Copyright notice: This article is originally published by the blogger. It follows the COPYRIGHT agreement CC 4.0 BY-SA. Please attach the link of the original source and this statement. This paper links:…

Let’s start with the environment.

1. Vm: VMware Workstation10

2. Centos: 6.5

This is what a virtual machine looks like after it is installed

Then use a remote tool to connect, I used XShell

The host will fill in the Linux IP address and click Connect. It will ask you to enter your account and password. Note: Log in as root.

After login in input panel installation pagoda command: yum install wget – y && wget – O the sh download. Bt. Cn/install/ins… && sh

Then the system will install itself

This is what it looks like after installation. Note that username and password should be saved for login. The password of this account can be changed in the panel, the port of the panel is 8888. IP is the IP of your Linux system.

Before accessing the pagoda panel address, make sure that Windows firewall allows port 8888. Add a station rule to the guard wall Settings without allowing port 8888.

Then we enter http://IP address :8888/ for access

This is the interface of the Pagoda panel, which is very simple and clean, and has all the software needed for daily operation and maintenance in software management.

Ok, installation operation is so simple, let’s try it!

———————————————— Copyright notice: This article is an original article by CSDN blogger “Sad color of Flower Falls today”. It follows CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the link of original source and this statement. The original link:…