The first step is to download Anaconda, a freemium open source distribution of the Python language for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Anaconda uses the software package management system Conda for package management. In… Download Anaconda from the website.

After the download is complete, run the following command to install the software: >bash anacond2-4.2.0-linux-x86_64. sh >sudo reboot

Step 2: Set up the running environment of TensorFlow and activate it.

Conda create -n tensorflow python=2.7 source activate tensorflow

Step 3: Execute the following code to install TensorFlow

conda install tensorflow

Some materials will recommend PIP to follow, but you need to solve all kinds of dependency problems including GPU-related support by yourself. Conda will automatically download the dependency packages according to conda, so it is strongly recommended to use Conda to install.

Step 4: Execute the code to test whether TensorFlow is installed successfully and run a HelloTensorFlow.

Import tensorflow as tf hello=tf.contant(‘Hellow world! ‘) session = tf.Sessioin() print(

If output Hellow World! The installation is successful.

Step 5: Install pyCharm as your IDE tool, which is your custom code editing and project management tool.

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