Author: Givefine…

The Windows version:

IntelliJ IDEA shortcut keys ultimate complete, speed collection!

A lot of friends on the message said there is no Mac version, now, this is sorted out quite the whole, I suggest you collect, will be useful in the future!

Description of Mac keyboard symbols and modifier keys

  •  Command

  •  Shift

  •  Option

  •  Control

  • ↩ ︎ Return/Enter

  •  Delete

  • ⌦ Forward Delete key (Fn+Delete)

  • Write on the arrow

  • Under the left arrow

  • Please left arrow

  • – > right arrow

  • ⇞ Page Up (Fn+↑)

  • ⇟ Page Down (Fn+↓)

  • Home Fn + please

  • End of Fn + – >

  • ⇥ right Tab (Tab key)

  • ⇤ Left Tab (Shift+Tab)

  • ⎋ the Escape (Esc)

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I. Editing

  • ⌃Space Basic code completion (completion of any class, method, variable)

  • ⌃⇧Space Smart code completion (expected type of filter method list and variables)

  • ⌘⇧↩ Automatically terminates the code, adding a semicolon to the end of the line

  • ⌘P displays method parameter information

  • ⌃J, mid. button click For a quick view of the document

  • ⇧F1 view external documentation (when registering code, it will trigger the opening of the browser to display the related documentation)

  • ⌘+ Mouse over code to display code profile information

  • ⌘F1 displays specific description at error or warning

  • ⌘N, ⌃↩, ⌃N Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals,toString)

  • ⌃O override method (override parent method)

  • ⌃I implementation methods (methods in the implementation interface)

  • ⌘⌥T surround code (using if.. else, try.. Catch, for, synchronized, etc.)

  • ⌘/ comment/cancel comment and line comment

  • ⌘⌥/ comment/cancel comment and block comment

  • ⌥↑ Consecutively selects code blocks

  • ⌥↓ Reduces the currently selected code block

  • ⌃⇧Q displays context information

  • ↩ displays intended actions and quick fix codes

  • ⌘⌥L Format code

  • The import ⌃ ⌥ O optimization

  • ⌃⌥I auto indent line

  • ⇥ / ⇧⇥ indent code/reverse indent code

  • ⌘X cuts the current line or selected block to the clipboard

  • ⌘C copies the current row or selected block to the clipboard

  • ⌘V paste from the clipboard

  • ⌘⇧V paste from the nearest buffer

  • ⌘D copies the current row or selected block

  • ⌘⌫ to delete the current row or a row to the selected block

  • ⌃⇧J will intelligently concatenate the code into one line

  • ↩ intelligent split concatenation of rows

  • ↩ start a new line

  • ⌘⇧U capitalization toggle

  • Contributes.⇧] / contributes.⇧ [Select until the code block ends/starts

  • ⌥⌦ Delete to the end of the word (⌦ Fn+Delete)

  • ⌥⌫ delete to the beginning of the word

  • ⌘+ / ⌘- Open/collapse code block

  • ⌘⇧+ expand all code blocks

  • ⌘⇧- Collapses all code blocks

  • ⌘W closes the active editor TAB

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Search/Replace (Search/Replace)

  • Double ⇧ queries anything

  • ⌘ to search in the F file

  • ⌘G to search, searches down

  • ⌘⇧G in search mode, search up

  • ⌘R file to replace

  • ⌘⇧F Global lookup (by path)

  • ⌘⇧R Global substitution (by path)

  • ⌘ contribus query structure (Exclusive to Ultimate Edition, need to be set in Keymap)

  • ⌘⇧M replacement structure (Exclusive to Ultimate Edition, need to be set in Keymap)

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3, Usage Search

  • ⌥F7 / ⌘F7 searches for usage in files/searches for usage in classes

  • Contributes.f7 The usage to be highlighted in the file

  • ⌘⌥F7 to show usage

Compile and Run

  • ⌘ F9 to compile the Project

  • ⌘⇧F9 to compile the selected file, package, or module

  • ⌃⌥R The selectable Run menu is displayed

  • ⌃⌥D The Debug menu is displayed

  • ⌃ R running

  • ⌃ D debugging

  • ⌃⇧R, ⌃⇧D Run the context configuration from the editor

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V. Debugging

  • F8 goes to the next step and does not enter the current method body if the current line breakpoint is a method

  • F7 goes to the next step, into the body of the current method if the current line breakpoint is a method, and not into the inline method if the method body has methods

  • When registering F7, multiple method calls will be displayed on the breakpoint line

  • ⇧ F8 to jump out

  • ⌥F9 runs to the cursor and enters the breakpoint if there are other breakpoints in front of the cursor

  • ⌥F8 evaluates the expression (you can change the value to make it work)

  • ⌘⌥R To resume running and to the next breakpoint if the code below the breakpoint still has a breakpoint

  • ⌘F8 towest breakpoints (cancells breakpoints if they are available to the cursor current line, adds none)

  • ⌘⇧F8 Checks breakpoint information

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A) Navigation B) Navigation

  • ⌘O to search the class file

  • ⌘⇧O Searches all types of files, opens a file, and opens a directory. To open a directory requires a backslash (/) before or after the input

  • ⌘⌥O to the specified variable/method

  • ⌃← / ⌃→ Switch to the edit TAB page

  • F12 returns to the previous tool window

  • ⎋ Go to the code file window from the tools window

  • ⇧⎋ hide the current or last active window with the cursor to the code file window

  • ⌘ registering F4 Activate Run /messages/find/… tab

  • ⌘L To a specified line in the current file

  • ⌘E displays a list of recently opened file records

  • ⌘⌥ / ⌘⌥→ return/advance to the previous operation

  • ⌘⇧⌫ Jump to the last edit

  • ⌥F1 shows the current file and selects the target pop-up layer, which has many targets to choose from (for example, in the code edit window you can select the Finder to show the file)

  • ⌘B / ⌘ mouse click to the interface or definition of the method/variable to which the ⌘ is located

  • ⌘⌥B jumps to the implementation, using on the method name of a invoke will jump to the specific implementation, allowing the interface to be skipped

  • ⌘ ⌥ Space, YQuickly open the definition of the method and class where the cursor is located

  • ⌃ ⇧ BJump to type declaration

  • ⌘ UMethod/interface definition to the parent class of the method where the current cursor is located

  • ⌃ left / ⌃ writeThe current cursor jumps to the position before/after the method name of the current file

  • ⌘] / ⌘ [Move the cursor to the start/end of the curly braces of the current code

  • ⌘ F12.Popup the current file structure layer, which can be filtered by typing directly on the popup layer (can be used to search for methods in the class)

  • ⌃ HDisplays the hierarchy of the current class

  • ⌘⇧H displays the method hierarchy

  • ⌃⌥H Displays the call hierarchy

  • F2 / registering F2 jumps to the next/previous highlight error or warning

  • F4 / ⌘↓ Edit/view the code source

  • ⌥ Home Displays the navigation bar to the current file

  • F3 Select file/folder/line of code and add/unbookmark

  • ⌥F3 Select file/folder/line of code and add/remove bookmarks using mnemonics

  • ⌃ 0… ⌃9 Locate the bookmark

  • ⌘F3 displays all bookmarks

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  • F5 Copy files to a specified directory

  • F6 Moves a file to a specified directory

  • ⌘⌫ To delete a file to secure, a confirmation box is displayed

  • ⇧F6 rename the file

  • ⌘F6 changes the signature

  • ⌘ ⌥ N consistency

  • ⌘⌥M extracts the selected code as a method

  • ⌘⌥V extracts variables

  • ⌘⌥F Retrieves the field

  • ⌘⌥C to extract constants

  • ⌘⌥P Extraction parameters

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VCS/Local History VCS/Local History

  • ⌘ K.Commit code to version controller

  • ⌘ TUpdate code from version controller

  • ⌥ ⇧ CView recent change records

  • ⌃ CThe version controller operation panel is displayed

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Live Templates

  • ⌘⌥J pops up a template selection window to envelop the selected code with a dynamic template

  • ⌘J to insert custom dynamic code templates

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  • ⌘ 1… ⌘9 Open the corresponding numbered tool window

  • ⌘S saves all

  • ⌘⌥Y Sync, refresh

  • ⌃⌘F To switch to full-screen mode

  • Contributes.f12 toggle to the maximize editor

  • ⌥⇧F add to favorites

  • ⌥⇧I check the current file and the current configuration file

  • §⌃, ⌃ ‘Quickly switch current scheme (switch themes, code styles, etc.)

  • ⌘, open IDEA system Settings

  • ⌘; Open the Project Structure dialog box

  • Contributesto A search action (allow to set related options)

  • ⌃⇥ Switch between edit window TAB and tool window (if delete is added during the switching process, the corresponding selected window will be closed)

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11. Other (some shortcut keys not shown in official documents)

  • ⌘ ⇧ 8Vertical edit mode


  • ⌘O To search the class file Ctrl + N

  • ⌘⌥O to the specified variable/method Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N

  • ⌃← / ⌃→ Switch to the left or right editing TAB page Alt← / Alt→

  • ⎋ Go to the code file window ESC from the tools window

  • ⌘L Ctrl + G to the specified point where the current file jumps to a row

  • ⌘E Displays a list of recently opened file records Ctrl + E

  • ⌘⌥← / ⌘⌥→ Back/forward to the previous operation Ctrl + Alt + ← Ctrl + Alt + →

  • ⌘⇧⌫ Jump to the last edit

  • ⌃H Displays the hierarchy of the current class Ctrl + H

  • ⌘⇧H displays the method hierarchy

  • ⌃⌥H Displays the call hierarchy

  • F4 / ⌘↓ Edit/view the code source

  • ⌘⌥U displays the class UML diagram

  • ⌃J View comments

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The editor

  • ⌥⌦ Delete to the end of the word (⌦ Fn+Delete)

  • ⌥⌫ delete to the beginning of the word

  • ⌘+ / ⌘- Open/collapse code block

  • ⌘F1 displays specific description at error or warning

  • ⌘⌥L Format code

  • The import ⌃ ⌥ O optimization

  • ↩ start a new line

  • ⌘⇧↩ Automatically terminates the code, adding a semicolon to the end of the line

  • ⌃I implementation methods (methods in the implementation interface)

  • ⇧F6 Rename a file or variable

  • ⌘N, ⌃↩, ⌃N Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals,toString)

  • ⌘P displays method parameter information

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To find the

  • Double Registering anything

  • ⌘⇧F Global lookup (by path)

  • ⌘ to search in the F file

  • ⌘G to search, searches down

  • ⌘⇧G in search mode, search up

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  • ⌘⌥B To jump to an implementation of the interface

  • ⌘U Checks the interface definition

  • ⌘⌥ / ⌘⌥→ return/advance to the previous operation

  • ⌘B / ⌘ mouse click to the interface or definition of the method/variable to which the ⌘ is located

  • ⌃⇧B Jump to the type declaration

  • ⌥ Space, ⌘Y To quickly open the definition of methods and classes where the cursor is

  • ⌘O to search the class file

  • ⌘⇧O Searches all types of files, opens a file, and opens a directory. To open a directory requires a backslash (/) before or after the input

  • F12 returns to the previous tool window

  • ⎋ Go to the code file window from the tools window

  • ⇧⎋ hide the current or last active window with the cursor to the code file window

  • F3 Select file/folder/line of code and add/unbookmark

  • ⌥F3 Select file/folder/line of code and add/remove bookmarks using mnemonics

  • ⌃ 0… ⌃9 Locate the bookmark

  • ⌘F3 displays all bookmarks

  • ⌥F1 shows the current file and selects the target pop-up layer, which has many targets to choose from (for example, in the code edit window you can select the Finder to show the file)

  • ⌘F12 ejects the current file structure layer and can enter directly to the eject layer for filtering (can be used to search methods in classes)


  • ⌃⌘F To switch to full-screen mode

Read more on my blog:

1.Java JVM, Collections, Multithreading, new features series tutorials

2.Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud series tutorials

3.Maven, Git, Eclipse, Intellij IDEA series tools tutorial

4.Java, backend, architecture, Alibaba and other big factory latest interview questions

Life is good. See you tomorrow