.assert_info)           # Expected results
            self.assertEqual(response.status_code,200, 'response status code error') self.assertequal (response.reason, 'OK', 'response status code error') Self.assertdictequal (response.json(),self.assert_info, 'The body of the response is inconsistent! ')print(' %s test case passes! '% self. The case_name)except AssertionError as e:
            print(' %s test case failed! % s' % (self case_name, e))if__name__ = = "__main__" : unittest. The main ()Copy the code

The Google Way of Software Testing. PDF

Blog Source: Blog of rainy Night