A long, long time ago, around 2016, I took the open-source data ETL tool Kettle and tweaked the interface a little bit. This tool has since been used in a number of projects. After a few hands to modify, toss and turn, now, flow back to my hands, let me modify.

In 2016, I didn’t know anything about Java; Years have passed, and I still don’t know. Shit.

At that time, I used Eclipse; now I use IDEA. When I opened this project with IDEA, I didn’t know how to start it.

Of course it can now. This paper is to record the pit filling process.

1. Import the project into Intellij IDEA. I prefer Gradle, so I choose Gradle

2, then default forward, all the way no words, smooth open

3, import Gradle, compile (actually there is nothing to compile), everything is smooth, on the surface, nothing is wrong. However, common sense tells us that if everything is going well, it’s definitely not JAVA.

Now the question is, how to run the project?

5. Run-edit configurage – Select Application and should fill in the window that pops up with the class for the main function

According to the online instruction, we should type”org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.Spoon“, but the system cannot find the main function; Forced input, will be prompted

Can't find or unable to load the main class org. Pentaho. Di. UI. Spoon. The spoonCopy the code

What the hell? There is.

The problem is that there is no dependency package introduced. Maybe this project is really old, and the current tools are a little uncomfortable. If the kettle is of a new version, no problem. But our version is 5.2.

How to do? Add it manually.

7. Add dependencies

Open Project Structure and select Modules

Select packages in two directories. Among them, all under LIBS; Libswt Is selected based on the operating system type.

So, after apply, you can run.

8. Now there is another problem, that is, after I run it, I find that the interface changed before does not come out, but the default interface of the system comes out. It’s like it’s never changed. Again, open Project Structure, select Modules, Paths, select the second option, select bin’s path

All right, I got my changes.

Related article: I wrote in 2016: Releasing Java desktop applications