1.1 they are introduced
ZooKeeper is a distributed, open source distributed application coordination service. It is an open source implementation of Google’s Chubby and an important component of Hadoop and Hbase. It provides consistency services for distributed applications, including configuration and maintenance, domain name service, distributed synchronization, and group service. ZooKeeper aims to encapsulate key services that are complex and error-prone, and provide users with easy-to-use interfaces, efficient performance, and stable functions. ZooKeeper contains a simple set of primitives that provide Java and C interfaces. The ZooKeeper code version, which provides an interface for distributed exclusive locks, elections, and queues, is in Zookeeper-3.4.3 SRC \recipes. Distribution locks and queues have Java and C versions, and elections have only Java versions.
Summary :Zookeeper is responsible for service coordination and scheduling. When the client initiates a request, the correct server address is returned.
1.2 they download
Address: zookeeper.apache.org/releases.ht…
As shown in the figure:To download it, click Download
2. They are installed
2.1 to install the JDK
Upload the JDK1.8 file to the /src/usr/local/java/ file in Linux
As shown in the figure:1. Decompress files
tar -xvf jdk-8u51-linux-x64.tar.gz
Copy the code
2. Configure environment variables
Edit the environment variable configuration file
vim /etc/profile
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:Enable the JDK to take effect, and then check whether the JDK was installed successfully
source /etc/profile
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:
2.2 Uploading the Installation File
Note: Upload the ZooKeeper installation file and decompress it.
As shown in the figure:
Unzip directory:
tar -xvf apache-zookeeper-3.6. 0-bin.tar.gz
Copy the code
Delete compressed packages:
rm -f apache-zookeeper-3.6. 0-bin.tar.gz
Copy the code
Modify file name:
mv apache-zookeeper-3.6. 0-bin zookeeper
Copy the code
2.3 Modifying the Configuration File (Single-Boot Device)
Skip this step and install the Zookeeper cluster
Create the data/log folder in the root directory of ZooKeeper
mkdir data log
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:
Jump into the conf directory to modify the configuration file
Copy the configuration file and change the name
cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:
2.4 start the zk
To switch to the bin directory, run the following command to start or stop zk:
Sh start or./zkServer.sh start sh zkserver. sh stop sh zkServer.sh statusCopy the code
As shown in the figure:
3. Install the Zookeeper cluster
3.1 Preparing a Folder
Create a new folder zkCluster in the root directory of ZooKeeper
As shown in the figure:
As shown in the figure:
Create a data/log folder in each folder
mkdir {zk1,zk2,zk3}/{data,log}
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:
3.2 Adding the myID file
Create a new file myID in the data folder of zk1/zk2/zk3 with the contents 1/2/3 corresponding to the ZK node number.
vim zk1/data/myid
vim zk2/data/myid
vim zk3/data/myid
Copy the code
As shown in the figure:
Open a new window:
Look at the myID file, the number defined. As shown in the figure:
3.3 Editing a Configuration File
CFG is copied to zoo_sample. CFG and modified.
As shown in the figure:
3.4 modify zoo1. CFG
As shown in the figure:After the configuration is completezoo1.cfgMake two copies, and then modify the corresponding folder directory and different ports.
3.5 ZK Cluster Test
Start the ZK cluster by running the following command.
Sh zkserver. sh start zoo1. CFG # Start zoo1. CFG # Stop zoo1. CFG # Stop zoo1. CFG # Stop zoo1. CFG # Check zkserver. sh status zoo1. CFG # Check zoo1. CFGCopy the code
As shown in the figure:
Check the master/slave relationship and slave information.
As shown in the figure:
Check the master/slave relationship and the host information.
As shown in the figure:
Configuration successful:
3.6 About the ZooKeeper Cluster
In a Zookeeper cluster, the leader monitors the cluster status, while followers obtain service list information from clients and vote.