This article is written on the evening of December 25, 2020, which is Christmas day ๐ŸŽ„ and the night before the annual national Postgraduate admission examination ๐Ÿ“–. That day the weather is still sunny, no snow โ„๏ธ.


Compared to 2019, 2020 is pretty fast in my mind. 2019 is the year of my graduation. After graduation, I did not look for a job. My heart was burning with the idea of becoming a scientist, so I found a place to review for the postgraduate entrance examination. Maybe it was bad luck, or underestimated the intensity of the postgraduate entrance examination competition, or itself is not that piece of material, I did not pass the exam result when I finished the last subject I already know. Although want to take an examination of a year very much, but because itself is in the others world War II time point to take an examination of a postgraduate study, if the choice is completely off-duty to take an examination of a year, it means I need to go to world War II in the others three time point, the pressure is still a little big ๐Ÿฅฒ.

So in the first half of 2020, I plan to find a job to do, find some feeling, and then decide whether to continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination. I can see my indecisive character exposed at this moment ๐Ÿ˜‡. But after the Chinese New Year, the epidemic began, interrupting my job search a bit. Because I know how much I have, and because I am not a fresh graduate is not easy to find, so I plan to study for a period of time, and then to attack a good post. But in the home is really too comfortable ๐Ÿ›๏ธ, know all understand, a dawdle I dawdle to June, during also land and land on and off the face of a few small companies (it is worth mentioning that these companies to my technical level seems to have no too much opinion, I want not much? But no one is offering… ๐Ÿค”).

This period of time at home to eat much + do not exercise also fat more than 10 catties ๐Ÿท, has become a happy fat house. At the same time, the mind is full of “since it is June, it is better to directly prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination” ๐Ÿ’ก, I actually do not want to go to work at all. One day when I put one’s deceased father grind you buy all the books, ready to uninstall the recruitment software ๐Ÿšฝ squatting in the toilet, suddenly came a recruitment message, the company’s HR sent me similar “have faith in your abilities may wish to try to” this words make me feel the company is very unreliable, but thinking of the fate to try, I’m going to uninstall the recruitment software as soon as I’m done with this place.

But the world is so fickle ๐Ÿคทโ™‚๏ธ, soon after the company gave me the offer. At that time, I was in a contradictory mood. One was that I did not want to work, and the other was that I was afraid that people would not want me and the salary was relatively low. But later I think carefully, in fact I am 0 years of experience (do not calculate the practice of words) seniority, can get close to 1-3 years of development of wages, but also to learn something, speak uncertain loss is the boss ๐Ÿคฏ? In this mindset, I started my first full-time job in June.

This route B is wild

This b, so wild

—— Bighead Fish ยท Moonlit Maple YYF

But in fact, after working, I found that my previous feeling about working may be biased (996๐Ÿ‘Š in my previous internship). Now the company is small, 965, and I have a comfortable life except for the long commute to work (which really feels like a waste of time). I have learned some new things at work and gained a new perspective on technology. Before I started working, I was resistant to learning new skills. For example, I don’t like OC, because I am a Swift beginner. Personally, I feel the square brackets of OC make me crazy ๐Ÿฅด. I can understand it but I am not skilled in it, and I am not willing to learn it. Will hit the bottom of my heart will not resist their own things ๐Ÿ™ˆ, even in Leetcode brush algorithm is to write with Swift.

It is a shame that I, who majored in CS, ๐Ÿงฎ, could only write Swift when I graduated. After work, maybe it’s because the pace has slowed down so much? I began to get in touch with different requirements and environments. I learned that the construction of software is more than writing software. I realized that technology is only a workman of capital to some extent ๐Ÿ‘ท. At the same time, I began to think more about what programming is for me, why programming can bring me happiness ๐ŸŽˆ, and where this happiness comes from. After a change in mentality, my attitude toward programming was not just a feeling of completing tasks. I began to actively and happily explore SwiftUI and Ruby, and began to learn to write algorithm problems in C++. For oneself have not contacted the thing, no matter be technical class, not technical class, more a curiosity and patience ๐Ÿ‘ถ. Come to think of it, maybe this is a better understanding of “life” performance?

In the second half of 2020, I made simple plans and goals for myself. Now approaching New Year’s day, turned over a look, found that the completion of the better only a ๐Ÿ˜…, that is, “write a few Blog”, the nuggets of the Blog is also work when encountered some questions or encountered some exciting problems, and then try to solve a record. The original purpose of a technology Blog is to be able to take a close look at other people’s technology sharing. Because I belong to the kind of “guomuchengsong” kind of person ๐Ÿ“š (pure derogatory), as the saying goes: reading to Guomuchengsong can, the most is useless. Reading fast means that the time for thinking is greatly compressed, and many details will be ignored. Therefore, in order to truly understand what you see, I think I can develop the habit of writing a Blog. After all, if I explain it once, it will be much deeper than just reading it once. At the same time, I also hope that I can develop the habit of recording, can learn things through repeated, thinking, elaboration to integrate and sublimate.

Better burn out than die

Better to burn out than fade away

—— Show wizard Lina


On the eve of 2021, I have many expectations and pressures for the coming year ๐Ÿ, which have never been felt in the past 23 years. Some of the expectations and pressures come from technology, some from life, and more from the groping and confusion of the road ahead after entering the society. I used to be a free and loose person, and I often felt anxious that I could not match the growth rate of others, and I was reluctant to make efforts. 2020 is the year I push myself, and I hope I can better grasp the degree in 2021 and promote my own development with appropriate pressure and goals.

In terms of technology, I hope I can understand and summarize some basic technologies of iOS this year and write a Blog. It’s not that I haven’t seen these before, but I feel vaguely understood after watching them. Therefore, IN 2021, I hope to have a thorough understanding of these basic technologies while watching outstanding open source three parties. In addition, I am interested in many new toys ๐Ÿช€, including but not limited to: CI/CD, script, Combine, DSL. I also hope to learn more about these technologies, rather than just stay at the level of Hello World๐ŸŒ. Here are some things of interest:

Basic Repo Other
Rendering Texture Algorithm
Runloop Kingfisher Ruby
Runtime SnapKit SwiftUI
GCD Alamofire Go

Regarding the development of technology ๐Ÿ”ง, OC, I still do not particularly want to touch some things, it is a step by step, learn what to use. In terms of learning Swift, as Swift and its community ecosystem continue to grow stronger and better, I increasingly feel that Swift, or the iOS platform, cannot support my passion for programming. At the beginning of learning programming, MY idea was to make an interesting app for everyone to use, and then to make a user-friendly UI library for developers to use, and then to achieve a clear way of data flow for everyone to see, predictable, maybe my idea will be more naive and complicated later. At the same time, the realization of these ideas requires not only time and energy, but also a lot of basic knowledge to support, and hopefully I can learn these things before my passion for programming ๐Ÿ”ฅ dies down ๐Ÿ˜. I also came up with the idea of reading all the books on, because I felt some of them would be outdated if I didn’t.

I could eat a giant squid!

I could eat a Colossal squid!

—— Tidal Hunter Leviathan

In terms of leisure, I think I only played Hearthstone and King this year. Hearthstone feels tavern and duel are luck games, but I don’t want to play ladder, so I like playing myself. The word of the king of the first half of the year hit more, feel the level has reached the bottleneck ๐Ÿพ, when dozens of stars feel hit win won’t lose, hit don’t win really can’t win (also may be good brothers too strong ๐Ÿ’ช), and summer iPhone hit the king of good card ah, after the half of the year feel bored didn’t how to hit. Remember one day the interest came and the brothers played a LOL, the first time I play LOL like I play Dota for the first time, full of question marks, but the long-lost operation does make me feel the month has profit and loss, youth has passed ๐Ÿ˜ฟ. And that one is five rows, the opposite is very strong, let me experience the game very bad. In fact, I bought two PCS (AMD + Intel) this year with the intention of playing games. I bought a lot of games but didn’t play any of them. I hope I can spare some time to play games next year, otherwise the two monitors and two computers will become hearthstone boosters.

In terms of life, living in rent for a year later, more and more ๐Ÿ  want to buy a set of our own house, but economic conditions constraint, want to use accumulation fund and have a period of time, the existing salary is not high, home, another is in graduate school haven’t even started to pay accumulation fund, feel to buy a house in sight, her family home in saucepans bite teeth, A few more loans may be able to buy a house closer to home, in which case too many things will change, I don’t seem ready yet, but it feels like 2021 is the time to make a decision ๐Ÿฅถ. In terms of financial management, due to luck, there was not a single negative return project in fund management, such as ๐Ÿ’ฐ, and the profit was not much, so I earned my coffee money back โ˜•๏ธ.

I often wonder what I would have done if I had traveled back in time to my high school or early middle school years ๐Ÿ• to make myself filthy rich, or become better at arts, or transferred to art and music ๐ŸŽผ, or called the mayor before the outbreak, or got into graduate school, or transferred to philosophy again, or dropped out to pursue a career, or Ti20, etc. Although these dreams are beautiful, it is undeniable that all these fantasies are based on my expectation and desire for the positive side of future life based on my current life experience, and I acquiescing myself to struggle and complain in the negative side. In fact, no matter how good or bad my situation is now, I can dream up a better time-travel scenario for tonight ๐Ÿงฑ, which means the comparison is just a battle between myself and myself, meaningless except to make myself more greedy. The reality is very cruel, but the experience of the past is not the reason for us to do nothing about the future, the specific road in the future can not be expected, can only know that the road is not easy to go, we need to prepare and face a lot of.

The year-end summary is not a break point between years, but in our uninterrupted life, a moment to press the shutter ๐Ÿ“ท. After enjoying the scenery in the photos, we still need to keep our feet on the ground, look up at the stars and continue to move forward.

It is better to start at once than to lament the difficulty of the road

Better to run than curse the road

—— Skull Shooter Clinkz

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…