In business systems, we often need to play video, which requires upgrading and maintenance of related video components. Also, how do I play HLS? How to play RTMP? How to play HTTP-FLV? How do I play WS-FLV? And so on.

The LiveQing streaming media service provides player integration features

What is player integration

In some scenarios, as long as there is a stream source address, we do not need to develop a play page, just through a simple integration to play in the web page. Play in the receiving browser.

Player integration acquisition

You can download the installation package for local deployment, because the LiveQing streaming media service solution supports services on Intranet, local or private cloud servers. This means that you can use your own proprietary player integration. You can also use our demo website at

Integrated use of player

Input a video source address in the address bar, whether it is live | on-demand support playback, click the play or address, you can get two addresses, one is the direct page address, another is the iframe integration page. Nested to their own website or page, quickly get the ability to play video, there is no easier and faster?

Player integration rules

Player usage rules: [play source address] [play its source address] if you have special characters can use encodeURIComponent (playing the source address) coding optional parameters: VideoTitle can be encoded with encodeURI(encodeURI(name)) if you have ChineseCopy the code

Detailed parameter description

Can pass parameters Parameters that
videoUrl Broadcast source address: encodeURIComponent(broadcast source address) can be used for encoding special characters
videoTitle Video title: encodeURI(encodeURI(name)) if Chinese is available
poster Video placeholder picture address
muted Mute Or not Default no Transmits yes or no
autoplay Auto play The default value is Yes. Yes or no is delivered
aspect The display ratio defaults to 100% deliverable such as 16×9
