Have you ever touched instanceof, isInstance, isAssignableFrom, or some of them?


a instanceof B

A is an instance of B, and B is a class or interface, parent class or parent interface.


Dynamic equivalence is used to check generic types, such as keys and values in a CheckedMap.


The type relationship between two classes determines whether B is A subclass or subinterface of A


Take a look at the following examples to see what each of them is used for and what they mean.

User: User base class

PrivateUser: a PrivateUser subclass that inherits the User class

PrivateUser priUser = new PrivateUser(); System.out.println(priUser instanceof User); // true System.out.println(User.class.isInstance(priUser)); // true System.out.println(User.class.isAssignableFrom(PrivateUser.class)); // true System.out.println(PrivateUser.class.isAssignableFrom(User.class)); // falseCopy the code

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