When we use IntelliJ IDEA, we often encounter this situation, that is:

  • After checking out the project from SVN and opening the project with IDEA for the first time, IDEA will pop up the following selection box:

As shown in the figure above, let’s choose whether to add the xxx. iml file to the SVN version. The only question we have here is what the hell is the xxx. iml file? There is no such file in the project.

In fact, the xxx. iml file is a configuration file that IDEA automatically generates for the project we opened (for the first time), such as our project named accounting-hessian, IDEA then automatically produces a configuration file called accounting-hessian.iml for our project. IDEA automatically adds this configuration file to the project regardless of whether we select No or Yes. The difference between the two is that if we select No, IDEA will automatically ignore this file when retrieving project version changes when we submit code to SVN. If we select Yes, IDEA will add the code to the project’s version changes when we submit it to SVN.

Similarly, when we create a new file in the project, IDEA will also pop up the selection box:

As shown above, IDEA gives the same hint when we create a Java class named IdeaTest. Of course, the premise is that we did not choose Remember,don’t ask again. If this content is checked, no hint will be given and our choice at that time will be assumed.

Finally, we try to submit code to test the performance of IDEA:

As shown in the figure above, when we selected No for the first pop-up and Yes for the second, IDEA ignored the automatically created XXx. iml file and included the IdeaTest we created in the project version changes when submitting the code. New:1 Unversioned: 0 of 174

Tip: It is strongly recommended not to submit the xxx. imL configuration file automatically generated by IDEA to the SVN along with the code.

Next up: Methods for setting the color of the Sublime code

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